Wednesday, October 21, 2009

It's Not All Academic

Most schools are failing our students to be successful in today's world and lifestyle. Here are my suggestions to improve, to innovate the classroom for education success.

*Physical Fitness. Physically fit is just as important as academics. Students concentrate better and can learn faster when they have lots of energy and stamina.

*Eat Properly. I bet one year's salary when I worked at Cisco my GPA at San Jose State is at least .3 points higher if I ate breakfast. I stopped eating breakfast the last three semesters. Bad idea. Today, I make sure I eat breakfast every day. I don't know how people function without breakfast.

Also, eat fruits and vegetables. Minimize processed foods. Eat healthy and you concentrate sharper in class.

*Work Smarter, Not Harder. Schools tell students working hard is the key to success. That's a good idea if working hard is giving you progress. The correct mentality is work smarter. Never stop innovating. Find ways to complete your work efficiently.

*See With Your Mind. Obi-Wan Kenobi said it best in Star Wars IV. Your eyes can deceive you, don't trust them. See with your mind, not with your eyes.

*You Must Have Friends. I was alone most of my senior year in high school. My senior year was not fun. You can't be successful being alone in life. You must have friends.

*Read a contemporary fiction book. Overall, the fiction books I read in my English class sucked. Today's fiction books give students a better idea how to live the world today. If you can read more, then do it.

*Listen To Classical Music. Listening to classical music improves your concentrating and makes your smarter. I don't understand how students study without listening to music. If students must listen to hip-hop, that's cool with me.

*Prepare to learn on your own. At Cisco, my manager gave me an assignment, told what was needed to be completed, and said to contact me with questions. The manager walked away. The manager didn't tell you how to complete the assignment. I was responsible to figure out how to complete the assignment. I was responsible to learn on my own. If I contacted my manager with questions, I got a response the next day.

The example above is how life is. You're responsible to learn by yourself. And you need friends (and family and acquaintances) in your life to help you. If you need to seek others for help, do it.

I'm growing up Finding Raymond Mar

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