Thursday, August 24, 2006

I Wonder

Tonight, I came home after another usual and boring day at work. I wonder when my big break in life is coming. I have been waiting 7 years for the big break, the big move, the big moment to take my life to new adventures, new innovations, new events, and meeting new people.

The last big break came in 1999 when I was hired to work at Colliers International, my present job. My first job was at Grubb & Ellis. Both Colliers and Grubb & Ellis are competitors in the commercial real estate industry. If I remained at Grubb & Ellis, I quit one month later. I don’t know how the company survives. I met one person who worked at Grubb & Ellis as an administrative assistant. Today, she makes more money as a full time worker in retail. Shocking :-O

Since late 2004, I have done everything outside work to innovate myself and to be a better person. I read books, I traveled (thanks again Steve for the Washington Canada trip), I met new people, I cosplayed, I took a night class . . . do I say give up and say this is as good as it gets or do I keep going because the big break is going to come? *Sighs*

The obvious answer is to keep going. Today, though, is the day I wonder and I question if my hard work outside work is going to pay off in the long run. I have a stack of stuff to do and their reasons and goals why I do the activities in the stack of stuff; unfortunately, the rate of the stack of stuff is growing bigger compared to growing smaller—it’s a one step forward, five steps back -__- At least I’m busy and wanted and important which is a positive. Yay!

Tomorrow is another day. Maybe the big break comes tomorrow, next week, next month and better not be in my next life. I’m not going to stop and accept my career and my lifestyle. Not me.


Resume? I don't need a resume. Here is my resume: Innovator. I'm available to innovate for hire.

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