Thursday, February 03, 2022

Stop And Smell The Roses And Read Your Receipt

Fast-in and fast-out grocery service may benefit the store. Today's fast pace Information Age lifestyle most customers don't read their receipts. Most customers don't check for errors. Most customers don't need a receipt, and if they are handed a receipt, they throw it away at the nearest garbage can. If there are errors, most customers shrug because they don't have time to correct the error. The error is a couple of bucks or pocket change. It's not worth the time because of priorities. Also, some receipts are confusing to the consumer no time to read.

In addition, there are no price labels, incorrect price labels, or incorrect item description price label on the shelf for a few of the items. Most customer don't read the labels. They see the item, they trust the store's price system, they pay, and they leave. There is no time to question. Higher priorities.

The fast pace and the confusing receipt happened when I shopped at one of the two grocery stores in the morning. I shopped fast. I doubled my thought process asking and telling myself, "Do I need it? Can I wait? The price is too expensive." I placed my groceries on the cashier conveyor belt fast. I read my receipt after I paid. There was a missing discount.

I talked to one of the managers. The manager looked at the receipt. She was confused, too. She checked the weekly sale ad. Confusion continued. The manager accepted my refund request. She gave me the refund receipt.

I arrived home. I compared the price on the sales receipt and the price on the refund receipt. The sales receipt was the sale price. The refund receipt was the full price. The missing discount wasn't printed on the sales receipt. I did the math. The sale price on the sales receipt was correct after subtracting the discount from the full price. If I did the math after I paid, then I didn't need to return the item.

Stores Avoid Confusion. Sell Fair And Square.

Corporate executives shouldn't confuse the customers. If the price confusion catches on, then some customers take advantage of their confusions. Give it time. Management stops caring. Management accepts refund requests no questions asked. Management is paid too low to care. Some customers stop shopping at the store because they don't want to be scammed. Put the effort for accurate price labels and item descriptions. Receipts should be quick to comprehend in seconds for customers and store employees. Everyone wins fair and square.


I didn't eat breakfast before I shopped. I lacked focus. My attention to detail was weak. I was too fast. Haste made waste. I wasted time talking to the manager for which it shouldn't happened. I should have slowed down. Ironically, I slowed down shopping at the second store. I told the casher who rushed bagging my items to take her time.

I should have woken up earlier to eat breakfast instead of rushing out of the house. I said rush again.

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