Thursday, March 04, 2021

A Second Letter To 20 Year Old Raymond Mar Now 21

Today's blog is an update on a past blog.

Update On A Past Blog

I wrote a blog writing A Letter To 20 Year Old Raymond Mar on Apr 26, 2015. I told my 20 year old self three lessons. They are never stop meeting new people, get a part time job, and don't take life for granted. I write a second letter containing three more lessons one year later. The letter is below.

Hi, young 21 year old Raymond Mar. It's your old Raymond Mar one year later. I hope you made new friends and earned spending money to improve your life. Use some of the money to seek new adventures and experience new experiences. Here are three new lessons you must practice for a better life. I promise your 30s and 40s are stronger, smarter, and wiser when you learn three more lessons.

The first lesson or fourth lesson overall is be useful. The lessons, the education, and the knowledge you learned in the classrooms were garbage. Yes, the economics helped you find a job. Yes, the economics helped you read between the lines in the business newspapers. The economics doesn't help you find new friends better than your current friends. The economics doesn't help you in survival situations. The economics doesn't help you find a wife; although, if your wife is an economist, then more power to you. Learn how to change the oil. Learn how to tie knots. Learn Morse Code. Learn how to cook. Learn how to make paper airplanes. Learn basic computers such as building a PC from scratch. Learn basic land navigation with a compass. Remember the toy electronics set? You were not dumb when you read the instructions. The electronics set was broken. Correct the mistake. Learn basic electronics.

The second lesson or fifth lesson overall is trust your intuition. I mentioned trust your intuition in the first letter. I emphasize intuition here. You may not realize you have been using intuition. Most of the problems solved are using your intuition. Most of the time you don't know what to do. Intuition tells you the answer. Follow your gut feeling. You might have dodged many past problems when you used intuition.

The third lesson or sixth lesson over is desire is more important than intelligence. I will is more important than I know. The first time I saw the "I will is more important than I know" was math tutoring at a high school. Ironically, I said don't apply to become a math tutor. I still mean it. Don't apply to become a math tutor. Continue working at your part time job. Anyway, motivation is more important than knowledge. You don't need to be smart to be motivated to become smart.

I repeat the last two paragraphs to reemphasize. Simple, to the point, and true. Stop believing you live a good life nothing negative happens to you. You're going to experience bad moments. You're going to have times in your life you need to stop. Time out and checkpoints are part of your life.

Be responsible for your actions. Earn your successes. Learn from your mistakes. Be a good person. Be professional. Work to be a champion. Trust your intuition. Grow up.


Raymond Mar

P.S. Did you understand the two meanings to "stay hungry" and stay foolish?"

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