Friday, February 28, 2025

Throwback Blog: Get Up And Do Something, Anything

Blogger's Note: Throwback blogs are blogs from my past. I start posting past blogs reflecting what I wrote. It's like my "A Second Look" blogs for which I give myself feedback.

Today's throwback blog is titled Get Up And Do Something, Anything written on Jul 21, 2012. I created a life motto "Get out and do something, anything" on the day I grew up on Oct 4, 2008. Sometimes do something, anything is indoors. I changed the life motto to "Get up and do something, anything." More people discover there are plenty of productive somethings and enlighten anythings indoors in today's Information Age and today's economy. A balance life of indoors and outdoors is unnecessary; however, people shouldn't spend all the time either indoors or outdoors.

Furthermore, get up communicates to people to get up from bed or get up from the chair to live life.

There is 5-6 weeks remaining in the summer. School and college begin soon it's like one blink of an eye and classes start. There is still time to take a vacation for the full time workers. The year is going by fast. I hope everyone has done something special. It can be a big trip or a few small moments. Never settle on one small exciting day. Never wait for something to happen.

I changed my life motto from "Get Out And Do Something, Anything" to "Get Up and Do Something, Anything." I changed the word "out" to "up" because I wanted to imply people can have a good life indoors; however, a balance life of indoors and outdoors should be achieved. Some of my favorite indoor activities are working out in the gym, listening to music, ballroom dancing, and reading. Some of my favorite outdoor activities are hiking, visiting new places, and shopping.

Get up and do something, anything. Stop sitting on the chair or lying down on the bed. Find a new adventure. Meet new people. Read a book. Rent a classic movie on DVD. Eat something new. Walk around new places. Improve a part of you. Start fulfilling your to-do list. This blog is a solution to stop being lazy. Find happiness and joy in your life today.

De Anza Fall 2010 Note: Going off topic to end this blog, I realized one of my key for my most successful quarter was my Accounting 86 class. The instructor assigned homework on the fourth week. The first 3 weeks I settled in and concentrated on my other classes more difficult than Accounting 86.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Random Knowledge Or Random Trivia February 2025 Part 2

Blogger's note: I'm years behind sharing. There are two parts for Feb 2025. Today is part 2 of 2.

My Favorite Announcer Calls In NFL History and My Favorite Announcer Calls in NFL History | Part 2.

Hiring managers ask for three references from the job candidate. The job candidate responds by asking the hiring manager for three happy co-worker references.

Say Goodbye To Missionary And Hello To Lotus.

Turkey In The Straw for the Murphy's Oil soap commercial. Turkey In The Straw (First Version 1942). Folk Songs - Turkey In The Straw. Murphy's Oil Soap commercial.

When we sleep, waves of spinal fluid wash over the brain to remove waste.

A military litter is a military stretcher carried on a backpack. A litter is a stretcher or basket shaped to accommodate an adult for search and rescue operations. The person is strapped making safe evacuation possible.

Define women. The correct response is I can't answer the question.

What's the biggest Scam in life that no one wants to admit?

A new study untangles why sunscreen is killing coral reefs and the chemical reactions at play just below the surface.

catharsis: purification or purgation of the emotions (such as pity and fear) primarily through art, writing, theater, or music; spiritual renewal or release from tension.

Millionaire Matchmaker Patti Stanger on romance and dating in the modern age. "When [women are] not being treated right, they'll often still stick around and keep seeing each other, hoping [men] will change like they were at the beginning of their relationship. As women, we're taught to be polite and service the man. My mom programmed me to be like that and I had to work to break that programming. People are afraid to do that! If their needs are not met, get out!"

"For women, she may not find him cute initially and then goes on the date and comes back with 'I can fix that! And I really liked him as a person.' A man will never want to get 'fixed' because men and women are different animals. I know women will grow into a relationship, but a man will know in a second."

Card game Thirty-One. Wiki link for instructions.

A navy SEAL Reveals How To Survive An Active Shooter.

Bear hits himself in the nuts.

Eichler Homes. Joseph Eichler partnered with progressive and respected architects and architectural firms to build more than 10,300 modernist Eichler homes between 1950 and 1974. The Eichler homes were easily discernable by their open floor plans and floor-to-ceiling glass which help blurred the line between indoor and outdoor living. Wiki Joseph Eichler.

Bruce Lee videos. Bruce Lee 1965 Interview with Chinese and English subtitles. Bruce Lee Interview With Pierre Berton 1971. Bruce Lee 1965 Interview Original.

What are some real but crazy facts that could save your life?

Get In The Fucking Robot Shinji is a catchphrase from the anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion. Shinji Ikari refused to pilot the giant mecha Evangelion Unit 01. The phrase has been used to refer to characters that are forced to do stuff they dislike while mentally weak to decline.

superficial: existing or occurring at or on the surface. Appearing to be the true or real only until examined more closely.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Random Knowledge Or Random Trivia February 2025 Part 1

Blogger's note: I'm years behind sharing. There are two parts for Feb 2025. Today is part 1 of 2.

We live in the Information Age. Look it up on the internet. Random knowledge or random trivia? A life improvement? A waste of time? The answer is subjective. The answer depends on the reader.

AT&T announces deal to spin off DirecTV into new company owed by . . . AT&T. AT&T acknowledged that its DirecTV purchase didn't work out as planned. Article Feb 2021.

Best Buy lays off 5,000 workers as it shifts focus to online sales. Best Buy said its recent changes are an effort to adjust to this new market reality. Traditional stores aren't going away. Traditional stores are becoming less important. Article Feb 2021. True today?

mascot gets fed up with female supporter. Jacksonville Jaguars mascot Jaxson De Ville throws a birthday cake to a Houston Texans fan.

Hi my name is Evelyn, I was born with two vaginas (2 completely independent reproductive systems), I was a high class independent escourt[sic] for 8 years and used one vagina for "work" and saved one for my personal life. I don't think that counts as cheating. Ask me anything!

Cut or rip the strings on your disposable masks. Masks go into landfills & the strings can get caught on animals and hurt them.

non sequitur: an inference or a conclusion which does not follow from the premises. A statement containing an illogical conclusion. It does not follow.

Brain cells form connections with each other in a culture dish.

hedonist: a person whose life is devoted to the pursuit of pleasure and self-gratification.

Intel, Nvidia, TSMC, execs agree: Chip shortage could last into 2023. No chip shortage today.

Zookeepers of Reddit, what's the low-down dirty, inside scoop on zoos?

Overthinkers of Reddit, what unlikely scenario actually came true that you were completely prepared for because you are an overthinker?

Azaria Chamberlain. A dingo ate a couple's baby while camping in Australia. The mother, Lindy Chamberlain, was sentenced to life in prison for the murder. The baby's clothes were found near a dingo lair three years later. Lindy was released. The Seinfeld TV series The Stranded episode referenced the dingo ate her baby. A dingo is a wild dog in Australia.

Woman released a wild animal from a trap. She was protected with a shield. It appeared to be a bear.

Inside Japan’s CAPSULE Tower | 140 TINY Tokyo Apartments. Inside Japan's capsule tower with 140 tiny apartments.

A tumor is a mass or lump of tissue that may resemble swelling. A tumor is a morbid enlargement which results from an overabundance of cell growth and division; normally cells grow and divide to produce new cells in a controlled and orderly manner. Tumors may be benign or not cancer. Benign tumors may grow large and not spread into nearby tissues. Tumors may be malignant or cancer. Malignant tumors can spread into nearby tissues.

Now the chip shortage is being exacerbated by a labor shortage. Article Aug 2021. Not true today?

Kawhi Leonard laugh as NBA on NBC theme song.

impertinent: not showing proper respect; rude. Not pertinent to a particular matter; irrelevant.

impertinence: lack of respect; rudeness

Challenging sex positions from Sex With Emily.

Thugs - Saturday Night Live. SNL did a skit on the opposite of the TV show COPS. A video crew recording crooks committing crimes. Martin Lawrence, the late Phil Hartman, Rob Schneider, and Norm McDonald.

Local sushi place deterred graffiti in the bathroom.

Friday, February 14, 2025

The Same Four Seasons In A Calendar Year

"Seasons change" is a common expression. The winter season becomes the spring season around Mar 20. The summer season becomes the fall season around Sep 20. Winter, spring, summer, and fall. We expect the four seasons to change four times a year. Winter is Dec, Jan, and Feb. Spring is Mar, Apr, and May. Summer is Jun, Jul, and Aug. Fall is Sep, Oct, and Nov. If the seasons don't change in a calendar year, then there is no change. They're the same four seasons during their same three months.

Update On A Past Blog

I finished reading From The Mixed-Up Files Of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler by E.L. Konigsburg. The reader learns a different perspective on a life wisdom. Mrs. Frankweiler said, ". . . I think you should learn, of course, and some days you must learn a great deal. But you should also have days when you allow what is already in you to swell up inside of you until it touches everything. And you can feel it inside you. If you never take time out to let that happen, then you just accumulate facts, and they begin to rattle around inside of you. You can make noise with them, but never really feel anything with them. It's hollow."

There is no need to learn daily. Don't learn something every day. Spend those days practicing what you learned. The two blogs A Dream On Practice written on Jul 20, 2019 and Beethoven Practiced Eight Hours A Day written on Aug 13, 2009 included the word practice in their titles.

Also, I should have added the sentence "Never stop learning means learning and practicing" to the blog Correcting Never Stop Learning written on Jul 21, 2021. Number six in the Top Ten I Get It Now written on Nov 21, 2020 is about practicing, drilling, and reviewing.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Oreo Can't Be Milk's Favorite Cookie

The Oreo chocolate sandwich cookies were part of yesterday's Super Bowl LIX snacks. It has been multiple years since I last ate an Oreo. I didn't eat an Oreo during the COVID-19 pandemic. I purchased a Costco size box on sale in Dec 2024.

I couldn't believe it after taking one bite. The Oreo changed compared to my childhood. There was less cream. The cookie felt lighter in weight. There was no crunch sound. My tongue felt foamy. It was like air holes filled part of the texture.

I read the ingredients. A few ingredients include palm oil, cocoa process with alkali, invert sugar, wheat, and soy. There is a bioengineered food ingredient. A marketing ingredient exclusion is no high fructose corn syrup. I choose not to research further the ingredients for the changed Oreo. I'm not eating Oreos. I take my chances on Costco's bakery cookies.

Saturday, February 08, 2025

Life Knowledge And Life Wisdom From De Anza College Oct 2010

Today's blog is an update on a past blog. The blog is inspired from the current feature post.

Update On A Past Blog

I want to review my blog De Anza Week Oct 25, 2010 written on Oct 28, 2010. There were life knowledge and life wisdom I want to repeat. I attended the Fall 2010 quarter four days a week. It was the only quarter I attended classes four days week.

Mon Oct 25: I have a better understanding why most students eat out more than they want. The reasons are saving time from cooking and saving money . . . . Eating out is convenient. Less time cooking and more time studying.

The food at home was boring. The household did a bad job cooking boring meals. The boring meals continue today. The change is I'm doing a better job making the boring meals awesome.

Tue Oct 26: Intermediate Acct and Integrated Computer [Acct] classes are behind schedule. What else is new in life? I believe everyone is behind on something. The irony is students who submit their homework and projects late are penalized. Teachers grading homework and mid-terms late and are behind schedule in the syllabus are not penalized. Similarly, sons and daughters who are late doing something are penalized by their parents--at least strict parents; however, if parents are late with something, sons and daughters don't [penalize] their parents.

In the real world, sometimes work, projects, and commitments are completed late.

I thought students were lazy submitting assignments late while I was at San Jose State. Now that I think about it, many of those students submitting assignments late were not lazy. They have other commitments such as working and taking care of their family. There is so much we do in today's [Information Age] way of living. The honest people complete their responsibilities and commitments the best and the earliest we can.

An irony yesterday. An irony generations ago. An irony today. An irony tomorrow. The people at the lower ladder steps, the people at the lowest level, or the people at the lower end of the totem pole can't get away with tardiness. Also, everyone is behind schedule in something in the Information Age. People choose their priorities. Sometimes there are penalties. Sometimes there are no penalties. We want to say "yes." Unfortunately, there are saying "no" or saying "can't do it."

Wed Oct 27: Read the textbook, do the homework, and study hard are keys to earn high grades. Another key to earn high grades teachers and counselors fail to advise their students is eat well. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are meals unavoidable. No junk food. No cookies and chips while doing your math. If you need to skip a meal, skip lunch. Breakfast is the most important meal.

Sometimes the easy answers are incorrect. Sometimes the clique answers are incomplete. Good meals are important to earn high grades. I add physical fitness and sleep. I accept students exchanging physical fitness for completing class projects and exchanging sleep for working at their jobs. I accept flexibility. I allow leeway.

Thur Oct 28: Timing and luck are part of success. If you're at the right place at the right time, life is good. My first accounting class in Fall '09 obviously was Financial Acct I. I never knew the basic accounting classes are three quarters. Timing and luck were in my favor. I took Financial Acct I in Fall '09, Financial Acct II in Winter '10, and Managerial Acct in Spring '10. I completed the basic courses in one year while retaining what I learned carrying forward to the next class without worrying about summer vacation forgetting the concepts.

The first sentence is self-explanatory. I want more successful people to be honest admitting timing and luck favored them.

It was my fault I failed researching the beginning accounting classes when I started Fall Quarter 2009. The beginning accounting consisted of one academic year or three quarters. I was lucky I took all three classes in one academic year instead of a summer break in between any of the three classes.

Monday, February 03, 2025

Top Ten Plus Fourteen Equals Top Twenty Four Favorite Black & White Movies

The classic movies. The black & white classic movies. The best movies established today's movies we see today. Take a break from the fast pace Information Age life. Do something different. Slow down. Watch the classics. They're true today. Here are my top ten plus fourteen equals top twenty four favorite black & white movies. There is no restriction on the release year.

24. Why Worry? (1923). A Harold Lloyd and Jobyna Ralston classic.

23. Some Like It Hot (1959). Marilyn Monroe, Tony Curtis, and Jack Lemmon are the names. A comedy and a musical.

22. Modern Times (1936). My only Charlie Champlin movie I watched. No need for green screens. The rush society in the 1930s was a turtle compared to today's rush society.

21. Psycho (1960). An Alfred Hitchcock classic. The ending twist is fantastic.

20. Mr. Smith Goes To Washington (1939). My second James Stewart movie. The politics in the 1930s were the same today.

19. It Happened One Night (1934). Clark Gable stood his ground. You may not laugh out loud during the comedy scenes. A funny romantic comedy a family enjoys.

18. Harvey (1950). James Stewart could do comedy.

17. The Grapes Of Wrath (1940). The movie about the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl did a good job adapting 67% of the book written by John Steinbeck. The ending in the movie was not the ending in the book.

16. Schindler's List (1993). It's bad timing Liam Neeson who played Oskar Schindler lost to Tom Hanks from Philadelphia for best actor. The movie should have double best supporting actor nominations Ralph Fiennes as Amon Goeth and Ben Kingsley as Itzhak Stern.

15. Raging Bull (1980). A movie where a person is the best at something and the best at being a terrible person. Robert DeNiro won an Oscar for best actor.

14. The Philadelphia Story (1940). My first Cary Grant movie. The movie included one of the greatest of all time actor James Stewart and actress Katharine Hepburn. It should be a movie all student actors and student actresses watch.

13. All About Eve (1950). A movie about a fictional biography of a successful Broadway star. The movie watchers realize she's ruthless.

12. Seven Samurai (1954). A poor village hires samurais without pay to protect them from bandits. I watched the movie in two days.

11. Roman Holiday (1953). My critical opinion is Gregory Peck didn't have enough charism. Audrey Hepburn won Best Actress.

10. Metropolis (1927). A science fiction classic with no time boundaries. The futuristic city with dividing social classes. A four star movie.

9. The Apartment (1960). It's all about affairs and adultery in a comedy and romantic way. They existed in the 1960s. They exist today.

8. Citizen Kane (1941). Rosebud.

7. Young Frankenstein (1974). I read the book by Mary Shelley and the 1931 movie before watching Young Frankenstein. Hilarious.

6. Rebecca (1940). A classic psychological thriller. Maybe horror. An early black and white mind twist movie. The only Alfred Hitchcock movie to win an Academy Award for Best Picture.

5. Sunset Blvd. (1950). I heard students majoring in film watch the movie in their undergraduate classes.

4. To Kill A Mockingbird (1962). There is a reason why Gregory Peck portraying Atticus Finch won an Academy Award for Best Actor. Finch was a model strong man and strong father.

3. Paper Moon (1973). Father Ryan O'Neal and daughter Tatum O'Neal are the lead actors. Tatum won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress at age 10. She's the youngest to win an Oscar as of today.

2. 12 Angry Men (1957). If your date says 12 angry men is about a movie about 12 angry men, then end the date immediately.

1. Casablanca (1942). Too many movie quotes: Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship; Here's looking at you, kid; Play it once, Sam; We'll always have Paris.

Sunday, February 02, 2025

Shelter In-Place COVID-19 Blog January 2025

California issued shelter in-place orders on Tue Mar 17, 2020. I have been logging the highlights and lowlights. Minuscule COVID-19 coverage due to President Donald Trump. No rain. A slow month to begin 2025 ever though current events portray the opposite.

Thur Jan 9. Picked up a pre-order at Kloud KPOP. Shopped at Costco and Top Fitness.

Thur Jan 16. Shopped at Sherwin-Williams Auto Paint store and The Home Depot.

Fri Jan 17. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. asked the federal government to revoke COVID-19 vaccines in May 2021. He petitioned the Food And Drug Administration (FDA) to revoke the Emergency Use Authorization five months after the FDA approved the vaccine. The FDA denied the petition three months later.

Mon Jan 20. President Donald Trump announced 8,000 military service members who refused the COVID-19 vaccine can return to the military with back pay. The vaccine was mandatory from Aug 2021 to Jan 2023. There were exceptions for medial or religious reasons.

Five years ago today was the first positive case in the US. The person lived in Washington state. He returned from Wuhan, China.

Tue Jan 21. Ran errands at the post office, bank, and the library.

Thur Jan 23. Shopped for used books at the Saratoga Library and the Los Gatos Library. Ate lunch at Chipotle.

Sat Jan 25. The CIA said the COVID-19 virus was leaked from the Wuhan Institute Of Virology lab in China. The judgment had low confidence. A research lab and natural origin as the sources of the global pandemic remains plausible. The CIA has said it was unclear where the COVID-19 pandemic originated. No new evidence was found for the low confidence judgment.

Mon Jan 27. Trump signed an executive order to reinstate military personnel discharged for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine. These military members must file for reinstatement. They are restored to their prior rank and receive back pay and benefits. 43 of the 8,000 troops who were discharged returned when the vaccine mandate was repealed in Jan 2023.

Ran errands at the post office.

Thur Jan 30. Visited my dentist. Shopped at Costco. There were more customers wearing masks.

Fri Jan 31. The US declared a public health emergency five year ago today. The Center For Disease Control (CDC) reported 2,100 died in 2025 year-to-date. The COVID-19 death rate was 1.8%. Hospitalizations and emergency visits increased. Less than 25% of adults were vaccinated with the latest vaccine as of Jan 4, 2025.

The World Health Organization stated seven million died globally. COVID-19 was no longer a global emergency on May 5, 2023.