Monday, March 13, 2023

Innovating Common Knowledge Blog Posts Labels Count

Addendum Thur Mar 16, 2023: I added the Date First Appeared column when the label first appeared on a blog. The latest labels were added in 2021 Commenting Today on Mar 23 and Jerk on Nov 28.

Here are two tables of all the blogs with labels. The blogs are dated from Dec 26, 2006 to Mar 12, 2023. 1,484 blogs. 15,102 labels. I excluded blogs with labels before Dec 26, 2006 because I added the labels when I posted Throwback Blogs. The rank number is the same for labels with the same count number.

The labels with counts above 100 and labels with counts between 50 and 99. I play the Apples To Applies card game card for the labels ranked from 1 to 13: To self-improve, mistakes must be made in life to gain wisdom; We learn by making honest changes; Do the little things because they sometimes create good ideas; Feeling frustrated? Keep moving forward and stay active; A happy life is the end result. I'm surprised the high number 150 for the Update Past Blog label. My first update on a past blog was SOMT: A Few Malls Still Exists Today on Mar 24, 2018. The update was I wanted to add Fast Times At Ridgemont High to the Top Ten Movies I Watched Late on Mar 1, 2014.

Rank Label Count Percentage Of Blogs Date First Appeared
1 Self Improvement 311 20.96 Mar 5, 2007
2 Mistakes 307 20.69 May 5, 2007
3 Life 291 19.61 Dec 31, 2006
4 Wisdom 265 17.86 Dec 31, 2006
5 Learning 261 17.59 Feb 8, 2009
6 Change 258 17.39 Dec 7, 2008
7 Honesty 240 16.17 Sep 30, 2008
8 Little Things 228 15.36 Jan 6, 2007
9 Good Idea 223 15.03 Dec 31, 2006
10 Frustration 197 13.27 May 5, 2007
11 Moving Forward 196 13.21 Mar 14, 2007
12 Active 194 13.07 Apr 15, 2007
13 Happy 192 12.94 Jun 24, 2007
14 Workplace 191 12.87 Feb 19, 2007
15 Influence People 183 12.33 Apr 2, 2007
16 Family 181 12.20 Jan 28, 2007
17 Taking Action 172 11.59 Dec 31, 2009
17 Working Hard 172 11.59 Dec 31, 2006
18 Living The Present 171 11.52 Feb 13, 2007
19 First For Everything 164 11.05 Feb 9, 2009
20 Human 160 10.78 Jun 4, 2009
21 Growing Up 156 10.51 Sep 30, 2008
22 Depressed 154 10.38 Jan 16, 2007
23 Update Past Blog 150 10.11 Mar 24, 2018
24 Technology 139 9.37 Feb 12, 2009
25 Meet People 136 9.16 Feb 17, 2007
26 Retail 131 8.83 Dec 2, 2011
26 School 131 8.83 Jul 30, 2009
26 Strength 131 8.83 May 12, 2013
26 Sports 131 8.83 Dec 31, 2006
27 People 130 8.76 Jan 5, 2007
27 Food 130 8.76 Mar 9, 2007
28 Money 129 8.69 Aug 9, 2007
29 Earn 127 8.56 Dec 31, 2006
29 When I Was A Child 127 8.56 Jul 30, 2009
30 Health 125 8.42 Oct 9, 2015
31 Patience 122 8.22 Jun 1, 2007
32 Failure 120 8.09 Feb 8, 2009
33 Hope 119 8.02 Sep 30, 2008
33 Pictures 119 8.02 Aug 3, 2011
34 Economy 118 7.95 Jul 29, 2007
35 Relax 117 7.88 Jun 1, 2007
36 Courage 115 7.75 Mar 14, 2007
37 Memories 111 7.48 Jan 19, 2012
38 Shopping 110 7.41 Aug 25, 2009
39 Information Age 109 7.35 Jan 10, 2007
39 Friends 109 7.35 Jan 5, 2007
40 Parents 108 7.28 Apr 2, 2007
41 Job Searching 107 7.21 Sep 17, 2012
41 Encouragement 107 7.21 Jun 4, 2009
42 Cars 103 6.94 Sep 3, 2007
42 Productive 103 6.94 Jan 18, 2011
42 Innovate Infinitely 103 6.94 Dec 31, 2006
43 Lucky 102 6.87 Sep 15, 2015
44 Tired 101 6.81 Mar 24, 2008
45 Cherish 100 6.74 Mar 14, 2007
45 Work 100 6.74 Jan 10, 2007
45 Consumer 100 6.74 May 14, 2007
Rank Label Count Percentage Of Blogs Date First Appeared
46 Intelligence 98 6.60 Dec 31, 2006
47 Philosophy 94 6.33 Dec 2, 2012
48 Leisure 91 6.13 Jan 25, 2016
49 Organized Living 89 6.00 Feb 13, 2007
49 Physical Fitness 89 6.00 Jan 27, 2014
50 Top Ten 88 5.93 Oct 9, 2012
51 Meet New Friends 87 5.86 Feb 17, 2007
52 Professional 86 5.80 Dec 31, 2006
53 Responsibility 85 5.73 Nov 7, 2007
54 Sleep 84 5.66 Jul 7, 2007
55 Slow Down 83 5.59 Jun 1, 2007
56 Desire 82 5.53 Dec 31, 2006
56 Opinion 82 5.53 Jan 18, 2011
56 Take It Easy 82 5.53 Dec 23, 2009
57 Deception 81 5.46 Jul 10, 2008
58 Unexpected 80 5.39 Jul 2, 2015
59 Cynical 79 5.32 Jun 23, 2016
60 Good Guy 78 5.26 Jun 4, 2009
61 Optimistic 76 5.12 Apr 27, 2013
61 Boredom 76 5.12 Apr 15, 2007
62 Emotions 72 4.85 Dec 7, 2008
62 House 72 4.85 Jul 12, 2007
62 Games 72 4.85 Jul 19, 2008
62 Sad 72 4.85 Mar 30, 2013
63 Dream 71 4.78 Dec 31, 2006
64 Hopeless 70 4.72 Jan 16, 2007
64 Championship 70 4.72 Dec 31, 2006
65 Remember 69 4.65 Jun 8, 2010
65 Vacation 69 4.65 Dec 26, 2006
66 Lonely 68 4.58 Sep 16, 2009
67 Management 66 4.45 Apr 2, 2007
67 Accomplish 66 4.45 Feb 17, 2008
68 Anime 65 4.38 Feb 25, 2007
69 Government 64 4.31 Feb 5, 2020
70 COVID-19 63 4.25 Apr 16, 2020
70 Deep Breath 63 4.25 Mar 26, 2007
71 Laughing 62 4.18 Mar 5, 2007
72 Gratitude 60 4.04 Dec 28, 2009
73 Self Image 59 3.98 Mar 5, 2007
73 Alone 59 3.98 Feb 16, 2007
74 Appreciation 58 3.91 Aug 9, 2007
75 Goals 57 3.84 Aug 17, 2008
75 Celebrating 57 3.84 Jan 28, 2007
76 Perception 56 3.77 Jul 10, 2008
76 Preparing The Future 56 3.77 Dec 31, 2006
77 Beautiful 55 3.71 Dec 23, 2009
78 Commute 50 3.37 Sep 6, 2007
78 Books 50 3.37 Jul 30, 2009

All labels sorted alphabetically. I separate the table into numbers to L and M to Z.

Rank Label Count Percentage Of Blogs Date First Appeared
114 40 For 40 6 0.40 Jan 3, 2015
116 9/11 3 0.20 Sep 11, 2011
67 Accomplish 66 4.45 Feb 17, 2008
85 Accutane 39 2.63 Feb 7, 2009
12 Active 194 13.07 Apr 15, 2007
102 Age Positive 30s 19 1.28 Apr 28, 2007
103 Age Positive 40s 18 1.21 Jun 28, 2014
73 Alone 59 3.98 Feb 16, 2007
68 Anime 65 4.38 Feb 25, 2007
104 Anti-social 17 1.15 Sep 30, 2008
74 Appreciation 58 3.91 Aug 9, 2007
80 Back Story 47 3.17 Dec 7, 2008
77 Beautiful 55 3.71 Dec 23, 2009
111 Believe 9 0.61 Jan 14, 2017
115 Bellagio 5 0.34 Dec 27, 2006
112 Birth Control 8 0.54 Oct 8, 2007
95 Black Friday 27 1.82 Dec 2, 2011
78 Books 50 3.37 Jul 30, 2009
61 Boredom 76 5.12 Apr 15, 2007
115 Braces 5 0.34 Jan 6, 2007
115 Breaking Bad 5 0.34 Nov 25, 2014
42 Cars 103 6.94 Sep 3, 2007
75 Celebrating 57 3.84 Jan 28, 2007
64 Championship 70 4.72 Dec 31, 2006
6 Change 258 17.39 Dec 7, 2008
45 Cherish 100 6.74 Mar 14, 2007
85 Cisco 39 2.63 Mar 18, 2007
91 Clothes 31 2.09 Apr 9, 2009
89 Commenting Today 34 2.29 Mar 23, 2021
111 Comments 9 0.61 Feb 26, 2014
78 Commute 50 3.37 Sep 6, 2007
45 Consumer 100 6.74 May 14, 2007
94 Cooking 28 1.89 Apr 15, 2007
111 Cosplay 9 0.61 Feb 25, 2007
36 Courage 115 7.75 Mar 14, 2007
70 COVID-19 63 4.25 Apr 16, 2020
107 Crystal Reports 13 0.88 Jan 6, 2007
59 Cynical 79 5.32 Jun 23, 2016
106 De Anza Fall 2009 15 1.01 Sep 25, 2009
104 De Anza Fall 2010 17 1.15 Sep 26, 2010
106 De Anza Spring 2009 15 1.01 Apr 10, 2009
103 De Anza Spring 2010 18 1.21 Apr 9, 2010
105 De Anza Spring 2011 16 1.08 Apr 7, 2011
101 De Anza Winter 2010 20 1.35 Jan 7, 2010
106 De Anza Winter 2011 15 1.01 Jan 9, 2011
90 Death 32 2.16 Jan 8, 2014
57 Deception 81 5.46 Jul 10, 2008
70 Deep Breath 63 4.25 Mar 26, 2007
22 Depressed 154 10.38 Jan 16, 2007
56 Desire 82 5.53 Dec 31, 2006
86 Distract 38 2.56 Sep 30, 2008
63 Dream 71 4.78 Dec 31, 2006
87 Drink 37 2.49 Mar 17, 2009
29 Earn 127 8.56 Dec 31, 2006
34 Economy 118 7.95 Jul 29, 2007
62 Emotions 72 4.85 Dec 7, 2008
41 Encouragement 107 7.21 Jun 4, 2009
94 Enthusiasm 28 1.89 Mar 5, 2007
107 Environment 13 0.88 May 29, 2018
88 Exams Tests 36 2.43 Jan 17, 2008
114 Eye Infection 6 0.40 Aug 15, 2014
103 Face 18 1.21 Dec 3, 2009
32 Failure 120 8.09 Feb 8, 2009
84 Faith 42 2.83 Oct 9, 2013
16 Family 181 12.20 Jan 28, 2007
83 Fear 43 2.90 Jul 10, 2008
103 Feedback 18 1.21 Feb 26, 2014
102 Fired Employees 19 1.28 Feb 19, 2007
19 First For Everything 164 11.05 Feb 9, 2009
27 Food 130 8.76 Mar 9, 2007
83 Forgive 43 2.90 Sep 30, 2008
102 Freedom 19 1.28 Aug 20, 2017
39 Friends 109 7.35 Jan 5, 2007
10 Frustration 197 13.27 May 5, 2007
62 Games 72 4.85 Jul 19, 2008
106 Gaming PC 15 1.01 Feb 12, 2009
100 Gas 21 1.42 Feb 16, 2009
101 Gatherings 20 1.35 Feb 17, 2007
115 Gender 5 0.34 Jul 10, 2008
75 Goals 57 3.84 Aug 17, 2008
97 Golden State Warriors 24 1.62 Jun 22, 2015
60 Good Guy 78 5.26 Jun 4, 2009
9 Good Idea 223 15.03 Dec 31, 2006
100 Good Listener 21 1.42 Apr 2, 2007
69 Government 64 4.31 Feb 5, 2020
101 Grandfather 20 1.35 Jan 28, 2007
102 Grandmother 19 1.28 Jan 28, 2007
72 Gratitude 60 4.04 Dec 28, 2009
113 Green Steno Notebook 7 0.47 Jul 29, 2017
21 Growing Up 156 10.51 Sep 30, 2008
13 Happy 192 12.94 Jun 24, 2007
106 Harry Potter 15 1.01 Apr 29, 2020
30 Health 125 8.42 Oct 9, 2015
96 Hidden Beast 26 1.75 Mar 26, 2007
7 Honesty 240 16.17 Sep 30, 2008
33 Hope 119 8.02 Sep 30, 2008
64 Hopeless 70 4.72 Jan 16, 2007
62 House 72 4.85 Jul 12, 2007
20 Human 160 10.78 Jun 4, 2009
79 Incompetent Workers 48 3.23 Feb 19, 2007
107 Independence 13 0.88 Mar 22, 2017
15 Influence People 183 12.33 Apr 2, 2007
39 Information Age 109 7.35 Jan 10, 2007
103 Initiate 18 1.21 Feb 17, 2007
87 Innovate 37 2.49 Mar 5, 2007
42 Innovate Infinitely 103 6.94 Dec 31, 2006
84 Instant Bullets 42 2.83 Mar 9, 2014
46 Intelligence 98 6.60 Dec 31, 2006
81 Intuition 46 3.10 Oct 18, 2008
99 Japanese Mahjong Riichi 22 1.48 Nov 12, 2012
111 Jerk 9 0.61 Nov 28, 2021
41 Job Searching 107 7.21 Sep 17, 2012
95 Joke 27 1.82 Jun 19, 2013
113 Las Vegas 7 0.47 Dec 26, 2006
71 Laughing 62 4.18 Mar 5, 2007
95 Lazy 27 1.82 Jun 10, 2008
5 Learning 261 17.59 Feb 8, 2009
48 Leisure 91 6.13 Jan 25, 2016
3 Life 291 19.61 Dec 31, 2006
8 Little Things 228 15.36 Jan 6, 2007
18 Living The Present 171 11.52 Feb 13, 2007
66 Lonely 68 4.58 Sep 16, 2009
43 Lucky 102 6.87 Sep 15, 2015
Rank Label Count Percentage Of Blogs Date First Appeared
85 Major League Baseball 39 2.63 Dec 31, 2006
67 Management 66 4.45 Apr 2, 2007
51 Meet New Friends 87 5.86 Feb 17, 2007
25 Meet People 136 9.16 Feb 17, 2007
37 Memories 111 7.48 Jan 19, 2012
100 Mentor 21 1.42 May 5, 2007
105 Miracle 16 1.08 Mar 21, 2016
2 Mistakes 307 20.69 May 5, 2007
28 Money 129 8.69 Aug 9, 2007
110 Most Interesting Man In The World 10 0.67 Sep 8, 2012
87 Movies 37 2.49 Jun 10, 2018
11 Moving Forward 196 13.21 Mar 14, 2007
84 Music 42 2.83 Sep 3, 2007
101 New Job 20 1.35 Mar 18, 2007
114 Nor Cal 6 0.40 Sep 6, 2008
86 Obstacle 38 2.56 Sep 13, 2014
95 Old 27 1.82 Aug 5, 2017
56 Opinion 82 5.53 Jan 18, 2011
61 Optimistic 76 5.12 Apr 27, 2013
49 Organized Living 89 6.00 Feb 13, 2007
40 Parents 108 7.28 Apr 2, 2007
31 Patience 122 8.22 Jun 1, 2007
27 People 130 8.76 Jan 5, 2007
76 Perception 56 3.77 Jul 10, 2008
88 Pessimistic 36 2.43 Feb 28, 2019
47 Philosophy 94 6.33 Dec 2, 2012
100 Physical Features 21 1.42 Dec 3, 2009
49 Physical Fitness 89 6.00 Jan 27, 2014
33 Pictures 119 8.02 Aug 3, 2011
95 Practice 27 1.82 Jul 20, 2019
82 Prepare 45 3.03 Jul 30, 2009
76 Preparing The Future 56 3.77 Dec 31, 2006
42 Productive 103 6.94 Jan 18, 2011
52 Professional 86 5.80 Dec 31, 2006
90 Promise 32 2.16 Jun 11, 2015
93 Random 29 1.95 Feb 28, 2009
92 Recession 30 2.02 Apr 7, 2008
35 Relax 117 7.88 Jun 1, 2007
65 Remember 69 4.65 Jun 8, 2010
106 Respiratory Syncytial Virus 15 1.01 Jan 6, 2007
53 Responsibility 85 5.73 Nov 7, 2007
26 Retail 131 8.83 Dec 2, 2011
109 Sabbatical 11 0.74 Jun 1, 2007
62 Sad 72 4.85 Mar 30, 2013
88 Sad Workplace 36 2.43 Jan 16, 2007
112 San Francisco 8 0.54 Sep 8, 2008
102 San Francisco 49ers 19 1.28 Dec 22, 2007
93 San Francisco Giants 29 1.95 Nov 5, 2010
26 School 131 8.83 Jul 30, 2009
109 School Summer Vacation Beginnings Endings 11 0.74 Apr 30, 2007
111 Sci Fi Collection 9 0.61 Feb 13, 2007
115 Second Year 5 0.34 Dec 31, 2006
95 Security Procedure 27 1.82 Feb 16, 2007
73 Self Image 59 3.98 Mar 5, 2007
1 Self Improvement 311 20.96 Mar 5, 2007
107 Selfish 13 0.88 Jul 12, 2007
115 Sesame Street 5 0.34 Feb 1, 2014
88 Sex 36 2.43 Jan 22, 2013
113 Shermans 7 0.47 May 23, 2007
38 Shopping 110 7.41 Aug 25, 2009
89 Sick 34 2.29 Mar 27, 2011
98 Sign Of My Times SOMT 23 1.55 Dec 3, 2009
84 Silly 42 2.83 Aug 9, 2014
54 Sleep 84 5.66 Jul 7, 2007
55 Slow Down 83 5.59 Jun 1, 2007
26 Sports 131 8.83 Dec 31, 2006
93 Steve Jobs 29 1.95 Aug 3, 2016
113 Stomach Flu 7 0.47 Apr 14, 2011
26 Strength 131 8.83 May 12, 2013
108 Summer 12 0.81 Jun 1, 2007
100 Tactical 21 1.42 Nov 7, 2007
56 Take It Easy 82 5.53 Dec 23, 2009
17 Taking Action 172 11.59 Dec 31, 2009
24 Technology 139 9.37 Feb 12, 2009
94 Television 28 1.89 Nov 25, 2014
102 The Beatles 19 1.28 Jul 1, 2015
101 The End 20 1.35 Jan 3, 2017
110 Throat Infection 10 0.67 Aug 15, 2014
81 Throwback 46 3.10 Jan 30, 2016
44 Tired 101 6.81 Mar 24, 2008
50 Top Ten 88 5.93 Oct 9, 2012
89 Tragedy 34 2.29 May 27, 2014
86 Trivia 38 2.56 Sep 29, 2012
109 Twitter 11 0.74 Apr 12, 2014
58 Unexpected 80 5.39 Jul 2, 2015
23 Update Past Blog 150 10.11 Mar 24, 2018
89 Upward 34 2.29 Dec 31, 2006
65 Vacation 69 4.65 Dec 26, 2006
114 Voice 6 0.40 Dec 3, 2009
111 Wants 9 0.61 Feb 21, 2015
110 Washington Canada 2008 10 0.67 Jan 20, 2009
90 Weakness 32 2.16 Sep 30, 2008
86 Weather 38 2.56 Feb 27, 2015
94 Weird 28 1.89 Feb 28, 2009
29 When I Was A Child 127 8.56 Jul 30, 2009
79 Win Friends 48 3.23 Apr 2, 2007
4 Wisdom 265 17.86 Dec 31, 2006
45 Work 100 6.74 Jan 10, 2007
17 Working Hard 172 11.59 Dec 31, 2006
14 Workplace 191 12.87 Feb 19, 2007

All labels sorted by date the label first appeared earliest to latest

Rank Label Count Percentage Of Blogs Date First Appeared
113 Las Vegas 7 0.47 Dec 26, 2006
65 Vacation 69 4.65 Dec 26, 2006
115 Bellagio 5 0.34 Dec 27, 2006
64 Championship 70 4.72 Dec 31, 2006
56 Desire 82 5.53 Dec 31, 2006
63 Dream 71 4.78 Dec 31, 2006
29 Earn 127 8.56 Dec 31, 2006
9 Good Idea 223 15.03 Dec 31, 2006
42 Innovate Infinitely 103 6.94 Dec 31, 2006
46 Intelligence 98 6.60 Dec 31, 2006
3 Life 291 19.61 Dec 31, 2006
85 Major League Baseball 39 2.63 Dec 31, 2006
76 Preparing The Future 56 3.77 Dec 31, 2006
52 Professional 86 5.80 Dec 31, 2006
115 Second Year 5 0.34 Dec 31, 2006
26 Sports 131 8.83 Dec 31, 2006
89 Upward 34 2.29 Dec 31, 2006
4 Wisdom 265 17.86 Dec 31, 2006
17 Working Hard 172 11.59 Dec 31, 2006
39 Friends 109 7.35 Jan 5, 2007
27 People 130 8.76 Jan 5, 2007
115 Braces 5 0.34 Jan 6, 2007
107 Crystal Reports 13 0.88 Jan 6, 2007
8 Little Things 228 15.36 Jan 6, 2007
106 Respiratory Syncytial Virus 15 1.01 Jan 6, 2007
39 Information Age 109 7.35 Jan 10, 2007
45 Work 100 6.74 Jan 10, 2007
22 Depressed 154 10.38 Jan 16, 2007
64 Hopeless 70 4.72 Jan 16, 2007
88 Sad Workplace 36 2.43 Jan 16, 2007
75 Celebrating 57 3.84 Jan 28, 2007
16 Family 181 12.20 Jan 28, 2007
101 Grandfather 20 1.35 Jan 28, 2007
102 Grandmother 19 1.28 Jan 28, 2007
18 Living The Present 171 11.52 Feb 13, 2007
49 Organized Living 89 6.00 Feb 13, 2007
111 Sci Fi Collection 9 0.61 Feb 13, 2007
73 Alone 59 3.98 Feb 16, 2007
95 Security Procedure 27 1.82 Feb 16, 2007
101 Gatherings 20 1.35 Feb 17, 2007
103 Initiate 18 1.21 Feb 17, 2007
51 Meet New Friends 87 5.86 Feb 17, 2007
25 Meet People 136 9.16 Feb 17, 2007
102 Fired Employees 19 1.28 Feb 19, 2007
79 Incompetent Workers 48 3.23 Feb 19, 2007
14 Workplace 191 12.87 Feb 19, 2007
68 Anime 65 4.38 Feb 25, 2007
111 Cosplay 9 0.61 Feb 25, 2007
94 Enthusiasm 28 1.89 Mar 5, 2007
87 Innovate 37 2.49 Mar 5, 2007
71 Laughing 62 4.18 Mar 5, 2007
73 Self Image 59 3.98 Mar 5, 2007
1 Self Improvement 311 20.96 Mar 5, 2007
27 Food 130 8.76 Mar 9, 2007
45 Cherish 100 6.74 Mar 14, 2007
36 Courage 115 7.75 Mar 14, 2007
11 Moving Forward 196 13.21 Mar 14, 2007
85 Cisco 39 2.63 Mar 18, 2007
101 New Job 20 1.35 Mar 18, 2007
70 Deep Breath 63 4.25 Mar 26, 2007
96 Hidden Beast 26 1.75 Mar 26, 2007
100 Good Listener 21 1.42 Apr 2, 2007
15 Influence People 183 12.33 Apr 2, 2007
67 Management 66 4.45 Apr 2, 2007
40 Parents 108 7.28 Apr 2, 2007
79 Win Friends 48 3.23 Apr 2, 2007
12 Active 194 13.07 Apr 15, 2007
61 Boredom 76 5.12 Apr 15, 2007
94 Cooking 28 1.89 Apr 15, 2007
102 Age Positive 30s 19 1.28 Apr 28, 2007
109 School Summer Vacation Beginnings Endings 11 0.74 Apr 30, 2007
10 Frustration 197 13.27 May 5, 2007
100 Mentor 21 1.42 May 5, 2007
2 Mistakes 307 20.69 May 5, 2007
45 Consumer 100 6.74 May 14, 2007
113 Shermans 7 0.47 May 23, 2007
31 Patience 122 8.22 Jun 1, 2007
35 Relax 117 7.88 Jun 1, 2007
109 Sabbatical 11 0.74 Jun 1, 2007
55 Slow Down 83 5.59 Jun 1, 2007
108 Summer 12 0.81 Jun 1, 2007
13 Happy 192 12.94 Jun 24, 2007
54 Sleep 84 5.66 Jul 7, 2007
62 House 72 4.85 Jul 12, 2007
107 Selfish 13 0.88 Jul 12, 2007
34 Economy 118 7.95 Jul 29, 2007
74 Appreciation 58 3.91 Aug 9, 2007
28 Money 129 8.69 Aug 9, 2007
42 Cars 103 6.94 Sep 3, 2007
84 Music 42 2.83 Sep 3, 2007
78 Commute 50 3.37 Sep 6, 2007
112 Birth Control 8 0.54 Oct 8, 2007
53 Responsibility 85 5.73 Nov 7, 2007
100 Tactical 21 1.42 Nov 7, 2007
102 San Francisco 49ers 19 1.28 Dec 22, 2007
88 Exams Tests 36 2.43 Jan 17, 2008
67 Accomplish 66 4.45 Feb 17, 2008
44 Tired 101 6.81 Mar 24, 2008
92 Recession 30 2.02 Apr 7, 2008
95 Lazy 27 1.82 Jun 10, 2008
57 Deception 81 5.46 Jul 10, 2008
83 Fear 43 2.90 Jul 10, 2008
115 Gender 5 0.34 Jul 10, 2008
76 Perception 56 3.77 Jul 10, 2008
62 Games 72 4.85 Jul 19, 2008
75 Goals 57 3.84 Aug 17, 2008
114 Nor Cal 6 0.40 Sep 6, 2008
112 San Francisco 8 0.54 Sep 8, 2008
104 Anti-social 17 1.15 Sep 30, 2008
86 Distract 38 2.56 Sep 30, 2008
83 Forgive 43 2.90 Sep 30, 2008
21 Growing Up 156 10.51 Sep 30, 2008
7 Honesty 240 16.17 Sep 30, 2008
33 Hope 119 8.02 Sep 30, 2008
90 Weakness 32 2.16 Sep 30, 2008
81 Intuition 46 3.10 Oct 18, 2008
80 Back Story 47 3.17 Dec 7, 2008
6 Change 258 17.39 Dec 7, 2008
62 Emotions 72 4.85 Dec 7, 2008
110 Washington Canada 2008 10 0.67 Jan 20, 2009
85 Accutane 39 2.63 Feb 7, 2009
32 Failure 120 8.09 Feb 8, 2009
5 Learning 261 17.59 Feb 8, 2009
19 First For Everything 164 11.05 Feb 9, 2009
106 Gaming PC 15 1.01 Feb 12, 2009
24 Technology 139 9.37 Feb 12, 2009
100 Gas 21 1.42 Feb 16, 2009
93 Random 29 1.95 Feb 28, 2009
94 Weird 28 1.89 Feb 28, 2009
87 Drink 37 2.49 Mar 17, 2009
91 Clothes 31 2.09 Apr 9, 2009
106 De Anza Spring 2009 15 1.01 Apr 10, 2009
41 Encouragement 107 7.21 Jun 4, 2009
60 Good Guy 78 5.26 Jun 4, 2009
20 Human 160 10.78 Jun 4, 2009
78 Books 50 3.37 Jul 30, 2009
82 Prepare 45 3.03 Jul 30, 2009
26 School 131 8.83 Jul 30, 2009
29 When I Was A Child 127 8.56 Jul 30, 2009
38 Shopping 110 7.41 Aug 25, 2009
66 Lonely 68 4.58 Sep 16, 2009
106 De Anza Fall 2009 15 1.01 Sep 25, 2009
103 Face 18 1.21 Dec 3, 2009
100 Physical Features 21 1.42 Dec 3, 2009
98 Sign Of My Times SOMT 23 1.55 Dec 3, 2009
114 Voice 6 0.40 Dec 3, 2009
77 Beautiful 55 3.71 Dec 23, 2009
56 Take It Easy 82 5.53 Dec 23, 2009
72 Gratitude 60 4.04 Dec 28, 2009
17 Taking Action 172 11.59 Dec 31, 2009
101 De Anza Winter 2010 20 1.35 Jan 7, 2010
103 De Anza Spring 2010 18 1.21 Apr 9, 2010
65 Remember 69 4.65 Jun 8, 2010
104 De Anza Fall 2010 17 1.15 Sep 26, 2010
93 San Francisco Giants 29 1.95 Nov 5, 2010
106 De Anza Winter 2011 15 1.01 Jan 9, 2011
56 Opinion 82 5.53 Jan 18, 2011
42 Productive 103 6.94 Jan 18, 2011
89 Sick 34 2.29 Mar 27, 2011
105 De Anza Spring 2011 16 1.08 Apr 7, 2011
113 Stomach Flu 7 0.47 Apr 14, 2011
33 Pictures 119 8.02 Aug 3, 2011
116 9/11 3 0.20 Sep 11, 2011
95 Black Friday 27 1.82 Dec 2, 2011
26 Retail 131 8.83 Dec 2, 2011
37 Memories 111 7.48 Jan 19, 2012
110 Most Interesting Man In The World 10 0.67 Sep 8, 2012
41 Job Searching 107 7.21 Sep 17, 2012
86 Trivia 38 2.56 Sep 29, 2012
50 Top Ten 88 5.93 Oct 9, 2012
99 Japanese Mahjong Riichi 22 1.48 Nov 12, 2012
47 Philosophy 94 6.33 Dec 2, 2012
88 Sex 36 2.43 Jan 22, 2013
62 Sad 72 4.85 Mar 30, 2013
61 Optimistic 76 5.12 Apr 27, 2013
26 Strength 131 8.83 May 12, 2013
95 Joke 27 1.82 Jun 19, 2013
84 Faith 42 2.83 Oct 9, 2013
90 Death 32 2.16 Jan 8, 2014
49 Physical Fitness 89 6.00 Jan 27, 2014
115 Sesame Street 5 0.34 Feb 1, 2014
111 Comments 9 0.61 Feb 26, 2014
103 Feedback 18 1.21 Feb 26, 2014
84 Instant Bullets 42 2.83 Mar 9, 2014
109 Twitter 11 0.74 Apr 12, 2014
89 Tragedy 34 2.29 May 27, 2014
103 Age Positive 40s 18 1.21 Jun 28, 2014
84 Silly 42 2.83 Aug 9, 2014
114 Eye Infection 6 0.40 Aug 15, 2014
110 Throat Infection 10 0.67 Aug 15, 2014
86 Obstacle 38 2.56 Sep 13, 2014
115 Breaking Bad 5 0.34 Nov 25, 2014
94 Television 28 1.89 Nov 25, 2014
114 40 For 40 6 0.40 Jan 3, 2015
111 Wants 9 0.61 Feb 21, 2015
86 Weather 38 2.56 Feb 27, 2015
90 Promise 32 2.16 Jun 11, 2015
97 Golden State Warriors 24 1.62 Jun 22, 2015
102 The Beatles 19 1.28 Jul 1, 2015
58 Unexpected 80 5.39 Jul 2, 2015
43 Lucky 102 6.87 Sep 15, 2015
30 Health 125 8.42 Oct 9, 2015
48 Leisure 91 6.13 Jan 25, 2016
81 Throwback 46 3.10 Jan 30, 2016
105 Miracle 16 1.08 Mar 21, 2016
59 Cynical 79 5.32 Jun 23, 2016
93 Steve Jobs 29 1.95 Aug 3, 2016
101 The End 20 1.35 Jan 3, 2017
111 Believe 9 0.61 Jan 14, 2017
107 Independence 13 0.88 Mar 22, 2017
113 Green Steno Notebook 7 0.47 Jul 29, 2017
95 Old 27 1.82 Aug 5, 2017
102 Freedom 19 1.28 Aug 20, 2017
23 Update Past Blog 150 10.11 Mar 24, 2018
107 Environment 13 0.88 May 29, 2018
87 Movies 37 2.49 Jun 10, 2018
88 Pessimistic 36 2.43 Feb 28, 2019
95 Practice 27 1.82 Jul 20, 2019
69 Government 64 4.31 Feb 5, 2020
70 COVID-19 63 4.25 Apr 16, 2020
106 Harry Potter 15 1.01 Apr 29, 2020
89 Commenting Today 34 2.29 Mar 23, 2021
111 Jerk 9 0.61 Nov 28, 2021

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