I discover life rule number 9 today. I combine my personal life puzzle success pieces together. Here are the puzzle pieces below:
*Fight the pain, the suffering, and the struggles to keep living.
*Never stop learning. Never stop innovating. Get better every day from head to toe. Exercise your body from head to toe. Get stronger, smarter, kinder, and wiser.
*Go with the flow.
*Have faith. Believe in myself.
*Trust what I'm doing now helps me succeed later.
*Control what I can control. Don't control what I can't control.
Life has many ups and downs like a roller coaster at an amusement park. It's life. People have up days, weeks, months, years, and seasons. People have down days, weeks, months, years, and seasons. Go with the flow. A person must continue getting better regardless whether a person is up or down. Never stop learning. Never stop innovating.
I control what I can control. I can't control what I can't control. Sometimes I can't control the bad events. My recent bad event is I'm unemployed. I'm looking for a job. I feel terrible being unemployed. I fight the pain and the suffering for each rejection. I struggle applying to jobs I quality knowingly there's someone better. I control my actions being unemployed. I exercise my body from head to toe. I work out at the gym to stay physically fit. I learn new job skills such as dashboards and simple linear regression. I refresh my existing job skills such as SQL and Excel. I trust what I'm doing now helps me find a job soon. I have faith I find a new job soon.
I believe my roller coaster currently going down is going up soon. I continue to get stronger, smarter, kinder, and wiser when my roller coaster starts going up again. I get better physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially every day in good times and bad times.
There are other moments which cause my roller coaster going down. I lose good people in my life. I'm involve in a car accident with injuries and/or losing my car. A natural disaster affects my family. I'm sick for an extended period. My health is affected with a long-term illness. I have financial problems. Somebody filed a lawsuit against me. Unemployment has caused my roller coaster going down the most since Oct 2008. I find long-term employment soon.
I introduce my daily life rule number 9 "Welcome a roller coaster life". The companies who terminated my contracts are welcomed into my life. The good people who said goodbye to my life are still welcomed in my life. I welcome the good people who are still part of my life. The lonely feelings yesterday and today are welcomed into my life. I welcome my leisure activities. My limits buying goods and services are welcomed into my life. My boring household is welcomed into my life. I welcome cooking and cleaning at home. My job rejections are welcomed into my life. I welcome the job searching seven days a week. My Gaming PC which broke in Dec 2014 I upgraded and renamed Raymond's PC is welcomed into my life. I welcome my gym workouts four days a week.
I took a picture of my roller coaster life since 2000 not in scale:

2000 started on a bad note with the dot com crash. Fast forward to March 2007 which began the longest roller coaster descent. 2007 overall was my worse year which continued to Sep 2008. The recovery began on Oct 4, 2008 when I realized I must grow up. I found a job in Nov 2013 and another job in Nov 2014 which ended those two years on a high note. Jun 2015 is going down because my Nov 2014 contract job was satisfied.
My life daily rules in its entirety below:
1. Don't criticize, condemn, and complain, and don't compare with others.
2. Don't act like a jerk or bitch.
3. Always speak calmly and be calm.
4. Don't daydream when driving.
5. Keep your head up high . . . look at their cute face when talking.
6. Breath with your nose and stand up straight.
7. Have faith. Believe in yourself.
8. Let me think. Be discrete.
9. Welcome a roller coaster life.
Email: feedbackininblog@innovateinfinitely.com
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