Friday, August 25, 2023

Life Is Not Fair In My Words

"Life is not fair--get used to it." --Bill Gates, 11 Rules For Real Life

A common life knowledge is "life is not fair." Everyone knows it. Some people remember it daily. Some people are numb. Some people ignore it. Some people agree. Some people disagree. I explain "life is not fair" in my words.

Nobody has the right to be happy. Life doesn't care about people's feelings. Life doesn't care about people's successes. Life doesn't care about people's failures. Nobody is entitled to make it. Nobody has the right to be successful. You're a nice person. You're a good worker. You're educated. You're responsible. You obey the laws. Black or white race. Rich or poor family. Male or female gender. So what. Who cares. They don't mean life flows in your favor giving you success. There are exceptions.

There are people who earned their successes. There are people who didn't earn their successes. There are more unearned successful people than you think. Life is not fair. Successes are earned, unearned, given, rewarded, and mistaken. There are good people who worked hard without rewards from life. There are bad people who worked mediocre with rewards from life. Timing and luck are factors in good lives and in bad lives. Anyone who says luck has nothing to do with their successes is lying.

Furthermore, there are too many people. There are too few opportunities to succeed. There are too few opportunities to meet the demand of success. A rising tide raises all boats. Prices increase for the limited opportunities. Prices increase for the chance to be a winner. More people are trying. More people are working. More people are unsuccessful.

The very few talk about life is not fair in dinner tables and parties. Life is not fair is an uncomfortable conversation topic. A group of successful people in any gathering the life is not fair topic is in nobody's minds. Most people take life for granted. Life flows with them. They avoid talking about what happens if the headwinds blow at them. They avoid cursing themselves. They avoid creating bad karma. Unfairness applies to relationships, finances, contests, occupations, and health.

There is a lesson for students who earn straight A's. Life is not perfect. You're not perfect. Life doesn't care. The good life is not straight A's. Study hard. Earn A's. Good things happen is a false lesson. Anything bad can happen. No students earning straight A's are immune to anything bad happening. No students earning straight A's are immune to bad luck and bad timing. Schools fail to teach unfairness. Schools teach ABC's and 123's. Nothing more. Students are responsible for lessons outside the classroom.

I Defend The System

I live in the United States of America. The economy is capitalism. The government is democratic. The criminal justice system is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. I'm the George Costanza in my family. I'm unemployed. I live with my parents. The system fails me. Ironically, I defend the system. The system is unfair. The system is the best in the world. If the system fails or the USA residents live under another system, then there are more people struggling, more families struggling, increase in crimes, wider income inequality, ineffective distribution of goods and services, mismatch allocation of labor and resources, education barriers, social-economic barriers, and lower population growth. The system is not 100% perfect. Nobody is perfect. Nothing is perfect. There are people left out. There are victims of the system. The system fails some people chronically struggling physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and/or financially. I sound like a broken record--life is unfair.

The reader may ask about my job searching. I'm brief. I job search six days a week. My bad luck job interviews is another blog. I job train six days a week.

Destiny, fate, karma, act of God can go with people and can go against people. Life finds a way to help and hurt people beyond their control. People don't control 100% of their lives. There's always a chance something good or something bad happens. Life changes for the better. Life changes for the worse. Most people on planet Earth are good people. The good people don't want anything bad to happen. Bad can happen to good people. Accidents, disasters, destructions, crime victims, losses, disabilities, mistakes, illnesses, etc. Blame life. Life is unfair.

Update On A Past Blog

I wrote another life is unfair blog titled Life Is Unfair There Is Bad Luck on Jan 7, 2018. There are many losers for each winner. People who experience bad luck continue moving forward. Don't stop living. Life can't get worse. Also, the blog foreshadowed the 2018 year. 2018 was my bad luck year.

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