Friday, October 14, 2005

Shy People and Quiet People

But first, the week in review. *Hee, hee* Later today, I’m 99% guarantee I upload the Epilogue to the Washington Canada Blog. I did a second proofreading on Wednesday. Yesterday and today after work, I’m going to the gym. And I reread my Economics textbooks to reacquaint myself with Inflation. I think the economy is going to experience Inflation soon. The last time the economy was in an Inflation was around 1986. I finish reading my Economics textbooks next week.

Tomorrow my family celebrates my grandfather’s birthday. The celebration takes place during the late afternoon and evening. During the morning and early afternoon, I’m going to update my webpage; unfortunately, my updates are not completed to upload, yet.

O.K. what is Shy People and Quiet People? In yesterday’s San Jose Mercury News, a newspaper for Silicon Valley and Santa Clara County in California, Male Call received a question on a shy guy. Male Call answered the question by make sure the shy guy is a shy guy, not a quiet guy. A shy guy is a “Tommy Lee in Dockers”—a person who has action and excitement on the inside for which trust needs to be established for the shy guy to come out. (BTW, the Male Call article mentioned guy and I kept it “guy” instead of “people” for which there are shy gals, too :-)

On the other hand, Male Call says a quiet guy is a person who is quiet—really quiet and alone. A quiet guy is “always down in the basement reading or hammering on something.” (Like shy guy, the Male Call article mentioned guy and I kept it “guy” instead of “people” for which there are shy gals, too :-)

Male Call advice is to get to know the guy (or person) to make sure the guy (or person) is shy or quiet. Make the first move. When you are certain he (or the person) is shy and has common interests, say “Hey, we should do that sometime—how about Friday night?”

Good advice!


Resume? I don't need a resume. Here is my resume: Innovator. I'm available to innovate for hire.

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