I wore my braces from Jan 24, 2007 to Aug 17, 2009, a total of 936 days. I experienced new experiences, tried new activities, seek new adventures, growing up, made new friends, and seeing what my world really is. I continue to experience new experiences, try anything new, search for new adventures, grow up, meet new people, and finding what the world is to me and my surroundings. Life changes daily. I never stop changing because I always improve and innovate my life. I want to be great person.
My last top ten list was the top ten moments since I graduated San Jose State University (SJSU). View the list
here. The dates were Dec 1997 to Dec 2007. My lists are getting better, stronger, and more influential affecting my life in a shorter time range. The top ten SJSU was 10 years. The top ten braces is 2.6 years. In other words, I have more choices to make the top ten braces within less time compared to SJSU. I must be doing something correct.
Here are the top ten moments when I wore my braces:
10. Working at Cisco (Mar 19, 2007). The timing was perfect I found a job in a tech company. Nothing beats Cisco. Free bottle water, free soda, flexible hours, Cisco networks, choice to work at home, and more. I waited nine years to work in a tech company. Colliers International continued to go downhill and the last months were hell!
I learned a lot in the 18 months as a contractor. I learned about politics, departments fighting for funds from the executives, teamwork, networking, keeping secrets, fidgeting the numbers, PowerPoint, keeping an eye on yourself while portraying yourself a dependable person, and much more. Nobody is 100% honest. Nobody. Hard work alone only goes so far. I've seen workers doing half-ass jobs still having a job.
Do I want to go back to Cisco? Absolutely! My second tour at Cisco I'm grown up, more knowledgeable, and more experienced.
Side note: I saw CEO John Chambers twice and SVP Rob Lowe. I worked at their building for three months before my contract was terminated.
9. Facebook (Mar 23, 2009). Facebook is my first social networking site. I never created a LiveJournal and MySpace. Social networking is a good way to keep in touch with family and friends.
Everyone uses Facebook for different reasons. I use Facebook to keep my family and friends informed the latest and greatest in my life. I ignore the all quizzes, all games, and most applications.
8. The New Me On The Outside (Oct 4, 2008-Aug 17, 2009). From the top of my head wearing a new hat to the bottom of my feet wearing new shoes, it's time for a new me on the outside. Before Oct 2008, I had been wearing the same clothes for a long, long time. I wore some of those clothes for 10 years. Retarded!
I continue to buy new clothes and accessories. Out with the old and in with the new and upgrade my lifestyle.
7. Accutane (Feb 5, 2009). I applied two topical creams to control my acne since 2005. The topical creams were expensive. Time's up! I requested my dermatologist to take Accutane. He approved.
Accutane is a powerful drug to treat acne. The drug removed the warts. My common side effects are dry skin, dermatitis, and eczema. The dry summer days make my eczema worse. I continue the treatment to achieve zero acne on my face. It's time to be handsome!
6. Back To School (Apr 6, 2009). The economy continues in a recession. I have extra time. A friend of mine suggested I take Japanese. Great idea! I signed up for Beginning Japanese, Strength Development, and Social Dance for Spring Quarter '09.
Strength Development was a good class. I used the class to learn a new workout plan. The last day of class my maximum bench press is 200lbs. Not too shabby for a geek. And Social Dance was a good class, too. My favorite dance was the Waltz. My sister who dances competitively said I learned intermediate Waltz. It seems my favorite dances are the Smooth dances. I explain Beginning Japanese soon.
Going back to school opens another option while being unemployed that is earning a second degree. I'm taking Social Dance and Financial Accounting I for Fall Quarter '09.
5. My First Car (May 12, 2007). My neighbor and his wife moved to Virginia to be close with their family. They sold me their second car, a 2005 Toyota Camry V6. Great car!
I drove two road trips that were Anime Expo'07 in Long Beach and Anime Expo'09 in Los Angeles. I visited new places including places to hike, Charles M. Schulz museum, and new places in Santa Cruz. I'm looking forward to future adventure and to visit new sites. Life is a highway!
4. Add The Little Things And I Have Something Big (Dates Vary). Eating a Cinnabon for the first time, hiking, dancing, Finding Raymond Mar blog, shaving with a razor, listening to classic jazz, bodybuilding.com, family's new PC, Yelp, Team Fortress 2, sleeping on a new mattress, reading fiction books, texting, AIM, new laptop, and reorganizing my room. Add those little things and many more and I have something big, something amazingly huge!
3. Washington Canada '08 Trip (Nov 15-20, 2008). The timing was perfect to visit my friend in Washington. My contract at Cisco was terminated and I was lost, my life was lost. I didn't know what I was doing.
The trip was relaxing and lots of fun! We visited Victoria, British Columbia, Canada; Hurricane Ridge; Rock 'n Roll museum; casino, Downtown Seattle, and book stores. We watched movies and played board games. Great times!
2. Dropping Japanese (Apr 23, 2009). I mentioned in moment number 6 I went back to school. One class was Beginning Japanese I. I dropped the class on the third week because the sensei went too fast. She required all the students to learn Hiragana and Katakana in three weeks. Too fast! I told my friends who took Japanese and all agreed I made the correct decision to drop.
If I didn't drop Japanese, there was so much I couldn't do; for example, my Haku cosplay, Anime Expo'09, and hiking.
I'm no psychologist. I read about an area in the brain responsible for critical decision making. Maybe my critical decision making remained underdeveloped. I believed if my critical decision remained underdeveloped, then I made a serious mistake continuing Japanese and struggling.
Side note: I never dropped a class while I was at San Jose State University.
1. It's Time To Grow Up (Oct 4, 2008). None of the moments above and none of the moments in past top lists comes close to match this number one moment as of today. None! Nada! Zip! My number one moment is the day I realized I must grow up.
I was in Los Altos, CA. A friend and I played board games at a board games event in the Los Altos Library. We played in the morning because he had an afternoon appointment. I saw an arts and crafts festival across the street. I walked around the festival, listened to live music, and ate lunch. Throughout my walk, I paid attention to the families especially young families with their grade school aged kids. I realized I must grow up when I walked back to my car.
*Six of the ten moments took place Oct 4, 2008 and later. These six moments demonstrate I'm growing up and I'm catching up what I missed earlier in my life.
*There is one moment that took place between May 13, 2007 and Oct 3, 2008, a span of 509 days or 1.39 years. That moment was number 4 "Add The Little Things . . . ." Examples included playing Team Fortress 2, my first game I played online; my second laptop, an HP; and cosplaying on Halloween.
*My Top 30 Most Memorable Moments was created when I turned 30 years old in Aug 2004. View the list
here. I didn't have a number 1 moment. My Top 40 Most Memorable Moments is going to have two number 1 moments; in other words, Top 40 plus 1. The growing up moment has high potential to be one of the two number 1 moments. Obviously between now and when I turn 40 anything can happen to top the growing up moment. As of today, I doubt it because if it wasn't for me growing up, I'm not who I am today, the relaxed and mature Raymond Mar. Damn, I must continue to watch my tone because sometimes I talk too loud `__^
I'm growing up Finding Raymond Mar