Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Top Ten Don't Be My Parents

Sometimes children learn from their parents what the parents did wrong by avoiding the parents' mistakes when the children are adults. Parents are humans. They make mistakes. Children can become wiser than their parents learning from mistakes including their parents. Nagging is a mistake I stopped when I realized I must grow up on Sat Oct 4, 2008. Someone called me out. She was correct. I thought back to my childhood years. My parents nagged. Avoiding nagging is part of my daily rule number one "Don't criticize, condemn, and complain," rule number two "Don't act like a jerk or bitch," and rule number three "Always speak calmly and be calm."

Here are the top ten don't be my parents:

10. No desire. No motivation. Desire is more important than knowledge. "I will" is more important than "I know." The knowledge follows motivation doing something, anything. The rewards follow motivation when responsibilities are completed.

9. Take too much life on their own hands. My parents rarely trust other people to help them live easier lives. They rarely ask for help. They rarely ask for professional help.

8. Boring life. Boring and no social life complement each other. However, there are people who are happy living a boring life. There are times boring is good. They avoid conflicts. They avoid arguments. They save money for emergencies. On the other hand, the benefits being active outweighs the risks. Get out and do something, anything. It's a judgement call.

7. No social life. No social life and boring complement each other. Don't be the quiet couple. Use it or lose it practice social skills being with people consistently.

6. Cheap. Don't be cheap. There is a common life saying, "People who save a dime ends up spending a dollar."

5. Poor self-responsibility. If everyone is just 20% more responsible of their life, then life is 20% less stressful for everyone.

4. Don't be old fucks. Another example of use it or lose it. Never stop learning. Keep the brain active.

3. Watch too much TV. The brain loses the ability to learn when people watch too much TV.

2. Hoarding. My parents are hoarders. There is too much junk in their house. There is too much stress coming out from the useless junk.

1. Take life for granted. Perhaps, my family is lucky. My family is healthy we experience fewer family problems. There are no major problems such as divorces, chronic health problems, and financial problems. We have too few fights big or small. Nobody breaks the law. Regardless, don't take life for granted as if live a normal life nothing bad happens. Life finds a way bad moments happen to all families such as car accidents, natural disasters, and misunderstandings. Families must be prepared.

Side note: I wrote a blog titled My Parents Raised My Correctly for which I am my parents.

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