Wednesday, January 06, 2021

I Have An Answer To When Is An Adult An Adult

I answer the question to a blog I posted on Sep 17, 2017 When Is An Adult An Adult?

Update On A Past Blog

The update is for people who want a number answer to the question. The legal number answer is 18 years old or 21 years old. Some parts of the world the legal number answer is 16 years old. My number answer is 50 years old. I'm four years ahead. *opens a bottle of wine*

50 years old. Many adults wake up and smell the coffee. Congratulations to the adults being an adult before 50 years old. Playtime is over. Jerk behavior must be stopped. It's time to be responsible. It's time to be strong. It's time to earn success. It's time to strengthen self-esteem. Adults know how not to take life for granted.

The dots are connected backwards. The connections are connected. We observe other people make the same mistakes when we were younger. It's all part of growing up. It's all part of maturity.

Finally, 50 years old doesn't mean stop living life. Continue learning. Continue innovate infinitely. Seek new adventures. Experience new experiences. Continue working hard intelligently. Continue practicing perfectly. Never stop meeting people. People continue to come and go in our lives. Hope for continue enlightenment.

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