Sunday, February 15, 2015

My Parents Raised My Correctly

I have blogged the mistakes my parents raised me. I blog the positives of my parents. I blog how my parents raised my correctly. My parents did something successful.

No Smoking And No Coffee. No smoking was easy. We know the common knowledge smoking is bad for a person's health. Tobacco is awful. No coffee was also easy. I tried coffee once. Too bitter. The smell is okay. My health is different if I drink coffee daily. I wonder how my parents raised me differently if they drank coffee daily. I wonder how my parents behaved with their daily caffeine. My family saved lots of money at the grocery store.

Save Money. Speaking of saving money at the grocery store, there was an expectation to keep an eye on our financials. Save money for emergencies. Never spend, spend, spend. Be disciplined on our expenses. Maximize the use goods such as clothes and televisions. Good lesson.

Take Advantage Of Sales. See the "Save Money" above. I wait for sales when I can wait.

No Divorce. I can't imagine how different my life if my parents divorced. Their commonality being boring people is a reason they're still married.

The Obvious Basics. Food on the table, clothes, providing school supplies, family holidays, and telling me to stay out of trouble. They supported me when I lost my job and I went back to school.

They're Reliable. My parents live a lazy, a plain, and boring life. They live life with half effort. However, if there is family trouble, they're available for support at the worse times. They do a good job.


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