Wednesday, September 28, 2022

You Have Weaknesses, I Have Weaknesses

Nobody is perfect. Everyone has strengths. Everyone has weaknesses. Many people show their perfection. Many people don't show their weaknesses. I guarantee there are weaknesses in these perfection people. I guarantee all bets all people have weaknesses.

What are my weaknesses? I can't tread water. There is a percentage of the global population who can't tread water because of the body's buoyance. I have poor short-term memory. I must write new ideas, reminders, names, directions, to-do lists, new information, and new skills on paper. I must practice by drilling to learn new skills. I used to be a slow reader. My reading comprehension improved. My speed reading improved. I don't know how. I adjust my weaknesses. I need assistance.

We all have inherited weaknesses.

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