Saturday, December 12, 2020

There Is Logic In Life. There Is Illogical In Life.

Today's blog is another adult self-discovery. It's better late than never. I realize sometimes life makes no sense; for example, why is finding a new job harder for unemployed people compared to employed people. An unemployed person may be learning new skills instead of wasting time working at a mindless minimum wage job. A janitor has a higher chance of finding a job than an unemployed person.

Stop. Think of something else. Do something else. Don't waste time making sense in today's complex Information Age. Don't make sense something which makes nonsense. Don't waste time finding the logic. Some events happen which makes no sense. There is no logic. There is no rational reason.

Let It Be

Let it be, let it be; Let it be, let it be; Whisper words of wisdom; Let it be --Let It Be, The Beatles

My all-time favorite band singing my all-time favorite Beatles song. The wisdom is true yesterday. The wisdom is true today. The lyrics also include, "There will be an answer, let it be." Most moments have answers. Most moments have endings. We must consider sometimes there is no answer. If there is/are answers, then is/are the answers have rational reason. They're a judgement call.

The bottom line is don't make sense anything nonsense. Let it be. Hope there is an answer soon. Find something else to do such as sleep, read, or call a friend.

Update On A Past Blog

Thanksgiving Day was 16 days ago on Thur Nov 26, 2020. I wrote a blog on My Two Grandfathers on Jul 3, 2018. I want to thank them for the little lessons they taught by example and from my observations I realized as adult. Take care of your residence. Maintain your residence. Your residence takes care of you. Some examples are cleaning, minimizing clutter, fix problems as soon as possible, and organizing.

Another lesson is financial education. Spend wisely. Invest wisely. Spending time or invest time in financial education pays off in the future. Financial education may be boring to some people. Financial education is not boring years later when your finances are secured. Fortunately, my family's financial education we are surviving the global pandemic and global recession.

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