Monday, June 15, 2020

The COVID-19 Pandemic Is Harder To Fake It

Today is day 90 for the California Shelter In-Place (SIP) order. Counties modify SIP orders to meet their needs. I share my observations. I'm not a professional. The chances my observations are true are the same as professionals. The pandemic is new. The pandemic is uncharted. The pandemic is unprecedented. There is new history.

The COVID-19 brings out more truths. COVID-19 is sodium pentothal or the truth serum. The truth sets people free. The truth being known for better or for worse is another conversation. The truth is communicated. Myths are confirmed true or false. Hunches are revealed. Intuitions are realized. Reality happens. Strip off the armor. Lower the shields. The truth is here. For instance, Black Lives Matter, George Floyd's death by a police officer, and social injustice protests are global examples.

The COVID-19 is the equalizer. People who didn't earn their successes prepare to go down. Prepare to lose. People down on their luck continue moving forward. Keep an eye for new opportunities. One may be the big break. The good people not getting their rewards--the rewards are coming. The bad people not getting their punishment--the punishments are coming. The world is equaling out. The playing field is being leveled.

Motivation is more important than intelligence. Get strong. Patience and perseverance pay off. Strong, smart, and wise people survive. The weak are eliminated. There are too many *fill in the blank*. The genuine *fill in the blank* remains. The rest are out.

Side note: The World Health Organization Corona Virus reports 7,805,148 cases and 431,192 deaths as of the blog entry.

Update On A Past Blog

I expected a global life break to happen during the 2008 Great Recession. The world was supposed to slow down. People were supposed to take a breath. The break didn't happen. I expect the global recession caused by COVID-19 to be another opportunity for the world to take a break. The break hasn't happened. I wrote two blogs regarding slowing down Dear People, Take A Break on Mar 8, 2012 and Yes Slow Down on Oct 9, 2015. Maybe the global life break happens after the George Floyd protests. The world has been stressed out. The world needs a break desperately.

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