Sunday, September 21, 2014

Instant Bullets Blog Sep 21, 2014

*My Left Foot. Initiate walking on a stairway with your opposite foot. I started walking on stairs with my left foot. The feeling was different and weird.

*Embrace The Pain. Learn from the pain. I welcome all struggles, misfortunes, unlucky breaks, and frustrations. They're part of life. We can't escape from them. The best ways to cope is getting stronger, learning from these events by acquiring wisdom, and not repeating mistakes. The stronger, smarter, and wiser you are, the better human being you are when it comes to any tragedies.

*Good Quotes. I may be drunk, Miss, but in the morning I will be sober and you will still be ugly. -Winston Churchill

You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. -Winston Churchill

The title of the Japanese Anime series Space Brothers final episode #99 is "Life Changes, Promises Don't".

*How To Use Condoms. Men were never given an education on condoms. It's time to take charge of our sex lives. Learn how to use condoms. Visit The Condom Review. The one size fits all condom is a myth. If the Trojan condom at your local drug store is too tight, then visit the website and get information.

Kickstarter Board Games One Year Later. Most Kickstarter board games are terrible. If you can wait one year after a board game is released, you can buy it on eBay for a much cheaper price. The cheaper price may be a better deal which includes more reward add-ons than the initial backer price.

Target Stores Are Different. The Target stores near my home sell some of their products at different prices. I compare prices for body wash, soap, and floor cleaning. The prices are different. Price compare your local Target stores.


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