Monday, June 20, 2022

Follow Your Deal Makers And Deal Breakers Finding Love

An Apr 15, 2021 celebrity headline stated singer Jennifer Lopez and former baseball player Alex Rodriguez broke up their two-year wedding engagement. The couple were together for four years dating on Mar 2017 and engaged for two years starting on Mar 2019. Multiple sources stated the couple "hit a rough patch." Multiple sources also stated Lopez couldn't trust Rodriguez. The couple struggled for which the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated some of the problems. Lopez was quoted they tried to make the relationship work.

They broke up in the end. The sad side is a broken relationship. The good times are over. The memories are the past happy or sad. The grieving begins. Lopez and Rodriguez are single again. They go back to their square one dating people.

The happy side is Lopez and Rodriguez are free to find someone else who matches each of them. They find a better match. They find a stronger match. Mismatch relationships rarely work long-term. Be honest. Follow truth identity. Practice true personality.

There is giving and taking in relationships. There is compromise. Regardless, follow your deal makers. Follow your deal breakers. If you marry someone with deal breakers, those deal breakers affect your relationship in time. Truth becomes reality after the honeymoon phase.

Most relationships don't work. Nobody needs to be a relationship expert to know most relationships never last. All couples experience slowdowns and conflicts. Choose either happy being single or miserable in a relationship--especially, a mismatch relationship. Give it time. Misery is inevitable in a mismatch relationship. End a relationship with deal breakers. Cut the losses. Move on. Save time. Time is the ultimate judge.

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