Saturday, May 18, 2024

Personal Reminders To End 2023

Blogger's Note: May is pic month. I'm catching up posting pics from my smart phone. Enjoy!

Khan Noonien Singh read Moby-Dick in exile. A cash register is needed to buy household necessities, lighters, and breakfast cereal. Fear is a natural response seeing a dinosaur wearing a Christmas hat. No fear needed remembering the 1980s. All bad restaurants eventually close. Learn vocabulary shipping words.

Update On A Past Blog

A reminder for everyone including myself. My opinion on finding a number one person is Be Strong, Be Useful, Strong Self-Esteem All Relationships written on Jul 27, 2020. My opinion on being a number one person is the same answer. Be strong. Be useful. Self-esteem is high. Be smart and be wise can be included.

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