Wednesday, November 09, 2022

I Wasn't A Child Genius

I was a worrier. I worried too much when I was a child. I was scared something bad happened when I did something new. I must be assured there were positive outcomes for anything I did. The known positive outcomes I was happy. I did them. The unknown outcomes I worried. I did nothing. A grown-up must be present for anything new.

Ironically, how did I know the positive outcomes? I had to do something new eventually. Also, making mistakes was expected. Albert Einstein said, "A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." I contradicted myself. I wanted to try anything new for which I didn't do it because I worried. Nobody told me to make mistakes because we learn from mistakes. There was no encouragement. There was no hand holding.

A common trait geniuses possess is cynicism. Geniuses think the world is dying. Geniuses think the world self-destructs. Was my childhood worrier a sign of genius? The quick answer is yes. I worried too much. Was my worrying actually being cynical? The long answer is no when I answer the first question with the second question. I did nothing new. There was no attempt.

Afraid Was The Answer

Afraid was the correct answer in my childhood years. I told everyone I was worried. I was actually afraid. Nobody corrected my emotion. Nobody told me to be brave. Nobody told me to be courageous from the small action answering a phone call to the medium action ordering at McDonalds and to the big action asking a grown-up for help.

I realized I self-trained myself to become a genius in Aug 2019. Geniuses are cynics by nature. I mistakenly connected the dots from today to my childhood. I was neither worried nor cynical in my childhood. I'm either worried or cynical in my present adulthood.

Update On A Past Blog

Another Einstein quote is, "It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer." The problems in the quote reminded me of My Six Guarantees blog written on Dec 11, 2021. One of the six guarantees is everyone has problems. I also wrote You Have Problems? So Do I written on Oct 8, 2016. The world has problems. Everyone has problems.

If you don't have problems, then be patient. Life finds a way to give people problems beyond their control.

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