I looked at how much I spent on gas for 2008. The chart above shows the average price per gallon of gas I paid per month. The average price per gallon of gas is $3.59 for 2008. The highest average was June at $4.54 and the lowest was Dec at $1.81. The highest price per gallon was $4.58 on June 20 and June 25. The lowest price per gallon was $1.74 on Dec 16. I filled up my car 46 times.
The total cost I spent on gas was $1,568. That is not a big number because my workplace is in San Jose and I didn’t take any vacations requiring long distance travel. I filled up gas outside the Bay Area once that was in Sacramento in Jan for Sac Anime Winter anime convention.
As of the date of the blog, California legislators with their heads in their asses can’t pass a budget propose a $.12 gas tax per gallon increase. However, we are fortunate we still pay much less than Europeans. We are spoiled *__*
I'm growing up Finding Raymond Mar
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