Saturday, August 06, 2005

100% Success Rate To Keep The Toilet Seat Down

Guys who live with at least one female in the household including wives, girlfriends, daughters, female friends, female roommates, etc., I have a tip to keep the toilet seat down with a 100% successful rate. For those guessing, you may have said to keep the seat down during all “toilet transactions.” The answer is correct: Keep The Toilet Seat Down! When you need to pee, do it as if you are taking a crap.

Here are the benefits to keeping the toilet seat down,

1. The seat is always down. No need to take extra steps to lift the seat up and lift the seat down. AND you never need to remember “Did I put the seat down?”
2. Minimal splash damage. When peeing in the “sit-down” position, the pee is going directly into the bowl. There is minimal splash damage along the rim of the toilet. It’s gross to see pee splash damage along the rim =__=
3. Great impression. The females in the household think that you have a great memory you always keep the seat down.
4. If there is a power outage or not enough lighting, by sitting down and peeing there is no need to worry about peeing outside the toilet causing a mess because you can’t see your “aim.”

The downside is you lower your pants down to pee. And one may think that sitting down to pee is not being a Man. I think a Man is a person who always keep the seat down for the ladies in the household, and I think it’s a great impression for your number one woman!


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