Saturday, October 26, 2013

"Let Me Think", A New Social Problem I Must Fix

Laughing out too loud and laughing out too much were a social problem I corrected earlier this year. I believe I laughed too loud because I have partial tone deaf which I can't control. Another reason I laughed too loud was I wanted to be noticed. I felt ignored. I wanted people to recognize I'm in the room even though I'm bad a telling jokes and making people laugh. I even laughed at stupid jokes that should not have a laughable response.

I'm happy laughing too loud was corrected. I'm calm. I think a few more seconds before reacting to a joke. I listen more carefully. I laugh at an appropriate volume which is laughing quieter than the noise level. I have more control laughing.

My new social problem is being discrete. I'm an open person. I talk about almost anything about my life. I say about 98% of who, what, where, why, and how of Raymond Mar is open when I communicate with many people. The downside to being open is being too open sometimes.

I have a problem saying too much. I have a problem what I'm saying and how I'm saying with no control. I speak quickly because I feel dumb if I don't speak immediately in a conversation. Speaking quickly can be dumb. Errors and lapse statements are the results. I don't think ahead in a conversation. I don't think deeply enough. "Let me think" should be three words I must say more frequently. Pausing in a conversation is better than a too quick response.

I'm not a person who communicates my mind or a person who "always speaks his or her mind" regardless of being good, bad, a criticism, or a complement anytime, anywhere, and anyone. I'm not a person who communicates to create a loud and rowdy argument. I'm not a person who wants to start a confrontation. I'm very good at avoiding a scene publicly or at another person's house. And I'm very good at keeping confidential information and secrets.

I must strengthen my discretion. I must learn to speak more maturely with a trustworthy and a controllable tone. I must learn to choose my words wisely. There are some situations where sharing something is ill-advised. I succeed at learning how to control all my communication aspects in time.

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