Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Number One Reason I Brush My Teeth

Good hygiene is equally important for a healthy person. Some of us neglect our mouth, teeth, and tongue. Some of us minimally brush our teeth once a day to satisfy cleaning our mouth. There is no flossing. Mouth washing itself is ineffective. Bad hygiene leads to long term health problems for your mouth and teeth. I want to have my teeth when I'm old age to continue eating good foods without pain.

One reason I brush my teeth after breakfast and before I go to sleep is to avoid getting sick from a dirty mouth. The toothpaste I use contains baking soda. I use another toothbrush to brush the gum line below my teeth. I floss using a thick dental floss. I dislike the cheap, generic, thin floss. And I scrape my tongue using a tongue cleaner.

The number one reason I take care of my mouth is sex. Think about it. Nobody wants to kiss another person with bad breath, bad teeth, bad gums, and bad lips. Google image "bad teeth" or "bad mouth". You probably want to start brushing again immediately. That's a reality check.

The mouth is important for sex: lips, good breath, healthy gums, and the tongue. Nobody wants sores and bleeding gums inside their mouth. The mouth and tongue are free of nasty bumps and fluids. Take care of the mouth just like taking a shower for the body. Partners want to be clean from head to toe, and that includes the mouth.

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