Friday, February 27, 2015

A Sample Of Changes Everyday

We know the common knowledge about change. Change is good. Change is everywhere. We can't avoid change. Change yourself to live better. Google "change quotes". There are websites with thousands and thousands of quotes involving change. The shortest quote summarizing many results is "Life changes".

I observed four recent changes. All of us experience at least one of the changes below. Some of these life changes are beyond our control. It's life. Time changes us. We must accept the changes taking us to new life paths.

Beauty. I check Facebook once a day. My friend's list includes current friends, past friends, and family. I remember everyone's looks when they were younger; in particular, the pretty people. These pretty people were attractive. Some of them lost attractiveness today. They live new lives which affects their beauty such as stress, new responsibilities, and new jobs. Age changes our beauty. In addition, the attractive people I see once or twice a year were gorgeous years ago.

On the other hand, some people look more attractive as they age. Their attractiveness was average. Their attractiveness is beautiful in their 30s, 40s, and even 50s. Age changes our beauty. These people change their lives to look more attractive from the simple new haircut to the long term goal getting stronger. They're more physically active, they're late bloomers, they're eating healthier foods, and they're bodies & minds matured.

Jobs. People get hired and people get fired every working day. They're promotions. They're layoffs. Departments are expanded or are contracted. New management. Transfers. New responsibilities. New procedures. No company stays the same indefinitely. Companies expand. Companies shut down.

My department hired three new employees starting Mon Mar 2. My engineer I support moved to a new cubicle. There are new policies being drafted. There are upgrades in our database. There are new changes every month small and large.

I remember my final months at Cisco. Our department terminated contractors every fiscal quarter due to the Great Recession. I changed managers two times during my last three months. I worked at a new building during my last two months. I had more responsibilities for some months. I had fewer responsibilities for some months.

Change is consistent working in any company.

Climate. I'm not a meteorologist. The recent changes are unseasonably warmer weather and almost no rain in the San Francisco Bay Area weather since Jan 2015. There are days I wore t-shirts and shorts. I sleep with two blankets at night. The flowers are starting to bloom. The pollen count is increasing. People are mowing their lawns. The weather is spring like April in February. I expect unseasonable weather for the year.

I experienced allergies on Tue Feb 24. My body weakness is a sudden change in temperatures. Sun Feb 22 was t-shirts and shorts weather. Tue Feb 24 was long sleeve and pants weather. The sudden warm to cold confused my body. I feel cold. I wear a jacket. Time passes. I feel hot. I take off my jacket. Repeat the process. My body can't choose a consistent body temperature in the current environment.

I added a weather widget on my phone to be more proactive monitoring the weather. I prepare my body ahead of time for immediate big changes in weather and temperatures.

Computer. My new desktop is more upgrading than changing. However, I changed my desktop name from "Gaming PC" to "Raymond's PC" or "RPC" for short. My desktop stopped working on Sat Dec 27, 2014. My troubleshooting concluded the motherboard stopped working. I didn't want to upgrade my desktop because the hardware satisfied my needs.

I need a working desktop. I upgrade by purchasing a new motherboard, new CPU, new video card, new DIMMs, and a SSD to run Windows 7.


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