Everyone knows quotes. These quoted famous people experienced the pain working hard earning their successes. They share their life experiences. We quote how they became successful. We quote their life lessons to help us live better lives. We also quote their life ups and downs, their comedy to make us laugh, and their beliefs. Adapting their quotes into our lives is an example of modeling. We model our lives from famous people. We follow their successes to become successful ourselves.
Steve Jobs is quoted many times for his successes. Some of my favorites are from his 2005 graduation speech at Stanford University. They include the following: (1) You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something - your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life. (2) Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish. (3) Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. (4) Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary. One more quote on intuition: I began to realize that an intuitive understanding and consciousness was more significant than abstract thinking and intellectual logical analysis . . . intuition is a very powerful thing, more powerful than intellect, in my opinion. That's had a big impact on my work.
Here are the top ten favorite quotes I follow to live my life:
10. Well life has a funny way of sneaking up on you; When you think everything's okay and everything's going right; And life has a funny way of helping you out when; You think everything's gone wrong and everything blows up; In your face --Ironic, Alanis Morissette
9. You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. –Winston Churchill
8. You can choose comfort or you can choose courage, but you cannot have both. --Theodore Roosevelt
7a. My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure. --Abraham Lincoln (Similarly in my words: If I'm going to mess up, I mess up my way. I take responsibility. And I learn from my mess up. Stay foolish.)
7b. He has a right to criticize, who has a heart to help. --Abraham Lincoln
6. The simplest explanation is probably the correct one. --Occam's Razor
5. Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools talk because they have to say something. --Plato
4. Obi-Wan: I suggest you try it again, Luke. That time, let go your conscious self . . . and act on instinct.
[Obi-Wan places helmet with blast shield on Luke.]
Luke: With the blast shield down, I can't even see. How am I supposed to fight?
Obi-Wan: Your eyes can deceive you. Don't trust them.
--Star Wars IV, A New Hope
3. Let it be, let it be; Let it be, let it be; Whisper words of wisdom; Let it be --Let It Be, The Beatles
2. Even today, I dare not say that I have reached a state of achievement . . . for learning is boundless. --Bruce Lee
1. I'm starting with the man in the mirror; I'm asking him to change his ways; And no message could have been any clearer; If you want to make the world a better place; Take a look at yourself, and then make a change --Man In The Mirror, Michael Jackson
Email: feedbackininblog@innovateinfinitely.com
My blog innovates and improves life’s common knowledge. The successful people find ways doing something better. They innovate their lives infinitely. Bruce Lee said it best, “Even today, I dare not say that I have reached a state of achievement . . . for learning is boundless.” I encourage people to seek better ways. Life gets better every day. I share my highlights, my lighter side, my current events, a question, and an opinion.
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Monday, December 28, 2015
Preparing For The Summer
A prepared summer outdoors include a water filter, emergency flat tire equipment, and wearing sunglasses. Map the ice cream shops and ice vending machines. Visit open houses as a leisure activity. A good life includes white lies, no boredom, and knowing trivia. Should we follow Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs for a good life, too?

Email: feedbackininblog@innovateinfinitely.com

Email: feedbackininblog@innovateinfinitely.com
Little Things,
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Highlight And Favorite 2014 Tweets
Here are my 84 highlight Tweets and 9 favorite Favorites Tweets in 2014. My Twitter Account is @inin61 Enjoy!
Jan 14: Co worker shared story getting Lasik. Lots of post surgery eye drops. Every procedure is different. #irememberthat
Jan 19: Fri Jan 24 is the 30th anniversary of the Apple Macintosh.
Jan 20: Today's Dear Abby column talks about a wife's solitary life and a husband's crave for a social life http://t.co/M4fTzXyYda
Jan 20: A car's check engine light illuminating indicates a problem with the engine requiring attention soon. Not an emergency.
Jan 20: On the other hand, a check engine light FLASHING indicates a server engine problem requiring immediate attention. Emergency.
Jan 20: Obviously the oil and temperature warning lights illuminating also requires immediate attention.
Feb 2: I have no explanation why it took me 16 years to watch #GoodWillHunting I plan to watch the movie multiple times.
Feb 9: Osgood File reported an algorithm predicts with 84% accuracy a book is a best seller. Short transcript at http://t.co/13TuQL3HdI 02/04/14 #4
Feb 9: For example, researchers say use more nouns and adjectives. Also, use a disproportionate use of words "And" and "But".
Feb 15: Cheapest scratch paper is the back of the envelope from your mail. Assuming the back is blank without advertisements and messages.
Mar 5: We sell a wine named If You See Kay. Produced in Lazio, Italy. Red wine with 3 grape varietal. Say name quickly 3 times.
Mar 8: I purchased my first bottle of wine. It's a Raymond Cabernet Sauvignon "Generations" 2009 from Raymond Vineyards http://t.co/NvVOTTpOgT
Mar 8: The wine is #89 in Wine Spectator's Top 100 Wines of 2013. That's really good.
Mar 8: I want to drink the wine to celebrate a great moment in my life.
Mar 13: Ridiculously funny. I looked up the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to find the spelling for "Raphael". #tmnt
Mar 21: RT @FactsGuide: A thirsty plant will cry for help by making a high-pitched sound too high for humans to hear.
Apr 6: Facebook and Twitter have blue in their logos because the color blue helps people recover from depression.
Apr 6: TIL my AAA road services covers me in any car I'm inside riding.
Apr 14: The letters W and D in WD-40 stands for Water Displacement. The solvent prevents rust, displaces water & acts a degreaser. #mytriviaoftheday
Apr 14: Number 40 means staff failed 39 times to invent WD-40. It can remove gum from hair, loosen zippers & remove snakes from a car #inspiration
Apr 22: The Car Connection reported on a highway that glows in the dark in the Netherlands http://t.co/Dur6VBJgFN
Apr 23: Rosso is Italian for red. Bianco is Italian for white.
Apr 26: The Atari 2600 E.T. video game dug up from a landfill inspires me to tweet the Atari 2600 my brother and I own. http://t.co/uJNModMHja
Apr 26: Pic of the Atari 2600 video games. http://t.co/jVRnKENdJL
Apr 26: Close up shot E.T. cartridge http://t.co/SMOjQkEWLK
May 5: RT @FactsGuide: If you search for "elgooG" on Google, it will take you to a Google website that is completely backwards.
May 5: Today's Family Circus Billy and Jeffry count a person saying "like". http://t.co/lGhLGhR35a
May 5: Today's Luann the history teacher Mr. Fogarty announces his retirement. http://t.co/E4fsikjRL7
May 11: Cook food with love. Respect yourself and be happy. Your results show you care.
May 16: My manager told me many people dislike inconsistent weather and temperatures. All this time I thought I am the weird person.
Jun 22: Finished Quell Memento. I unlocked all achievements. I needed no help on YouTube to watch a puzzle move.
Jul 2: Tire retail stores buy damage tires prorated. #irememberthat
Jul 4: Daniel Amen, MD wrong a blog on the Brain Body Turnaround event http://t.co/07xwBAMvK2
Jul 4: A summary from the guests: Jonny Bowden: Cholesterol doesn't cause heart disease. Mark Hyman: Sugar is the enemy causing diseases.
Jul 10: Frontier Airlines pilot bought pizzas for everyone in airplane on runway due to diversion and delays #moneyaction http://t.co/Bia16KqtRQ
Jul 12: Watch Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address for inspiration and cheering up http://t.co/D51V0DWjDs
Jul 19: Learned in Excel to copy a worksheet, simply press CTRL and drag the worksheet tab left or right. Unclick and worksheet is copied.
Aug 10: The signal light celebrates its 100th birthday http://t.co/rEFHckjtWs
Aug 11: Actor Robin Williams has died. Found out seconds ago.
Aug 14: A person died in her basement because the first floor collapsed due to excessive weight. Extreme hoarder. http://t.co/ZdvXaLnmzJ
Aug 14: I'm never going to be a hoarder. Never. If I don't need it, I get rid of it. Give to friends, eBay, donation, Craigslist, etc.
Aug 15: Python programming was named after Monty Python's Flying Circus TV show. #mytriviaoftheday
Aug 15: print ("Hello World")
Aug 23: RT @HistoricalPics: The famous Hollywood sign, originally reading 'Hollywoodland.' The last four letters were removed in 1949 http://t.co/Y・E€ヲ
Sep 2: In Excel, Alt + Page Up or Alt + Page Down scrolls right or left.
Sep 9: RT @johnrabe: The #Ravens didn't release Ray Rice when they saw this video. They released Ray Rice when YOU saw this video. Remember that. ・E€ヲ
Oct 6: Just RT: News reports stated 49ers players dislike head coach Harbaugh. Owner York defends Harbaugh.
Oct 15: I wonder how a person can learn supply line, quote to cash, or being a buyer skills and knowledge for careers?
Oct 15: If college classes exist, my guess is the classes are part of the finance dept. I remember a buyer class in jr college
Oct 15: and the night classes sponsored by the local government. Class schedules were mailed.
Oct 17: The San Francisco Giants are going to the World Series #sfgiants #postseason #mlb #worldseries
Oct 17: Travis Ishikawa . . . redemption!!! Three run walk off home run. #sfgiants #postseason #mlb #worldseries
Oct 17: Hear the Spanish call on Ishikawa's walk off Fox Deportes Pablo Alsina http://t.co/OzgrRe7L9t
Oct 21: bravado: a bold manner or a show of boldness intended to impress or intimidate #mynewwordoftheday
Oct 22: RT @NateSilver538: The Royals and Giants may not be the best teams in baseball -- but the best team wins the WS only 30% of the time. http:・E€ヲ
Oct 22: Just RT: regular season baseball games are a crapshoot.
Oct 30: Pirates + Nationals + Cardinals + Royals = World Series #sfgiants #postseason #mlb #worldseries
Oct 30: RT @SFGiants: WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS OF THE WORLD! #SFGiants #ChampionsTogether http://t.co/zOcrGqmX8l
Oct 30: 2010 + 2012 + 2014 = Dynasty #sfgiants #worldseries #mlb
Oct 30: 2010 + 2012 + 2014 = Bruce Bochy Hall Of Fame #sfgiants #worldseries #mlb
Oct 31: Another thought on the Giants' three World Series wins. The 2B was a key. 2010 Freddy Sanchez, 2012 Marco Scutaro, 2014 Joe Panik.
Nov 3: My favorite quote from Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown when Sally grabbed Linus' shirt and shook him: "You owe my restitution".
Nov 4: Tom Magliozzi, co-host of Car Talk on NPR with his brother Ray, past away at the age of 77 from Alzheimer's disease.
Nov 14: Sometimes the best solution is not automation. The best solution is the grind work. Grinding it out. I was shocked, yet expected
Nov 17: A car drove off the gym parking lot before me. I was in my car turning on the ignition.
Nov 17: A crash. I saw two cars in an accident at the parking lot exit and street.
Nov 17: What if I drove off the gym parking lot exit five seconds earlier? I might have been in the accident.
Nov 24: I finished watching the entire Breaking Bad series. Great series. Highly recommended. There were episodes that sent a chill down my spine
Nov 24: The series included major unexpected events. cliff hangers, mysteries wait later episodes to know, lots of teasers, surprises, twists,
Nov 24: violence, evil, horrors, some comedy. There were moments I thought what's going to happen next.
Nov 24: Well acted. Well scripted. Good characters. My criticism is I wanted to see more backstory of the side characters.
Nov 24: Breaking Bad is about a chemistry teacher turned meth kingpin to raise money for his family. However, it's also about the drug world.
Nov 30: Today's Click And Clack Talk Cars features only Ray Magliozzi. Brother Tom passed away earlier in Nov. Interactive conversations are missed.
Dec 14: Jordi Lippe wrote an article for Yahoo interviewing Patriots QB Tom Brady regarding taking advantage sleeping more https://t.co/SmIg0gu2II
Dec 14: The article mentioned the word "sleepcations".
Dec 15: Whiners should never be rewarded. They should get off their asses.
Dec 15: A hernia occurs when an organ or fatty tissue squeezes through a weak spot in a surrounding muscle or connective tissue called fascia.
Dec 15: Most common types are inner groin, incisional resulting from an incision, outer groin, belly button, and upper stomach. Source: WebMD.
Dec 21: A peptic or gastric ulcer is holes in the upper part of the small intestine come in contact with stomach acids and enzymes #mytriviaoftheday
Dec 21: Pineapple Express is atmospheric moisture and precipitation from Hawaii to the Pacific of North America--atmospheric river #mytriviaoftheday
Dec 21: Find a word in a cell? Use ISNUMBER and SEARCH. Simple e.g. =ISNUMBER(SEARCH("cow",A1)). If sentence A1 contains cow, formula returns TRUE
Dec 21: SEARCH function returns the position of the text in the cell. SEARCH returns a number.
Dec 21: ISNUMBER function returns TRUE for numbers and FALSE for other results. IF SEARCH returns a number, a position, then ISNUMBER returns TRUE
Dec 21: Here's the link for ISNUMBER and SEARCH which contains more options to find text in a cell https://t.co/49wz8jtts7
Favorite Favorites
Jan 31: @mduo13, Posted a new blog on general board game strategy: http://t.co/NBOaxs8qXT
Feb 2: @inin61, “You can choose comfort or you can choose courage, but you cannot have both.” –Theodore Roosevelt
Mar 16: @SexWithEmily, Your orgasm will be stronger if you raise your hips and do your kegels right before you go over the edge #funfact
Aug 26: @BillGates, When you struggle to learn something, your brain actually grows. A researcher explains why you can learn anything: http://t.co/FC6DUlTQ2i
Sep 8: @johnrabe, The #Ravens didn't release Ray Rice when they saw this video. They released Ray Rice when YOU saw this video. Remember that. #RayRIce #NFL
Oct 2: @HistoricalPics, A rejection letter Bono received from a record label in 1979 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/By7-HbmIIAA83zl.jpg
Nov 9: @ScienceAllDay, This is why lack of sleep is destroying your brain http://t.co/mSbt5MeVyx
Email: feedbackininblog@innovateinfinitely.com
Jan 14: Co worker shared story getting Lasik. Lots of post surgery eye drops. Every procedure is different. #irememberthat
Jan 19: Fri Jan 24 is the 30th anniversary of the Apple Macintosh.
Jan 20: Today's Dear Abby column talks about a wife's solitary life and a husband's crave for a social life http://t.co/M4fTzXyYda
Jan 20: A car's check engine light illuminating indicates a problem with the engine requiring attention soon. Not an emergency.
Jan 20: On the other hand, a check engine light FLASHING indicates a server engine problem requiring immediate attention. Emergency.
Jan 20: Obviously the oil and temperature warning lights illuminating also requires immediate attention.
Feb 2: I have no explanation why it took me 16 years to watch #GoodWillHunting I plan to watch the movie multiple times.
Feb 9: Osgood File reported an algorithm predicts with 84% accuracy a book is a best seller. Short transcript at http://t.co/13TuQL3HdI 02/04/14 #4
Feb 9: For example, researchers say use more nouns and adjectives. Also, use a disproportionate use of words "And" and "But".
Feb 15: Cheapest scratch paper is the back of the envelope from your mail. Assuming the back is blank without advertisements and messages.
Mar 5: We sell a wine named If You See Kay. Produced in Lazio, Italy. Red wine with 3 grape varietal. Say name quickly 3 times.
Mar 8: I purchased my first bottle of wine. It's a Raymond Cabernet Sauvignon "Generations" 2009 from Raymond Vineyards http://t.co/NvVOTTpOgT
Mar 8: The wine is #89 in Wine Spectator's Top 100 Wines of 2013. That's really good.
Mar 8: I want to drink the wine to celebrate a great moment in my life.
Mar 13: Ridiculously funny. I looked up the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to find the spelling for "Raphael". #tmnt
Mar 21: RT @FactsGuide: A thirsty plant will cry for help by making a high-pitched sound too high for humans to hear.
Apr 6: Facebook and Twitter have blue in their logos because the color blue helps people recover from depression.
Apr 6: TIL my AAA road services covers me in any car I'm inside riding.
Apr 14: The letters W and D in WD-40 stands for Water Displacement. The solvent prevents rust, displaces water & acts a degreaser. #mytriviaoftheday
Apr 14: Number 40 means staff failed 39 times to invent WD-40. It can remove gum from hair, loosen zippers & remove snakes from a car #inspiration
Apr 22: The Car Connection reported on a highway that glows in the dark in the Netherlands http://t.co/Dur6VBJgFN
Apr 23: Rosso is Italian for red. Bianco is Italian for white.
Apr 26: The Atari 2600 E.T. video game dug up from a landfill inspires me to tweet the Atari 2600 my brother and I own. http://t.co/uJNModMHja
Apr 26: Pic of the Atari 2600 video games. http://t.co/jVRnKENdJL
Apr 26: Close up shot E.T. cartridge http://t.co/SMOjQkEWLK
May 5: RT @FactsGuide: If you search for "elgooG" on Google, it will take you to a Google website that is completely backwards.
May 5: Today's Family Circus Billy and Jeffry count a person saying "like". http://t.co/lGhLGhR35a
May 5: Today's Luann the history teacher Mr. Fogarty announces his retirement. http://t.co/E4fsikjRL7
May 11: Cook food with love. Respect yourself and be happy. Your results show you care.
May 16: My manager told me many people dislike inconsistent weather and temperatures. All this time I thought I am the weird person.
Jun 22: Finished Quell Memento. I unlocked all achievements. I needed no help on YouTube to watch a puzzle move.
Jul 2: Tire retail stores buy damage tires prorated. #irememberthat
Jul 4: Daniel Amen, MD wrong a blog on the Brain Body Turnaround event http://t.co/07xwBAMvK2
Jul 4: A summary from the guests: Jonny Bowden: Cholesterol doesn't cause heart disease. Mark Hyman: Sugar is the enemy causing diseases.
Jul 10: Frontier Airlines pilot bought pizzas for everyone in airplane on runway due to diversion and delays #moneyaction http://t.co/Bia16KqtRQ
Jul 12: Watch Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address for inspiration and cheering up http://t.co/D51V0DWjDs
Jul 19: Learned in Excel to copy a worksheet, simply press CTRL and drag the worksheet tab left or right. Unclick and worksheet is copied.
Aug 10: The signal light celebrates its 100th birthday http://t.co/rEFHckjtWs
Aug 11: Actor Robin Williams has died. Found out seconds ago.
Aug 14: A person died in her basement because the first floor collapsed due to excessive weight. Extreme hoarder. http://t.co/ZdvXaLnmzJ
Aug 14: I'm never going to be a hoarder. Never. If I don't need it, I get rid of it. Give to friends, eBay, donation, Craigslist, etc.
Aug 15: Python programming was named after Monty Python's Flying Circus TV show. #mytriviaoftheday
Aug 15: print ("Hello World")
Aug 23: RT @HistoricalPics: The famous Hollywood sign, originally reading 'Hollywoodland.' The last four letters were removed in 1949 http://t.co/Y・E€ヲ
Sep 2: In Excel, Alt + Page Up or Alt + Page Down scrolls right or left.
Sep 9: RT @johnrabe: The #Ravens didn't release Ray Rice when they saw this video. They released Ray Rice when YOU saw this video. Remember that. ・E€ヲ
Oct 6: Just RT: News reports stated 49ers players dislike head coach Harbaugh. Owner York defends Harbaugh.
Oct 15: I wonder how a person can learn supply line, quote to cash, or being a buyer skills and knowledge for careers?
Oct 15: If college classes exist, my guess is the classes are part of the finance dept. I remember a buyer class in jr college
Oct 15: and the night classes sponsored by the local government. Class schedules were mailed.
Oct 17: The San Francisco Giants are going to the World Series #sfgiants #postseason #mlb #worldseries
Oct 17: Travis Ishikawa . . . redemption!!! Three run walk off home run. #sfgiants #postseason #mlb #worldseries
Oct 17: Hear the Spanish call on Ishikawa's walk off Fox Deportes Pablo Alsina http://t.co/OzgrRe7L9t
Oct 21: bravado: a bold manner or a show of boldness intended to impress or intimidate #mynewwordoftheday
Oct 22: RT @NateSilver538: The Royals and Giants may not be the best teams in baseball -- but the best team wins the WS only 30% of the time. http:・E€ヲ
Oct 22: Just RT: regular season baseball games are a crapshoot.
Oct 30: Pirates + Nationals + Cardinals + Royals = World Series #sfgiants #postseason #mlb #worldseries
Oct 30: RT @SFGiants: WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS OF THE WORLD! #SFGiants #ChampionsTogether http://t.co/zOcrGqmX8l
Oct 30: 2010 + 2012 + 2014 = Dynasty #sfgiants #worldseries #mlb
Oct 30: 2010 + 2012 + 2014 = Bruce Bochy Hall Of Fame #sfgiants #worldseries #mlb
Oct 31: Another thought on the Giants' three World Series wins. The 2B was a key. 2010 Freddy Sanchez, 2012 Marco Scutaro, 2014 Joe Panik.
Nov 3: My favorite quote from Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown when Sally grabbed Linus' shirt and shook him: "You owe my restitution".
Nov 4: Tom Magliozzi, co-host of Car Talk on NPR with his brother Ray, past away at the age of 77 from Alzheimer's disease.
Nov 14: Sometimes the best solution is not automation. The best solution is the grind work. Grinding it out. I was shocked, yet expected
Nov 17: A car drove off the gym parking lot before me. I was in my car turning on the ignition.
Nov 17: A crash. I saw two cars in an accident at the parking lot exit and street.
Nov 17: What if I drove off the gym parking lot exit five seconds earlier? I might have been in the accident.
Nov 24: I finished watching the entire Breaking Bad series. Great series. Highly recommended. There were episodes that sent a chill down my spine
Nov 24: The series included major unexpected events. cliff hangers, mysteries wait later episodes to know, lots of teasers, surprises, twists,
Nov 24: violence, evil, horrors, some comedy. There were moments I thought what's going to happen next.
Nov 24: Well acted. Well scripted. Good characters. My criticism is I wanted to see more backstory of the side characters.
Nov 24: Breaking Bad is about a chemistry teacher turned meth kingpin to raise money for his family. However, it's also about the drug world.
Nov 30: Today's Click And Clack Talk Cars features only Ray Magliozzi. Brother Tom passed away earlier in Nov. Interactive conversations are missed.
Dec 14: Jordi Lippe wrote an article for Yahoo interviewing Patriots QB Tom Brady regarding taking advantage sleeping more https://t.co/SmIg0gu2II
Dec 14: The article mentioned the word "sleepcations".
Dec 15: Whiners should never be rewarded. They should get off their asses.
Dec 15: A hernia occurs when an organ or fatty tissue squeezes through a weak spot in a surrounding muscle or connective tissue called fascia.
Dec 15: Most common types are inner groin, incisional resulting from an incision, outer groin, belly button, and upper stomach. Source: WebMD.
Dec 21: A peptic or gastric ulcer is holes in the upper part of the small intestine come in contact with stomach acids and enzymes #mytriviaoftheday
Dec 21: Pineapple Express is atmospheric moisture and precipitation from Hawaii to the Pacific of North America--atmospheric river #mytriviaoftheday
Dec 21: Find a word in a cell? Use ISNUMBER and SEARCH. Simple e.g. =ISNUMBER(SEARCH("cow",A1)). If sentence A1 contains cow, formula returns TRUE
Dec 21: SEARCH function returns the position of the text in the cell. SEARCH returns a number.
Dec 21: ISNUMBER function returns TRUE for numbers and FALSE for other results. IF SEARCH returns a number, a position, then ISNUMBER returns TRUE
Dec 21: Here's the link for ISNUMBER and SEARCH which contains more options to find text in a cell https://t.co/49wz8jtts7
Favorite Favorites
Jan 31: @mduo13, Posted a new blog on general board game strategy: http://t.co/NBOaxs8qXT
Feb 2: @inin61, “You can choose comfort or you can choose courage, but you cannot have both.” –Theodore Roosevelt
Mar 16: @SexWithEmily, Your orgasm will be stronger if you raise your hips and do your kegels right before you go over the edge #funfact
Aug 26: @BillGates, When you struggle to learn something, your brain actually grows. A researcher explains why you can learn anything: http://t.co/FC6DUlTQ2i
Sep 8: @johnrabe, The #Ravens didn't release Ray Rice when they saw this video. They released Ray Rice when YOU saw this video. Remember that. #RayRIce #NFL
Oct 2: @HistoricalPics, A rejection letter Bono received from a record label in 1979 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/By7-HbmIIAA83zl.jpg
Nov 9: @ScienceAllDay, This is why lack of sleep is destroying your brain http://t.co/mSbt5MeVyx
Email: feedbackininblog@innovateinfinitely.com
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
A Second Look At 2014
It's the time of the year I look back at my 2014 blogs to give myself feedback. My goal is relearning from my mistakes, reinforcing my lessons, reminding myself my moments, refreshing acquired knowledge, and rediscovering new wisdom. These blogs are also the 2014 best blogs.
There are 17 blogs for A Second Look 2014. I anticipate around 17 blogs for 2015. I believe there are fewer blogs for A Second Look 2016 because I announced I write fewer blogs in 2016 at my 1,000th blog on Sun Nov 8, 2015. I continue my second looks in Dec because I want a full year to think about my past year.
I provide the title and link to the original blog, date, summary, and my feedback. Enjoy!
Blog Title: 1. A Very Productive Weekend
Date: Sunday January 12, 2014
Summary: I posted the daily activities I accomplished Sat Jan 11-Sun Jan 12, 2014 from the little activities such as replacing the Breta filter to the big activities such as changing the oil in my car.
Feedback: No more blogging my daily activities. These blogs are a waste of time. I'm happy I wrote one daily activity blog in 2014 compared to nine daily activity blogs in 2013.
Blog Title: 2. Top Ten Self Discoveries
Date: Monday January 27, 2014
Summary: I discovered my own faults and shortcomings I corrected myself.
Feedback: I laughed too loud because I wanted lots of attention and I was partially tone deaf. I discovered another reason I laughed too loud was low self-esteem. Likewise when I talk too much and too loud to other people. The philosopher Plato said the following: Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools talk because they have to say something.
Number two was Growing Up Part II which took place Oct-Nov 2013. I'm taking it back. I recall multiple events when I think about the second time I grew up. They explained why I posted multiple Growing Up Part II Blogs. Growing Up Part II takes place when I live independently.
Blog Title: 3. Clean The House With Deconstruction And Reconstruction
Date: Friday January 31, 2014
Summary: Starting over required a foundation to throw away the old and to welcome the new. Throw away inefficiencies and welcome fresh starts.
Feedback: I improved my foundation from Fri Jan 31, 2014. Today's foundation includes working out at the gym five to six days a week, eating out minimally, minimizing junk food, reading more books, job training indefinitely, sleeping eight hours, and always meeting new people.
My foundation or core is set to achieve my short-term goals and achieve my long-term manifesto. My foundation continues to improve, be modified, and can deconstruct and reconstruct anytime.
Blog Title: 4. Job Searching: Updated My Resumes And Job Profiles
Date: Saturday February 22, 2014
Summary: I update my online resumes and job profiles in a timely manner.
Feedback: I should have continued job searching on a casual basis. There's always a better job for everyone. I could have found a better job months into working at a retail start-up.
Blog Title: 5. Do Boring People Exist?
Date: Tuesday February 25, 2014
Summary: I asked myself do boring people exist. My short answer was relative and subjective.
Feedback: The best litmus test is how many adventures does a person fulfill. Does the person have an adventure mindset? Does the person live a life full of stories? Is the person sincere?
Blog Title: 6. Family Sacrifice and Courage
Date: Sunday March 30, 2014
Summary: I shared a scene from the Japanese Anime series Space Brothers. One of the support characters discussed family sacrifice.
Feedback: I must move out to correct most of my life mistakes. Some people believe I'm still a loser. Some people believe I'm incapable of making adult choices. I'm making sacrifices. For instance, a smaller social life. It takes courage to stop seeing my top friends. They have been a negative influence to me because they talk more about anime and video games. It's like they're entering the anime and video game abyss. One of my other friends told me they're in the abyss.
There are mistakes that haven't been corrected. There are adventures waiting for me. There are new experiences I must experience. I'm still catching up what I missed in my 20s. I must be strong. The rewards are coming the longer I'm strong and courageous. First thing first is be independent. The successes fall into place.
Blog Title: 7. Live In A World With People
Date: Saturday April 26, 2014
Summary: We live in a lonely world. Never stop meeting new people and making new friends.
Feedback: I add to the blog there are times we remove people in our lives. These people hurt us. These people are a negative influence. These people make us unhappy. These people don't appreciate our presence. Avoid the people who ignore us. Dump the uncomfortable people. Find new people.
Blog Title: 8. Mike's Rules
Date: Saturday July 5, 2014
Summary: I added new daily life rules inspired from a staff at my gym.
Feedback: I nominate the blog for 2014 blog of the year if there's an award.
Blog Title: 9. Top Ten Lessons I Learned Incorrectly
Date: Monday July 28, 2014
Summary: I corrected ten lessons I was taught incorrectly.
Feedback: I repost to review the incorrect lessons. They're the following from ten to one: driving on the freeway, prejudice, the easy way and the lazy way, being cheap, staying indoors too much, the purchase order process, writing, cooking, doing everything myself, and commercial real estate statistics. I continue correcting commercial real estate statistics such that I'm learning data analysis. One lesson I learned in data analysis is there is more than one way to analysis data. It depends on the audience reading the data analysis summaries.
Blog Title: 10. My Fifth Fear
Date: Thursday August 14, 2014
Summary: I discovered my fifth fear which is Raymond Mar becoming a bad person.
Feedback: I post my fifth fear to remind myself. My first four fears are living with my parents for the rest of my life, unemployed, being lonely, and not knowing what I'm going to do with my life.
Blog Title: 11. What Tiredness Are You?
Date: Monday August 25, 2014
Summary: There are many types of fatigue beyond the common physical tiredness. My general fatigue categories are physical, mental, emotional, financial, and spiritual.
Feedback: Fatigue categories are indefinite. Examples include unemployed too long, nurturing children, too many donations, and caregiving. We're human. There's so much we can handle in any point of time. It's another example variety is the spice of life. Variety is good. We must do something different.
Blog Title: 12. Today Is The Saddest Day In My Life Ever
Date: Tuesday September 9, 2014
Summary: I shared the saddest day in my life.
Feedback: Tue Sep 9 is still the saddest day. I worked at a company walking the line between legal and illegal for two days. Some of the employees stayed because they needed the money. I think about the single mother of two when I think about the saddest day.
Blog Title: 13. A Positive Rant
Date: Thursday October 2, 2014
Summary: I told the world I'm a good person. Good moments are coming soon working hard.
Feedback: It's important to have a sense of urgency to become successful. Get it done. However, it's also important to pace yourself. I realized the importance of pacing myself job searching. I was burned out I took a one week staycation in July 2015.
Blog Title: 14. Seeing Ordinary People Living Their Lives
Date: Tuesday November 4, 2014
Summary: I saw honest people living modest lives when I ran errands.
Feedback: I question people counting their blessings they have a job. I question people are grateful they're working. My new thought is many of those people with a job want a better job. Some are searching for a new job. I disagree a job is a job. People who don't like their job should find another job.
Blog Title: 15. Top Ten Lessons I Learned Working At My Last Job
Date: Sunday November 16, 2014
Summary: Ten lessons I learned working at a retail start-up.
Feedback: Everyone should work in retail. Great learning experience outside the schools and colleges. These lessons can't be found in textbooks. Some of these lessons apply to white collar jobs.
Blog Title: 16. Go To Sleep
Date: Sunday December 7, 2014
Summary: Get more sleep.
Feedback: I hope to follow my own advice when I start working at my next job. I realize the importance of sleep while unemployed. Sleep is my spiritual practice. Rest the mind, body, and soul.
Blog Title: 17. Think With Your Penis
Date: Monday December 29, 2014
Summary: Men thinking with our penis can be good.
Feedback: I post to remind myself and the men to take care of ourselves with our penis in our minds. Eat healthy. Workout at the gym. Hate reading books? Read erotica. Brush your teeth for a healthy mouth and tongue. Be clean.
Email: feedbackininblog@innovateinfinitely.com
There are 17 blogs for A Second Look 2014. I anticipate around 17 blogs for 2015. I believe there are fewer blogs for A Second Look 2016 because I announced I write fewer blogs in 2016 at my 1,000th blog on Sun Nov 8, 2015. I continue my second looks in Dec because I want a full year to think about my past year.
I provide the title and link to the original blog, date, summary, and my feedback. Enjoy!
Blog Title: 1. A Very Productive Weekend
Date: Sunday January 12, 2014
Summary: I posted the daily activities I accomplished Sat Jan 11-Sun Jan 12, 2014 from the little activities such as replacing the Breta filter to the big activities such as changing the oil in my car.
Feedback: No more blogging my daily activities. These blogs are a waste of time. I'm happy I wrote one daily activity blog in 2014 compared to nine daily activity blogs in 2013.
Blog Title: 2. Top Ten Self Discoveries
Date: Monday January 27, 2014
Summary: I discovered my own faults and shortcomings I corrected myself.
Feedback: I laughed too loud because I wanted lots of attention and I was partially tone deaf. I discovered another reason I laughed too loud was low self-esteem. Likewise when I talk too much and too loud to other people. The philosopher Plato said the following: Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools talk because they have to say something.
Number two was Growing Up Part II which took place Oct-Nov 2013. I'm taking it back. I recall multiple events when I think about the second time I grew up. They explained why I posted multiple Growing Up Part II Blogs. Growing Up Part II takes place when I live independently.
Blog Title: 3. Clean The House With Deconstruction And Reconstruction
Date: Friday January 31, 2014
Summary: Starting over required a foundation to throw away the old and to welcome the new. Throw away inefficiencies and welcome fresh starts.
Feedback: I improved my foundation from Fri Jan 31, 2014. Today's foundation includes working out at the gym five to six days a week, eating out minimally, minimizing junk food, reading more books, job training indefinitely, sleeping eight hours, and always meeting new people.
My foundation or core is set to achieve my short-term goals and achieve my long-term manifesto. My foundation continues to improve, be modified, and can deconstruct and reconstruct anytime.
Blog Title: 4. Job Searching: Updated My Resumes And Job Profiles
Date: Saturday February 22, 2014
Summary: I update my online resumes and job profiles in a timely manner.
Feedback: I should have continued job searching on a casual basis. There's always a better job for everyone. I could have found a better job months into working at a retail start-up.
Blog Title: 5. Do Boring People Exist?
Date: Tuesday February 25, 2014
Summary: I asked myself do boring people exist. My short answer was relative and subjective.
Feedback: The best litmus test is how many adventures does a person fulfill. Does the person have an adventure mindset? Does the person live a life full of stories? Is the person sincere?
Blog Title: 6. Family Sacrifice and Courage
Date: Sunday March 30, 2014
Summary: I shared a scene from the Japanese Anime series Space Brothers. One of the support characters discussed family sacrifice.
Feedback: I must move out to correct most of my life mistakes. Some people believe I'm still a loser. Some people believe I'm incapable of making adult choices. I'm making sacrifices. For instance, a smaller social life. It takes courage to stop seeing my top friends. They have been a negative influence to me because they talk more about anime and video games. It's like they're entering the anime and video game abyss. One of my other friends told me they're in the abyss.
There are mistakes that haven't been corrected. There are adventures waiting for me. There are new experiences I must experience. I'm still catching up what I missed in my 20s. I must be strong. The rewards are coming the longer I'm strong and courageous. First thing first is be independent. The successes fall into place.
Blog Title: 7. Live In A World With People
Date: Saturday April 26, 2014
Summary: We live in a lonely world. Never stop meeting new people and making new friends.
Feedback: I add to the blog there are times we remove people in our lives. These people hurt us. These people are a negative influence. These people make us unhappy. These people don't appreciate our presence. Avoid the people who ignore us. Dump the uncomfortable people. Find new people.
Blog Title: 8. Mike's Rules
Date: Saturday July 5, 2014
Summary: I added new daily life rules inspired from a staff at my gym.
Feedback: I nominate the blog for 2014 blog of the year if there's an award.
Blog Title: 9. Top Ten Lessons I Learned Incorrectly
Date: Monday July 28, 2014
Summary: I corrected ten lessons I was taught incorrectly.
Feedback: I repost to review the incorrect lessons. They're the following from ten to one: driving on the freeway, prejudice, the easy way and the lazy way, being cheap, staying indoors too much, the purchase order process, writing, cooking, doing everything myself, and commercial real estate statistics. I continue correcting commercial real estate statistics such that I'm learning data analysis. One lesson I learned in data analysis is there is more than one way to analysis data. It depends on the audience reading the data analysis summaries.
Blog Title: 10. My Fifth Fear
Date: Thursday August 14, 2014
Summary: I discovered my fifth fear which is Raymond Mar becoming a bad person.
Feedback: I post my fifth fear to remind myself. My first four fears are living with my parents for the rest of my life, unemployed, being lonely, and not knowing what I'm going to do with my life.
Blog Title: 11. What Tiredness Are You?
Date: Monday August 25, 2014
Summary: There are many types of fatigue beyond the common physical tiredness. My general fatigue categories are physical, mental, emotional, financial, and spiritual.
Feedback: Fatigue categories are indefinite. Examples include unemployed too long, nurturing children, too many donations, and caregiving. We're human. There's so much we can handle in any point of time. It's another example variety is the spice of life. Variety is good. We must do something different.
Blog Title: 12. Today Is The Saddest Day In My Life Ever
Date: Tuesday September 9, 2014
Summary: I shared the saddest day in my life.
Feedback: Tue Sep 9 is still the saddest day. I worked at a company walking the line between legal and illegal for two days. Some of the employees stayed because they needed the money. I think about the single mother of two when I think about the saddest day.
Blog Title: 13. A Positive Rant
Date: Thursday October 2, 2014
Summary: I told the world I'm a good person. Good moments are coming soon working hard.
Feedback: It's important to have a sense of urgency to become successful. Get it done. However, it's also important to pace yourself. I realized the importance of pacing myself job searching. I was burned out I took a one week staycation in July 2015.
Blog Title: 14. Seeing Ordinary People Living Their Lives
Date: Tuesday November 4, 2014
Summary: I saw honest people living modest lives when I ran errands.
Feedback: I question people counting their blessings they have a job. I question people are grateful they're working. My new thought is many of those people with a job want a better job. Some are searching for a new job. I disagree a job is a job. People who don't like their job should find another job.
Blog Title: 15. Top Ten Lessons I Learned Working At My Last Job
Date: Sunday November 16, 2014
Summary: Ten lessons I learned working at a retail start-up.
Feedback: Everyone should work in retail. Great learning experience outside the schools and colleges. These lessons can't be found in textbooks. Some of these lessons apply to white collar jobs.
Blog Title: 16. Go To Sleep
Date: Sunday December 7, 2014
Summary: Get more sleep.
Feedback: I hope to follow my own advice when I start working at my next job. I realize the importance of sleep while unemployed. Sleep is my spiritual practice. Rest the mind, body, and soul.
Blog Title: 17. Think With Your Penis
Date: Monday December 29, 2014
Summary: Men thinking with our penis can be good.
Feedback: I post to remind myself and the men to take care of ourselves with our penis in our minds. Eat healthy. Workout at the gym. Hate reading books? Read erotica. Brush your teeth for a healthy mouth and tongue. Be clean.
Email: feedbackininblog@innovateinfinitely.com
Little Things,
Meet People,
Self Improvement,
Wednesday, December 09, 2015
Top 2014 Pics
Tuesday, December 08, 2015
Sandwiches, Wine, And Cheese
Sunday, December 06, 2015
I'm An Open Person
One advantage being an open person is I'm open to learn how to be a better person. I want to hear other people talk how they live. I want to observe other people living their daily lives. I want to communicate with other people. I want to feel new things which may help me live a better life. I want to taste new foods and sip new drinks. I'm not a closed person. What can I learn from other people and things? I want to be stronger, smarter, kinder, and wiser. I have no reason to restrict myself. I don't want to be closed-minded.
I'm Doing My Best
I'm doing everything I can to be a happy person honestly speaking. I'm currently unemployed. I spend six days a week working intelligently to find a new job. I job search tirelessly. I review my job skills such as Excel and SQL. I learn new job skills such as Oracle and Tableau. I'm prepare to continue reviewing and learning when I start working.
I workout at the gym four to five days a week. I take care of the house including cooking, washing dishes, laundry, and cleaning the house. I don't worry about money because I live an easy life minimizing splurges and minimizing materialism. I sleep eight hours a night. I continue being optimistic and cheerful.
I keep myself busy. I have no reason to quit. There is something I do everyday which contributes to my future success. Live the present for both today and tomorrow.
Email: feedbackininblog@innovateinfinitely.com
I'm Doing My Best
I'm doing everything I can to be a happy person honestly speaking. I'm currently unemployed. I spend six days a week working intelligently to find a new job. I job search tirelessly. I review my job skills such as Excel and SQL. I learn new job skills such as Oracle and Tableau. I'm prepare to continue reviewing and learning when I start working.
I workout at the gym four to five days a week. I take care of the house including cooking, washing dishes, laundry, and cleaning the house. I don't worry about money because I live an easy life minimizing splurges and minimizing materialism. I sleep eight hours a night. I continue being optimistic and cheerful.
I keep myself busy. I have no reason to quit. There is something I do everyday which contributes to my future success. Live the present for both today and tomorrow.
Email: feedbackininblog@innovateinfinitely.com
Good Guy,
Influence People,
Innovate Infinitely,
Living The Present,
Meet People,
Preparing The Future,
Self Improvement,
Taking Action
Thursday, December 03, 2015
All Firsts Pics
The engineer finally earned a $200k salary because he was inspired reading The Whole Earth Catalog when he was young. The ideas never stopped including Coke to clean kitchenware, paying restaurant bill at the table, leaving his or her left shoe next to his or her child’s back car set, and inflatable solar lanterns. The engineer took a break watching the Earthquakes win one day and listening to rain another day.

Email: feedbackininblog@innovateinfinitely.com

Email: feedbackininblog@innovateinfinitely.com
Tuesday, December 01, 2015
Instant Bullets Blog Dec 1, 2015
*Live the present intelligently. There is a common life saying "You Only Live Once". Make your mark. Some people use the YOLO life philosophy to make irrational choices. I add the word "intelligently" to live the present. Living the present intelligently is begin earning your successes today. Don't wait for tomorrow to start working hard. The time is now to become successful. Make the best now for a better tomorrow. It's not goofing off. It's not neglecting life importance.
Champions train, practice, make mistakes, learn from their mistakes, work hard professionally, and work hard intelligently. The fun, leisure, and rewards follow. People come to the champions. Champions attract people.
*An engineer's story. A test engineer told me a story days before my contract was satisfied at my last job. He started the company as a contractor. He told his hiring manager he learns the job in 30 days. He has been with the company for four years.
Another conversation was an internal engineer position. He told me the position paid $250,000. Engineers who know both hardware and software have the highest job security. Engineers who continue learning new technologies have the highest job security. Engineers who continue retraining or refreshing existing technologies have the highest job security. Similarly, fire fighters continue their training and refreshing on fire fighting tactics and paramedic knowledge.
*A conversation idea. Read my blogs. If I need a conversation topic when I plan for a social gathering, then I read my past blogs. I'm interested in other people's thoughts what I wrote.
*Variety is the spice of life. Sex is a good life philosophy variety example. Sex variety starts with communication between partners. Try different sex positions. Have sex at different places such as another room, the car, a hotel room, or in public discretely. Use toys. Watch couple friendly porn. Listen to a variety of erotic music. Write dirty love letters. Read erotic stories to each other. Open up.
*There is a person out there for you. There is a person a match for you. I read an article a married couple met when they were building their own car doomsday. The couple is a prepper. People meet when they have common interests. There are wine couples, biker couples, geek couples, vegetarian couples, and adventure outdoor couples. People meet when they have uncommon yet interesting interests. There are cheapskate couples, hoarder couples, and swinging couples. I include breaking the law couples. Find people with common interests. Find people with common something. Sometimes the couple relationship becomes marriage.
Email: feedbackininblog@innovateinfinitely.com
Champions train, practice, make mistakes, learn from their mistakes, work hard professionally, and work hard intelligently. The fun, leisure, and rewards follow. People come to the champions. Champions attract people.
*An engineer's story. A test engineer told me a story days before my contract was satisfied at my last job. He started the company as a contractor. He told his hiring manager he learns the job in 30 days. He has been with the company for four years.
Another conversation was an internal engineer position. He told me the position paid $250,000. Engineers who know both hardware and software have the highest job security. Engineers who continue learning new technologies have the highest job security. Engineers who continue retraining or refreshing existing technologies have the highest job security. Similarly, fire fighters continue their training and refreshing on fire fighting tactics and paramedic knowledge.
*A conversation idea. Read my blogs. If I need a conversation topic when I plan for a social gathering, then I read my past blogs. I'm interested in other people's thoughts what I wrote.
*Variety is the spice of life. Sex is a good life philosophy variety example. Sex variety starts with communication between partners. Try different sex positions. Have sex at different places such as another room, the car, a hotel room, or in public discretely. Use toys. Watch couple friendly porn. Listen to a variety of erotic music. Write dirty love letters. Read erotic stories to each other. Open up.
*There is a person out there for you. There is a person a match for you. I read an article a married couple met when they were building their own car doomsday. The couple is a prepper. People meet when they have common interests. There are wine couples, biker couples, geek couples, vegetarian couples, and adventure outdoor couples. People meet when they have uncommon yet interesting interests. There are cheapskate couples, hoarder couples, and swinging couples. I include breaking the law couples. Find people with common interests. Find people with common something. Sometimes the couple relationship becomes marriage.
Email: feedbackininblog@innovateinfinitely.com
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