Sunday, February 19, 2006

Favorable Pet Peeves

Everyone has pet peeves—something that annoys the heck out of us. There are good pet peeves, and to be a better person, use the good pet peeves to live a better life. Here are a few pet peeves I consider good pet peeves,

*I hate liars who want attention. Personally, I suck at lying. Hang around me and you are going to hang around with an honest guy.
*I hate to waste food. Depending on where you live, the cost of living is expensive. Food is a big expense especially families with limited incomes and children to take care of. I never waste food. I purchase what I want to eat in the grocery store and order what I can eat in a restaurant.
*I hate to waste time. Life is short. Make the best of living today and prepare for tomorrow. Do as much as you can everyday, and I don't mean working 12 hours a day =__= Tomorrow is another day. Don't waste time, yet take your time. Goals are not meant to be achieved overnight.
*Yak, Yak, Yak. People who criticize and complain too much because the more one person criticize and complains, the less credible the person becomes.


Resume? I don't need a resume. Here is my resume: Innovator. I'm available to innovate for hire.

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