red herring: 1 someone who or something which misleads or distracts from a relevant or important question. 2 someone or something intended to divert attention from the real problem or matter at hand; a misleading clue. 3 a fact, idea, or subject which takes people's attention away from the central point being considered. A diversion.
Someone hides weaknesses. Someone hides ignorance. Somone laughs too loud and/or too much. Someone hides he or she is losing. Point out the contradictions. Question the possible lies. Look past the facade. The timing of changing the subject is questioned. Immature behavior is inappropriate at the present moment. The mistakes are intentional. There is clear and present ignoring the topic. Use intuition if necessary. Identify the red herring. Acquire the facts. Analyze the data. Combine the knowledge. Discover the truth. Actions speak louder than words. The rewards are earned appropriately. The consequences are administered to the guilty.
Update On A Past Blog
I read my May 2006 blogs to select the Aug 2024 Feature Post. The One By One Guilty blog written on May 25, 2006 is about the guilty convictions and guilty pleas from the energy company Enron. Enron declared bankruptcy on Dec 2, 2001 due to conspiracy and fraud. Enron used accounting loopholes, special purpose entities, and poor financial reporting to hide debt. I wrote in the blog Another Start-Up Business Is Out Of Business on Aug 14, 2021, "Give it time. The truth is exposed. . . . Punishments are administered." Be patient. It took four years and five months for the Enron executives to be found guilty.
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