Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Life Finds A Way

We control limited parts of our lives. Life controls the rest of our lives. We can't control everything. We control how we sleep, when we sleep, where we sleep, and the number of hours sleeping. There are exceptions such as family emergencies, crying infants, and natural disasters. These exception examples we can't control. There are exceptions to everything except death. I digress.

We can't control timing, luck, fate or destiny for those who believe pre-determined life paths, and being at the wrong place at the wrong time or being at the right place at the right time. We can't control the reasons life treats us. Life has its reasons.

Anything good we do good happens most of the time. There are exceptions. Anything bad we do bad happens most of the time. There are exceptions. Some particulars are doing drugs, drinking too much alcohol, playing too much video games, eating too much processed foods, watching too much television, poor education, dirty living environment, and committing adultery. We're aware with these particular problems we should stop. Some don't. They continue committing these particulars. Every day new people begin committing these particulars. Poor intelligence. Poor motivation. Perhaps, despair got the best of these people. People ignoring problems life finds a way to get back at them. The consequences are coming soon.

Life finds a way to reward people. Life finds a way to punish people. Life finds a way to ruin something good. Life finds a way to help the unfortunate. Time is the ultimate judge.

Update On A Past Blog

The scene from Kindergarten Cop when Arnold Schwarzenegger's character John Kimble asked all the kindergarten students who's your daddy and what does he do reminded me of the blog A Sample Of Changes Everyday on Feb 27, 2015. I shared four changes which are beauty, jobs, climate, and computers. Anything changes. Life changes for better or for worse. Life changes whether we control the change or not.

Another change is families. A family can change in five or six years for better or for worse. Parents can change. Couples can change. The students told the class their good daddies and their bad daddies. Watch the YouTube video Kindergarten Cop: Who is your daddy? HD CLIP.

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