Tuesday, October 06, 2020

Unreported 99.9999999…% Times

Today's blog is another reminder life goes on. We make stories every day. 99.9999999…% of all stories are unreported for every 24 hour period. These are the stories nobody knows. The news don't report them. The news misinforms the truths. Every second we breathe something good happens. A couple falls in love. A person is cured from cancer. A person recovers from COVID-19. A person fixes a car. A person's investments are in the positive. A person is hired for a new job. A person earned a promotion. A person graduated from college. A couple becomes parents for the first time. A person purchased a new computer. A group of friends celebrate their sports team winning a game. A felon is released from jail completing the sentence. A professional singer signs his or her first record deal. A first responder succeeds in saving a life. These are good moments.

Every second we breathe something bad happens. A couple is divorced. A person is diagnosed with cancer. A person died from COVID-19. A person's car breaks down. A person's investments are in the negative. A person is laid-off from a company he or she worked for decades. Another person earned a promotion for which he or she didn't deserve. A person flunked out from college. A couple loses a baby from a miscarriage. A person's computer broke. A group of friends are sad their sports team lost a game. A criminal defendant becomes a convicted felon for the first time. A professional singer is rejected from a record company. A first responder fails in saving a life. These are the bad moments.

Moreover, there are bad happenings neither reported from traditional media nor the plethora of online media. Depression, police racial injustice against Blacks, crimes committed from suspects with mental illnesses, mentally ill non-criminal people no longer taking their medications causing problems with their families and/or friends, and clean and sober people relapsing.

Life is unfair. Life moves forward. Nobody's perfect. Tomorrow is another day. Don't take life for granted. Be grateful. Life can be better. Life can be worse. These sentences are clique. These sentences are simple. These sentences are true.

Update On A Past Blog

I wrote how life is connected and life is full circle in Life Is Xs and Os on Jul 21, 2018. There is a reason why one person is connected with another person. There is a reason what we do today affects us tomorrow. The answer comes soon.

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