My blog innovates and improves life’s common knowledge. The successful people find ways doing something better. They innovate their lives infinitely. Bruce Lee said it best, “Even today, I dare not say that I have reached a state of achievement . . . for learning is boundless.” I encourage people to seek better ways. Life gets better every day. I share my highlights, my lighter side, my current events, a question, and an opinion.
Did you watch Good Will Hunting? It's not your fault. --Pam Moore, Florence, SC
You're not the only son who has trouble understanding their parents when it comes to teaching. My parents were terrible teachers. They didn't want to teach me. Heck, they didn't want to spend bonding time with me! --Dave Hicks, Chandler, AZ
Good choice going back to college. Nobody was hiring in 2009. It took me three years to find a job during the Great Recession. What a waste doing nothing during that time. --Ron, New York, NY
Accounting was a stupid major. You should have majored in computers or technology or something related to computers. You need a CPA or a B.A. in accounting if you want a career in accounting. --Brad Mole, Akron, OH
You learned more about who you are. That's much better than any AA degree. You're a better person today. Kudos! --isee789 via email
I'm 45. My college life sucked. Today's college students have it made with the internet and Wiki. It's easier to meet new people with Facebook, mobile phones, and emails. I'm happy you were able to live like a 20 year old again. --Beth, Modesto, CA
I'm 63 years old. A month ago I took my head out my ass. Life is much better today. I reconciled with my children and apologized to my ex-wife for being a total jack-ass. My children are starting to let me see my grandchildren. If I die tomorrow, I die peacefully. --Mike Iola, Vicksburg, MS
Better late than never to grow up. Congrats big time sir. --Steve Oldermeyer, Lansdowne, PA
I bet your life is better today, right now. -Mary G via email
I'm a middle school guidance counselor. Where are the parents today who are failing to tell their sons and/or daughters to believe in themselves? I'm seeing more students each school year lacking self confidence and self esteem. I wonder if that's related to school bullying how some students are just easy targets for these bullies. Ironically, these bullies also lack self confidence and self esteem. --Rachel Morris, Twin Falls, ID
Congratulations on finding your faith, your inner believing in yourself. Now you can do whatever you want. Find your next goals and do them with full faith in yourself. The world believes in you now my friend. --Sam via email.
The world needs faith, I think the world lost it. --iluvcookies via email.
It sounded like 2013 was a bad year. The downfall started before the 2013 year began. It seemed 2013 ended on a good note because you're working again. I hope you never experience another 2013 again. --Summer Paul, Fort Worth, TX
I disagree. Life is supposed to be fun. When you find a job, you're not going to regret those days of fun, carefree . . . and days you created fun memories. Once you work full-time, you life is over. You're going to cherish those days of nonworking because, if done correctly, you're going to be a stronger person with more wisdom. --Ron Baldwin via email
Those life lessons of priorities, leap of faith, being discrete, and (life) goals are not taught at schools. Your parents didn't teach you those too. I don't know who to blame. You should feel proud of yourself. I would [spend] a million bucks for those life lessons. Just remember those four life lessons for the rest of your life. You'll be fine. --Wang Quan, Seattle, WA
I could relate to not getting the job at Google. I interviewed for a junior executive position. It turned out I didn't get the job because my references were inaccurate. I never thought the hiring manager would call them. It was the first time ever somebody called my references. First time! That tells you how tough the job market is. Those companies can be picky who they want to hire. The competition is stiff. You better have everything in order for the interview. --Walter Shoemaker, San Francisco
There is no such thing as a work-life balance. We live in America. Americans like to work. Americans enjoy working. Sad, but true. --Taylor McKenzie via email
Now that's how your job search. It's a full time job. You search for a job. When you're not searching for a job, you improve your job skills. Or learn new job skills. I hope the hard work pays off by finding a job. Good luck! --tpump90 via email
I can't wait to read another growing up moment. You're so young you have more wisdom to learn. I'm reading your blogs to find out soon. --Mychelle Brandy, Philadelphia, PA