Monday, September 19, 2022

Moody Men

Women are known to have mood swings. Women are happy, sad, depress, calm, nice, dreadful, funny, crazy, angry, shameful, sympathetic, and tired. Women are leave me alone, stay with me, party pooper, relatable, lonely, friendly, no touching, yes touching, horny, blame anything and anyone, and full of excuses. Don't blame the women. Blame the female hormones. Blame the mensuration cycle.

Men must admit. Men have mood swings, too. Men are happy, sad, depress, calm, nice, dreadful, funny, crazy, angry, shameful, sympathetic, and tired. Men are leave me alone, stay with me, party pooper, relatable, lonely, friendly, no touching, yes touching, horny, blame anything and anyone, and full of excuses. Don't blame the man. Blame the male hormone. My testosterone levels are high on most days or low on few days. There are days I have no interest in watching sports, reading books, sex, cooking, and working out. The days are like a time out. Nothing interests me. It's normal as long as the time out is rare. It's normal as long as the time out don't disrupt consistently and don't disrupt relationships.

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