Thursday, June 04, 2015

What If I Have One Million Dollars?

My answer to the question is continuing faith in humanity. There are people who need help. Most of these people live honest lives. Most of these people live good lives. Most of these people are doing their best. Most of these people need a break. I want to help these people. I use all my million dollars to help people. Help an organization repair their transportation trucks. Give money to a street vendor trying to make ends meet. Tip 200% to a server down on his or her luck. Anonymous surprise donations. Buy groceries to needy families. We're human beings. I behave a good human being helping other people. There is faith in humanity. The faith keeps the good. The world continues without ending.

I'm happy living modestly. A reasonable size residence requiring one hour to vacuum, to dust, to clean the bathrooms, and to mop the floors. A reliable car with low maintenance costs. A decent set of clothes without breaking my bank account. No worries about too many material objects because I forbid hoarding. Most of my leisure life involves reduced costs.

I use my money to create action. I use my money to show appreciation to people helping me.

Side note: Watch the miracle on 6 train on YouTube. I want to be the giving person. No video recording me necessary. I give. I leave.


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