The blackheads are mostly on my cheeks and nose. I have one whitehead on one of my freckles o.o It’s time to be acne free. I researched online and read almost everyone who took accutane are acne free. The success rate is 60% according to my dermatologist. My research stated 80% success rate. My most concern was being depressed and mood swings. My research found out there is no medical evidence to support accutane caused the person being depressed, experienced mood swings, and suicidal. The possibility is high acne itself caused the person to be depressed, experienced mood swings, and suicidal.
Today is day 3 on accutane. Day 1 was the day I visited the doctor and received my prescription. The picture below is my face on day 3. I take my first accutane pill before I eat dinner. I share my experiences, the side effects, and pics of my face as I progress on accutane.

I'm growing up Finding Raymond Mar
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