Sunday, February 05, 2006

Congratulations To The Pittsburg Steelers

Earlier today, I watched Super Bowl XL. Congrats to the Pittsburg Steelers. Seattle Seahawks, you should be proud. I saw the game and you guys played hard and played like champions which explain why you earned the trip to the Super Bowl.

Yeah, the officials screwed up on calls against you Seahawks; however, I’m really not going to give an opinion on the screwed up calls. Everyone makes mistakes which proves we are humans :-) A team blaming screwed up calls for losing a game is a lame excuse. The best teams overcome botched calls, forget the botched calls, and play on.

On an inspiration note, I like for you Seahawks to learn what failed because I want to see you Seahawks again for Super Bowl XLI. (I hope Roman Numeral 41 is XLI.) Yeah, I’m a San Francisco 49ers fan. It’s just I want another west coast city to be in the Super Bowl, and the 49ers is still rebuilding. And I visited Seattle last year and I love the city ^_^


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