Tuesday, November 01, 2005

First Aid Kit

Another Halloween has come and gone. Yesterday, I didn’t pass out candy. Last year, I passed out candy. My immediate neighborhood has lots of cul-de-sacs, and many of the families stayed within the cul-de-sacs. Very few trick-or-treaters went to my house this year and last year.

What did I do yesterday? Unfortunately, I came home late. There were some extra requests during the last hours. When I came home, I ate dinner and watched a little Monday Night Football. Next, I updated my first aid kit which is the subject of the blog entry.

A first aid kit is important in a household. First aid kits must contain accessories, medications, bandages, and more. To build a first aid kit, check out my webpage www.innovateinfinitely.com/firstaitkit.html for a list of items to include.

What did I update? I checked the expiration dates on the drugs, creams, and medications. Any outdated drugs, creams, and medications are replaced. On Saturday November 5, I’m going to the drug store to replace expired first aid items. By the way, the bandages, cotton, and miscellaneous accessories don’t need to be replaced *__*

After updating the first aid kit, I updated my webpage. Yesterday’s update was identifying anime cosplayers I didn’t know. And what did I do last weekend? Paid my credit card bills, sorted my expenses, mowed the lawn, and . . . updated my webpage XD


Resume? I don't need a resume. Here is my resume: Innovator. I'm available to innovate for hire.

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