My blog innovates and improves life’s common knowledge. The successful people find ways doing something better. They innovate their lives infinitely. Bruce Lee said it best, “Even today, I dare not say that I have reached a state of achievement . . . for learning is boundless.” I encourage people to seek better ways. Life gets better every day. I share my highlights, my lighter side, my current events, a question, and an opinion.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
De Anza Week Nov 23, 2009
Mon Nov 23, 2009
The instructor finished reviewing Chapter 6 homework. The class was interrupted for two minutes from three students who wanted to wish a classmate happy birthday. The instructor approved it. Personally, it was rude.
Next, the instructor lectured and completed Chapter 7. He said 90% of the material is useless. I agree. In my opinion, the chapter should have been skipped. I believe good instructors never finish the book. They concentrate their time on the most important concepts. When I was at San Jose State, only one class the instructor finished the book. All my other classes the instructor didn't finish the book. If I was teaching Accounting 1A, I skip Chapter 7 and concentrate more time on another chapter.
At the Campus Center, I purchased a one item Chinese meal. I broke the rule not eating at the cafeteria to save money because the dance classes last week I was tired and weak. After eating, I got a mild stomach ache. I didn't think it's the Chinese meal. I ate Chinese in the past. I'm guessing it was the leftovers I ate at home before class.
The minor stomach ache was no factor. The instructor taught us the Hustle. We reviewed the Tango, started the Hustle, and reviewed the Nite Club Two Step. I liked the instructor reviewing the Nite Club last instead of first. It was a variety. Tonight's class was in a better mood compared to recent Monday night classes.
Wed Nov 25, 2009
Thanksgiving is tomorrow. Maybe it's just me. I observed there were some people in a pissy mood. It's the holidays. Take it slowly and cheer up. Given the economy and any personal problems Thanksgiving can't solve, I can see people not in a holiday mood. However, don't take it on others.
Anyways, today's Accounting class was a half day. The instructor started Chapter 8. I read Chap 8 and continue on the project on Sat or Sun. Time is running out and the quarter finish fast.
I learned something new out of the book. Some retail places have a sign saying if the customer doesn't receive a receipt, the customer receives a free meal. The reason customers must receive a receipt is internal controls. The retail business assures there is a legitimate transaction. The cashier can't pocket the cash from the transaction because the transaction is recorded in the cash register.
Dance class was a full turnout. Nobody cut. We reviewed the Cha Cha Cha and Salsa. Then we started learning the West Coast Swing. The next Wed class meeting is the Dance Demonstration.
I Continue To Find Myself Finding Raymond Mar
The instructor finished reviewing Chapter 6 homework. The class was interrupted for two minutes from three students who wanted to wish a classmate happy birthday. The instructor approved it. Personally, it was rude.
Next, the instructor lectured and completed Chapter 7. He said 90% of the material is useless. I agree. In my opinion, the chapter should have been skipped. I believe good instructors never finish the book. They concentrate their time on the most important concepts. When I was at San Jose State, only one class the instructor finished the book. All my other classes the instructor didn't finish the book. If I was teaching Accounting 1A, I skip Chapter 7 and concentrate more time on another chapter.
At the Campus Center, I purchased a one item Chinese meal. I broke the rule not eating at the cafeteria to save money because the dance classes last week I was tired and weak. After eating, I got a mild stomach ache. I didn't think it's the Chinese meal. I ate Chinese in the past. I'm guessing it was the leftovers I ate at home before class.
The minor stomach ache was no factor. The instructor taught us the Hustle. We reviewed the Tango, started the Hustle, and reviewed the Nite Club Two Step. I liked the instructor reviewing the Nite Club last instead of first. It was a variety. Tonight's class was in a better mood compared to recent Monday night classes.
Wed Nov 25, 2009
Thanksgiving is tomorrow. Maybe it's just me. I observed there were some people in a pissy mood. It's the holidays. Take it slowly and cheer up. Given the economy and any personal problems Thanksgiving can't solve, I can see people not in a holiday mood. However, don't take it on others.
Anyways, today's Accounting class was a half day. The instructor started Chapter 8. I read Chap 8 and continue on the project on Sat or Sun. Time is running out and the quarter finish fast.
I learned something new out of the book. Some retail places have a sign saying if the customer doesn't receive a receipt, the customer receives a free meal. The reason customers must receive a receipt is internal controls. The retail business assures there is a legitimate transaction. The cashier can't pocket the cash from the transaction because the transaction is recorded in the cash register.
Dance class was a full turnout. Nobody cut. We reviewed the Cha Cha Cha and Salsa. Then we started learning the West Coast Swing. The next Wed class meeting is the Dance Demonstration.
I Continue To Find Myself Finding Raymond Mar
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
No Chet Baker
I listen to classical jazz when I eat breakfast. I rotate my CDs such that I always listen to all my CDs before I start a new rotation. One of my CDs is "Let's Get Lost" by Chet Baker. I listen to Baker's CD when I feel depressed. (We all get depressed. We are humans.) I felt depressed, Baker's CD was ready. If I listened to Baker's CD, I was not going to be depressed for the rest of the rotation. If the rotation reset, I was going to be depressed soon. I felt better after listening to the CD. Always happened.
I broke the cycle for the first time. I realized I'm human on Sun Nov 1, 2009. I'm human, everyone around me is human. I never felt more relaxed, more easy going, more kind since Oct 2008. I realized I must grow up on Oct 4, 2008.
Currently, I have a new rotation. The last rotation I skipped Chet Baker. There are no guarantees in life. If I feel depressed again, Chet Baker is in the rotation. For now, I'm enjoying life at my best, a feeling I missed in a long time.
I Continue To Find Myself Finding Raymond Mar
I broke the cycle for the first time. I realized I'm human on Sun Nov 1, 2009. I'm human, everyone around me is human. I never felt more relaxed, more easy going, more kind since Oct 2008. I realized I must grow up on Oct 4, 2008.
Currently, I have a new rotation. The last rotation I skipped Chet Baker. There are no guarantees in life. If I feel depressed again, Chet Baker is in the rotation. For now, I'm enjoying life at my best, a feeling I missed in a long time.
I Continue To Find Myself Finding Raymond Mar
Monday, November 23, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Accutane Day 288

The 40mg Accutane seems to be working. I experience muscle aches and fatigue since I doubled the dosage. The muscle aches happen when I work out. The fatigue is minor and happens one or two times a week. I apply Desoximetasone ointment when dermatitis appears on my hand that has been minor, too. I apply lip balm for my dry lips and Vanicream hand moisturizer for my dry skin. The side effect eczema has not happened. That's good news!
Moreover, since Mon Nov 16, a pimple appeared on my lower left cheek closer to my mouth. Last night, two small red bumps appeared on my lower left side of my forehead just above the eye brows. I wonder if I'm going to experience an acne breakout. Acne breakouts are supposed to happen days after taking Accutane for the first time. I didn't experience an acne breakout when I started taking it back in Feb.
Sometimes I see red spots on my forehead. The red spots appear after I workout at the gym. I apply Vanicream and the red spots disappear two days later. I told the dermatologist and she said there is nothing to worry. I keep watch.
I'm going to modify my workouts at the gym. Fortunately, I know two workout plans. The first workout plan is all machines and the second workout plan is mostly free weights. I'm going to modify the first workout plan by lower the weight and increase the number of reps. I do two sets of reps per machine. If I want to workout with the second workout plan, then all workouts are two sets. Some workouts are three sets. I thought about taking one week off from going to the gym. I want to try the modified workouts first.
I'm approaching 300 days on Accutane. All the people I know who took Accutane the treatment worked. I continue being patient. For instance, it took 135 days for the warts to be removed. The average treatment is six months from my research. Talk about being a late bloomer.
Finally, one side effect not happening is being depressed. On the contrary, I'm in the best mood, probably the best mood for all of 2009 now I think about it.
I Continue To Find Myself Finding Raymond Mar
Thursday, November 19, 2009
De Anza Week Nov 16, 2009
Mon Nov 16, 2009
This morning I learned washing your face with warm water before shaving makes the shave smoother. I shaved without washing my face and my shave was rough. I wash my face half-ass and I realized it still made a difference.
We got our accounting mid-terms #2 back. The average score was 80. I scored a 94. One question I thought I knew the formula; unfortunately, I didn't. The second question I missed I got partial credit. The partial credit question I failed to read all the choices because there were two correct answers. Lesson learned for the final: read all the multiple choice questions. Read all!
The class was missing quite a few students. Most students and the instructor guessed they dropped the class. My thinking is if they can't pass Accounting 1A, maybe business is not cut out for them. The same thinking applies to me when I was a math major. I couldn't prove math theories, I changed majors.
The instructor started chapter 6 after we discussed mid-term #2. There is going to be a quiz on Wed.
I need to check my De Anza registration for Winter '10. I plan to take Accounting 1B, two other accounting classes, singing (for Rock Band), and Social Dance-Wed. I'm taking advantage of one accounting class to catch up on anime. I should find time to read a fiction book after I catch up on anime. I find time for cooking, working out at the gym, and time with my friends. I feel spoiled I don't have the work. I respect full times students who work.
The beginning of dance class I was out of it. We started the class reviewing the Nite Club Two Step. I didn't follow the routine, and my partner didn't help me. I vowed to stay focus on the Dance Demonstration on Wed Dec 2 where the class dance the Nite Club in front of other students from the other dance classes. After Nite Club, we learned the Tango. There was a new spin move the instructor forgot the name. I ask my sister tonight.
Wed Nov 18, 2009
I checked my registration date. I register on Wed Dec 2. I plan to take Accounting 1B, two more accounting classes, singing, and social dance. None of my classes are general education. I shouldn't have any problems.
There was another quiz in accounting. It was a simple question. The purpose of the quizzes was to take attendance more than quizzing how the students know the material. After the quiz, the instructor finished lecturing Chap 6 and started the homework. The instructor said Wed Nov 25, the day before Thanksgiving, we have class for one hour. There is dance class Wed night. More free time between accounting and dancing.
OK, for the rest of the quarter, I must eat something before dance class. If I must buy food at the cafeteria, then I buy something. The first part of the class we reviewed the Cha Cha Cha for the Dance Demonstration on Wed Dec 2. I started dancing the Nite Club Two Step. Bad move. I vowed to stay focus on the demonstration. The rest of the class we learned more Salsa. I had problems concentrating; fortunately, I memorized the footwork and the arm moments. Need more practice.
I'm growing up Finding Raymond Mar
This morning I learned washing your face with warm water before shaving makes the shave smoother. I shaved without washing my face and my shave was rough. I wash my face half-ass and I realized it still made a difference.
We got our accounting mid-terms #2 back. The average score was 80. I scored a 94. One question I thought I knew the formula; unfortunately, I didn't. The second question I missed I got partial credit. The partial credit question I failed to read all the choices because there were two correct answers. Lesson learned for the final: read all the multiple choice questions. Read all!
The class was missing quite a few students. Most students and the instructor guessed they dropped the class. My thinking is if they can't pass Accounting 1A, maybe business is not cut out for them. The same thinking applies to me when I was a math major. I couldn't prove math theories, I changed majors.
The instructor started chapter 6 after we discussed mid-term #2. There is going to be a quiz on Wed.
I need to check my De Anza registration for Winter '10. I plan to take Accounting 1B, two other accounting classes, singing (for Rock Band), and Social Dance-Wed. I'm taking advantage of one accounting class to catch up on anime. I should find time to read a fiction book after I catch up on anime. I find time for cooking, working out at the gym, and time with my friends. I feel spoiled I don't have the work. I respect full times students who work.
The beginning of dance class I was out of it. We started the class reviewing the Nite Club Two Step. I didn't follow the routine, and my partner didn't help me. I vowed to stay focus on the Dance Demonstration on Wed Dec 2 where the class dance the Nite Club in front of other students from the other dance classes. After Nite Club, we learned the Tango. There was a new spin move the instructor forgot the name. I ask my sister tonight.
Wed Nov 18, 2009
I checked my registration date. I register on Wed Dec 2. I plan to take Accounting 1B, two more accounting classes, singing, and social dance. None of my classes are general education. I shouldn't have any problems.
There was another quiz in accounting. It was a simple question. The purpose of the quizzes was to take attendance more than quizzing how the students know the material. After the quiz, the instructor finished lecturing Chap 6 and started the homework. The instructor said Wed Nov 25, the day before Thanksgiving, we have class for one hour. There is dance class Wed night. More free time between accounting and dancing.
OK, for the rest of the quarter, I must eat something before dance class. If I must buy food at the cafeteria, then I buy something. The first part of the class we reviewed the Cha Cha Cha for the Dance Demonstration on Wed Dec 2. I started dancing the Nite Club Two Step. Bad move. I vowed to stay focus on the demonstration. The rest of the class we learned more Salsa. I had problems concentrating; fortunately, I memorized the footwork and the arm moments. Need more practice.
I'm growing up Finding Raymond Mar
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
De Anza Week Nov 9, 2009
Mon Nov 9, 2009
Today was another example you never know too many people. One of my classmate's friend got a contractor job at Google. She was the student who got laid off at Yahoo! in Feb'08. She continues to take Accounting 1A while working. She's not going to attend classes. Congrats!
Today we reviewed the upcoming second mid-term covering Chaps 4 and 5 on Wed. I did OK on the pre mid-term. The questions were straightforward. The second mid-term is 1/3 multiple choice, a couple of short answer, and lots of journal entries. After I take the mid-term, I start on the class project.
Dance class we finished learning the East Coast Swing and started the Tango. I knew the basic Tango from my sister. The instructor taught the Tango at an intermediate level. And I want to say today's class reinforces my opinion the Wed class is better than the Mon class.
Wed Nov 11, 2009
Veteran's Day. The drive to school was much easier. Schools were closed. I took my second mid-term. It was trickier and harder than the first. Some of the questions were harder and wasn't clear cut. Thinking was involved. I liked the instructor telling the students to write their thinking on multiple choice questions if they're not sure for partial credit. The last question was a fun question that asked our favorite ice cream. The second to last question was calculating the inventory of ice cream, and that was one of a few tricky questions. My thinking was beginning inventory plus added inventory minus used inventory equals inventory now.
The second mid-term convinced me over-studying is useless. Even though I'm taking one class requiring homework and studying, I believe over-studying is a waste of time. Studying and reviewing today is useless. Both are not going to help me increase my score. It's either I know it or I don't.
I over-studied too many times when I attended San Jose State. Thinking back, I say almost all of my over-studying was useless. Over-studying increased my worries and anxieties. I could have used the wasted time for something more productive. Over-studying was more memorizing and less thinking. Taking Accounting 1A and going back to school made me realize I failed to think in class. I could have gotten better grades, understood the concepts efficient, and had extra time to learn and grow outside my classes.
I had a light lunch. The extra time between accounting and social dance because of the mid-term I use to eat dinner. I know I'm not supposed to eat at Campus Center to save money. Today I made it an exception. I wanted to eat Chinese. I timed getting Chinese because around 6pm the cook prepared new food. Unfortunately, it was not the case. There were lots of people at the Campus Center. I walked up to Chinese and the food was gone. I settled for a burger and fries. I talked to one of the cooking staff waiting for my burger and fries. He and I small talked during Spring Quarter '09.
Dance class we reviewed the Cha Cha Cha for the Dance Demonstration on Wed Dec 2. Then the rest of the class we learned the Salsa. Good choice, instructor to skip the Fox Trot. The Wed dance class has been much better than the Mon dance class. I sign up for the Wed dance class for Winter Quarter '10.
I'm growing up Finding Raymond Mar
Today was another example you never know too many people. One of my classmate's friend got a contractor job at Google. She was the student who got laid off at Yahoo! in Feb'08. She continues to take Accounting 1A while working. She's not going to attend classes. Congrats!
Today we reviewed the upcoming second mid-term covering Chaps 4 and 5 on Wed. I did OK on the pre mid-term. The questions were straightforward. The second mid-term is 1/3 multiple choice, a couple of short answer, and lots of journal entries. After I take the mid-term, I start on the class project.
Dance class we finished learning the East Coast Swing and started the Tango. I knew the basic Tango from my sister. The instructor taught the Tango at an intermediate level. And I want to say today's class reinforces my opinion the Wed class is better than the Mon class.
Wed Nov 11, 2009
Veteran's Day. The drive to school was much easier. Schools were closed. I took my second mid-term. It was trickier and harder than the first. Some of the questions were harder and wasn't clear cut. Thinking was involved. I liked the instructor telling the students to write their thinking on multiple choice questions if they're not sure for partial credit. The last question was a fun question that asked our favorite ice cream. The second to last question was calculating the inventory of ice cream, and that was one of a few tricky questions. My thinking was beginning inventory plus added inventory minus used inventory equals inventory now.
The second mid-term convinced me over-studying is useless. Even though I'm taking one class requiring homework and studying, I believe over-studying is a waste of time. Studying and reviewing today is useless. Both are not going to help me increase my score. It's either I know it or I don't.
I over-studied too many times when I attended San Jose State. Thinking back, I say almost all of my over-studying was useless. Over-studying increased my worries and anxieties. I could have used the wasted time for something more productive. Over-studying was more memorizing and less thinking. Taking Accounting 1A and going back to school made me realize I failed to think in class. I could have gotten better grades, understood the concepts efficient, and had extra time to learn and grow outside my classes.
I had a light lunch. The extra time between accounting and social dance because of the mid-term I use to eat dinner. I know I'm not supposed to eat at Campus Center to save money. Today I made it an exception. I wanted to eat Chinese. I timed getting Chinese because around 6pm the cook prepared new food. Unfortunately, it was not the case. There were lots of people at the Campus Center. I walked up to Chinese and the food was gone. I settled for a burger and fries. I talked to one of the cooking staff waiting for my burger and fries. He and I small talked during Spring Quarter '09.
Dance class we reviewed the Cha Cha Cha for the Dance Demonstration on Wed Dec 2. Then the rest of the class we learned the Salsa. Good choice, instructor to skip the Fox Trot. The Wed dance class has been much better than the Mon dance class. I sign up for the Wed dance class for Winter Quarter '10.
I'm growing up Finding Raymond Mar
Friday, November 06, 2009
De Anza Week Nov 2, 2009
Mon Nov 2, 2009
Daylight standard time began yesterday. It's different seeing dark after my accounting class. I'm behind in my accounting even though I'm taking one class. There were events last weekend beyond my control. Tonight and tomorrow I want to finish Chap 5 homework. The second mid-term is Mon Nov 9; however, one student asked the instructor after class if the second mid-term is actually Mon Nov 9. The instructor said he thinks about it. I'm struggling with Chap 4 concepts. It's not getting easier and an anticipated more challenges as I continue to take accounting classes.
The first part of the class we had another quiz. The quiz was funny because two students arrived after the instructor told the class the question. The first student thought it was the beginning of the lecture and said part of the answer. The class laughed and said jokes including, "What she said." Likewise with the second student. The class laughed and said, "What he said." The quizzes were attendance checks and lighthearted. The instructor took it lightly.
I find it sad to see some tables in the Campus Center common area dirty with food and packaging. I find the behavior disturbing and rude.
Mon dance class almost everybody was tired and not eager to dance including me. As class went on, everyone woke up. We're happy and almost everyone was focused on Nite-Club Two Step and East Coast Swing. I was surprised because the Wed class is more exciting. The instructor added another quarter turn, side-cross-side, and basics to the Nite-Club Two Step. We learned a few new moves in East Coast Swing.
Wed Nov 4, 2009
The instructor made a mistake in the class schedule. We meet on Wed Nov 11 that is Veterans Day. De Anza celebrates Veterans Day on Fri Nov 13 that is Friday The 13th. Friday the 13th has been a good luck day for me. In addition, the instructor moved the second mid-term to Wed Nov 11 instead of Mon Nov 9. I liked the delay because I have been struggling with Chap 4. The instructor passed out candy as an apology for the confusion.
After class, I thought about full time students who work part-time or even full-time. I have more respect for those students taking classes and working. I imagine it's tough. Working means less time studying. It's tougher when the students have a relationship, family obligations, and any other important priorities. I admit I'm spoiled. I worked part-time during part of my life at San Jose State. I didn't have external priorities and commitments outside school, work, and family.
Dance class I forgot to step back when I do the underarm turn for the Cha Cha Cha. Must remember. We finished the Fox Trot and we started on the Salsa. I believe students who cut the class for any reason stop cutting now that we learn the Salsa.
I'm growing up Finding Raymond Mar
Daylight standard time began yesterday. It's different seeing dark after my accounting class. I'm behind in my accounting even though I'm taking one class. There were events last weekend beyond my control. Tonight and tomorrow I want to finish Chap 5 homework. The second mid-term is Mon Nov 9; however, one student asked the instructor after class if the second mid-term is actually Mon Nov 9. The instructor said he thinks about it. I'm struggling with Chap 4 concepts. It's not getting easier and an anticipated more challenges as I continue to take accounting classes.
The first part of the class we had another quiz. The quiz was funny because two students arrived after the instructor told the class the question. The first student thought it was the beginning of the lecture and said part of the answer. The class laughed and said jokes including, "What she said." Likewise with the second student. The class laughed and said, "What he said." The quizzes were attendance checks and lighthearted. The instructor took it lightly.
I find it sad to see some tables in the Campus Center common area dirty with food and packaging. I find the behavior disturbing and rude.
Mon dance class almost everybody was tired and not eager to dance including me. As class went on, everyone woke up. We're happy and almost everyone was focused on Nite-Club Two Step and East Coast Swing. I was surprised because the Wed class is more exciting. The instructor added another quarter turn, side-cross-side, and basics to the Nite-Club Two Step. We learned a few new moves in East Coast Swing.
Wed Nov 4, 2009
The instructor made a mistake in the class schedule. We meet on Wed Nov 11 that is Veterans Day. De Anza celebrates Veterans Day on Fri Nov 13 that is Friday The 13th. Friday the 13th has been a good luck day for me. In addition, the instructor moved the second mid-term to Wed Nov 11 instead of Mon Nov 9. I liked the delay because I have been struggling with Chap 4. The instructor passed out candy as an apology for the confusion.
After class, I thought about full time students who work part-time or even full-time. I have more respect for those students taking classes and working. I imagine it's tough. Working means less time studying. It's tougher when the students have a relationship, family obligations, and any other important priorities. I admit I'm spoiled. I worked part-time during part of my life at San Jose State. I didn't have external priorities and commitments outside school, work, and family.
Dance class I forgot to step back when I do the underarm turn for the Cha Cha Cha. Must remember. We finished the Fox Trot and we started on the Salsa. I believe students who cut the class for any reason stop cutting now that we learn the Salsa.
I'm growing up Finding Raymond Mar
Sunday, November 01, 2009
I'm Human Just Like The Person Next To Me
Everyone around me is human. We are happy, sad, depress, cheerful, frighten, brave, angry, forgiving, lonely, friendly, crying, understanding, gloomy, laughing, lost, (have) resolve, loving, hating, respectful.
Humans are not perfect. We make mistakes and we learn from our mistakes. Gather courage to make mistakes and be wise to learn from them. Dealing and overcoming the pains determine how much we grow up. Walk tall with our backs straight up and our eyes watching, ears listening, and hands feeling.
We are lonely. Everyone is going to be lonely. Everyone is going to experience the lonely feeling. We meet new people and make new friends so there is one less lonely person in the world.
Humans have weaknesses. We gain strength overcoming their weaknesses, and that's victory. I'm tired of acting tough. I must be brave to show, to express, to tell everyone my weaknesses. My weakness is loneliness. I feel better letting it all out.
I want to tell everyone in the world I'm a human being. To avoid misunderstandings that really affects me, from my perspective, too many times for me. I'm a person looking for something. I don't know what. So then, what's holding me back?!?
I'm growing up Finding Raymond Mar
Humans are not perfect. We make mistakes and we learn from our mistakes. Gather courage to make mistakes and be wise to learn from them. Dealing and overcoming the pains determine how much we grow up. Walk tall with our backs straight up and our eyes watching, ears listening, and hands feeling.
We are lonely. Everyone is going to be lonely. Everyone is going to experience the lonely feeling. We meet new people and make new friends so there is one less lonely person in the world.
Humans have weaknesses. We gain strength overcoming their weaknesses, and that's victory. I'm tired of acting tough. I must be brave to show, to express, to tell everyone my weaknesses. My weakness is loneliness. I feel better letting it all out.
I want to tell everyone in the world I'm a human being. To avoid misunderstandings that really affects me, from my perspective, too many times for me. I'm a person looking for something. I don't know what. So then, what's holding me back?!?
I'm growing up Finding Raymond Mar
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