Monday, May 15, 2006

Innovating My Boring And Tiring Work Area

On Friday May 12, I took a picture of my workplace. I neither work in an office nor a cubicle. I work at a wall. The picture below shows where I work ;__;

I work at the same place since June 2000. I admit it's really plain. I want my workplace to be plain because I want the company to think I'm a quiet and boring guy. I mean it. On the contrary, outside work, I'm a friendly guy who wants to have fun, meet people, and very enthusiastic when I'm having a good time XD

In the last two months, I have been really fatigued when I leave work (-,-) After dinner, I'm so tired I just go to sleep. It's hard for me to read books, update my webpage, write Blogs, continue writing my business plan, workout at the gym, research stocks, and completed other nightly activities. Many times, I don't brush my teeth and drink green tea. Not good :-%lt;

*Hee, hee* After looking at the picture, I'm going to innovate my work area. Today, I display two 4 inch by 6 inch pictures. The first picture is me visiting the Space Needle in Seattle, WA and the second picture is a Campbell Police Car picture. I hope by innovating my work area, my workday becomes less boring and I don't become fatigued. I'm considering displaying additional pictures, an anime pencil board, small poster, and a cosplay picture.


Resume? I don't need a resume. Here is my resume: Innovator. I'm available to innovate for hire.

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