I'm thinking about my past happiness. Was my happiness real? Maybe fake is too melodramatic. Were my past successes after college happiness? Did I earn my past successes? Was happiness the feeling I felt? Was happiness the correct feeling? Was happiness the proper feeling? I include the thinking "you can't change your past; you can change your feelings and thoughts from your past".
I think back to big life events after college. Getting my first job, attending anime conventions, working at Cisco, going back to school at De Anza, following workout gym plans, ballroom dancing, and reading fiction books were some of my life changers. There are more life changers I must experience. There are bigger life changers I must find. Many of my life changers were successful. I felt successful. I didn't feel happy. I took the life changers for granted. I didn't earn many life changes. I was at the right place at the right time. It was like many successes were given to me on a silver platter. It was more luck than effort. I never experienced struggles. I never experienced going to hell before going to heaven. I never experienced pain. The pain, the struggles, the fighting are required to live a happy life. I believe I'm experiencing the three today. We hear successful stories the individual experienced setbacks. I'm experiencing setbacks today for the first time. I'm converting failures to successes.
I believe my happiness is not yet achieved. My highest state of happiness is waiting for me. My true happiness is coming soon. I also believe my highest state of happiness includes stop holding myself back. I must let go while being intelligent and discreet. I discover life can be broader my way.
On the other hand, the positive spin is I should be grateful at the minimum. I shouldn't be sad. I shouldn't be depressed. I live at home. I have shelter. I have some money. I take advantage of what I'm given. I take none of them for granted. I'm working hard getting a new job. I'm getting job activity with calls and interviews. I'm learning new job skills. I'm doing something correct.
Picture My Happiness
My happiness is living independently. I work full time supporting myself. My social life is good with circles of friends. I control everything I can control. I live a consistent life getting better. I make good choices. I'm proactive. I find a woman to marry. The bottom line is freedom.
Moreover, a state of achievement I earn is a state of happiness. I earn my successes. I achieve happiness. I learn from my mistakes doing them my way. I continue growing. I continue getting better, stronger, kinder, and wiser. Stay focus. Keep my goals to be happy in my mind. I succeed in time.
Email: feedbackininblog@innovateinfinitely.com
My blog innovates and improves life’s common knowledge. The successful people find ways doing something better. They innovate their lives infinitely. Bruce Lee said it best, “Even today, I dare not say that I have reached a state of achievement . . . for learning is boundless.” I encourage people to seek better ways. Life gets better every day. I share my highlights, my lighter side, my current events, a question, and an opinion.
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Saturday, August 22, 2015
If I Could Only Have One Meal For The Rest Of My Life, Then What Is The Meal?
My answer is broccoli beef and steamed rice cooked Chinese authentically. My meal includes a meat, vegetable, and starch. Steamed rice is easy to cook using a rice cooker. The rice can be either white or brown. Broccoli is easy to clean, cut, and prepare by steaming. Slicing the beef is easy. Cut with the grain.
Finally, stir fry the beef on a wok with cooking oil and garlic. Add the steamed broccoli. Add oyster sauce. The meal is complete, simple, delicious, and hearty. Enjoy!
Email: feedbackininblog@innovateinfinitely.com
Finally, stir fry the beef on a wok with cooking oil and garlic. Add the steamed broccoli. Add oyster sauce. The meal is complete, simple, delicious, and hearty. Enjoy!
Email: feedbackininblog@innovateinfinitely.com
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Top Ten I'm A Sucker For
You hear a conversation which caught your attention. You thought of something random out of the air stuck in your head. You see something walking in the city you turned your head. These moments require a pause. There is an urge which must be satisfied. Resistance is difficult. I'm talking about something, somewhere, or someone you're passion about. Maybe obsessed. He, she, or it excites you. Fulfillment is inevitable. You're a sucker for *fill in the blank*.
I'm attracted to police cars. I take police cars pictures anywhere I'm on foot. I stop what I'm doing and where I'm going to take the picture. There are personal rules I don't take a picture including the police officer in the car, funeral procession, and during a crime scene. I'm like a professional photographer with the attitude of must get the shot.
Here are the top ten I'm a sucker for . . .
10. Abstract Articles. I'm an economist. I think abstractly. Give me those unordinary publications. I want to read unusual papers. FiveThirtyEight is one of my favorite articles to read.
9. Classic Movies. I became interested in classic movies when I went back to school at De Anza College. I use the American Film Institute Top 100 Movies 1997 list as my guide.
8. Preparedness. I'm an amateur prepper. I'm still learning how to survive in emergency situations. I carry a bug out backpack. I have flashlights, first-aid kit, duct tape, knives, sewing kit, and binoculars. My car has blankets, tarp, lantern, rope, and fire extinguisher. My prepping is a work in process. I welcome prepping information.
7. Cooking I rate my cooking skills as minimal enough to survive. The taste is good enough to eat. The food is cooked thorough. I'm open for suggestions for experienced chefs.
6. Interesting Conversations. I'm a sucker for long conversations. Let's meet. Let's talk. Let's share thoughts, experiences, and knowledge. Conversations is one way I make new friends.
5. New Sightseeing. I find time for outdoor leisure. My definition of new sightseeing is anywhere out of the house. The places include tourist attractions, hiking trails, stores, concerts, and new cities.
4. Board Games. Board games is one of my favorite hobbies. I enter any store selling board games. I'm looking for board game suggestions. I'm always open to try playing new board games.
3. Lights. The first aisle I walked to when my family shopped at Orchard Supply Hardware was the light bulbs when I was a child. I'm a fanatic of lights. Flashlights, LED light bulbs, night lights, headlights, police emergency light bar, signal lights, bike lights, etc.
2. Sex. I continue my sex education my entire life. Erotica, sex toys, massage, sex positions, lubricants, condoms, couple friendly porn, sex locations, sex variety, sex health, sex safety, etc. I'm never a master. There's something new to learn.
1. Books. I'm a sucker for book recommendations. Tell me the recent books you read. I make a note on my wish list. Modern fiction, classical fiction, business, sex, erotica, juvenile, economics, games, cooking, self-discovery, some humor, and some sci-fi are the books I read. I avoid biography, mystery, suspense, and most romance.
Email: feedbackininblog@innovateinfinitely.com
I'm attracted to police cars. I take police cars pictures anywhere I'm on foot. I stop what I'm doing and where I'm going to take the picture. There are personal rules I don't take a picture including the police officer in the car, funeral procession, and during a crime scene. I'm like a professional photographer with the attitude of must get the shot.
Here are the top ten I'm a sucker for . . .
10. Abstract Articles. I'm an economist. I think abstractly. Give me those unordinary publications. I want to read unusual papers. FiveThirtyEight is one of my favorite articles to read.
9. Classic Movies. I became interested in classic movies when I went back to school at De Anza College. I use the American Film Institute Top 100 Movies 1997 list as my guide.
8. Preparedness. I'm an amateur prepper. I'm still learning how to survive in emergency situations. I carry a bug out backpack. I have flashlights, first-aid kit, duct tape, knives, sewing kit, and binoculars. My car has blankets, tarp, lantern, rope, and fire extinguisher. My prepping is a work in process. I welcome prepping information.
7. Cooking I rate my cooking skills as minimal enough to survive. The taste is good enough to eat. The food is cooked thorough. I'm open for suggestions for experienced chefs.
6. Interesting Conversations. I'm a sucker for long conversations. Let's meet. Let's talk. Let's share thoughts, experiences, and knowledge. Conversations is one way I make new friends.
5. New Sightseeing. I find time for outdoor leisure. My definition of new sightseeing is anywhere out of the house. The places include tourist attractions, hiking trails, stores, concerts, and new cities.
4. Board Games. Board games is one of my favorite hobbies. I enter any store selling board games. I'm looking for board game suggestions. I'm always open to try playing new board games.
3. Lights. The first aisle I walked to when my family shopped at Orchard Supply Hardware was the light bulbs when I was a child. I'm a fanatic of lights. Flashlights, LED light bulbs, night lights, headlights, police emergency light bar, signal lights, bike lights, etc.
2. Sex. I continue my sex education my entire life. Erotica, sex toys, massage, sex positions, lubricants, condoms, couple friendly porn, sex locations, sex variety, sex health, sex safety, etc. I'm never a master. There's something new to learn.
1. Books. I'm a sucker for book recommendations. Tell me the recent books you read. I make a note on my wish list. Modern fiction, classical fiction, business, sex, erotica, juvenile, economics, games, cooking, self-discovery, some humor, and some sci-fi are the books I read. I avoid biography, mystery, suspense, and most romance.
Email: feedbackininblog@innovateinfinitely.com
Monday, August 17, 2015
Life Lessons From Space Brothers
Space Brothers (Uchu Kyodai) is an anime and comic book (manga) series created by Chuya Koyama from Japan. The anime series is about two brothers who vowed to become astronauts when they were children. The older brother, Mutta Nanba, was fired from his engineering job. The younger brother, Hibito, became an astronaut going to the moon. Mutta was lost. Hibito applied Mutta to the astronaut training program. The series chronicled Mutta from training to becoming an astronaut starting in 2025.
The 99 episode anime series ran from April 2012 to March 2014. A live action movie premiered on May 2012.
I share life lessons watching Space Brothers. The anime series is number two in my top ten all-time favorite anime series. I retired from anime in Sep 2014.
*Episode 24 "The Worst Possible Interviewer". Hibito was training on driving a space vehicle. He was assigned a big manual to read. He flipped all of the pages in seconds. "It's faster to just do it", said Hibito. The next scene Hibito learned the space vehicle as he was driving.
*Episode 37 "Two Men In The Park". Mutta was anxious waiting for his exam results. Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) employee Tadashi Hoshika informed Mutta one-on-one at a park he passed. "I believe that this should be said under the sky", said Tadashi.
*Episode 43 "Brian". Hibito reminisced the veteran astronaut Brian Jay during his mission on the moon. Brian was Hibito's mentor who said the following multiple times: "The veteran Brian Jay came all the way to see you. I'll give you some help, Hibito".
Hibito's space suit ran out of oxygen. He saw an image of Brian walking towards him. The image faded away becoming the oxygen producing drone named "Brian". Hibito connected his astronaut suit to the drone saving his life.
*Episode 46 "Number One Restless Guy". Side character and astronaut trainee Ena Kitamura conversed with her younger sister, Kei, in a flashback. The conversation was their futures.
Kei: How are you supposed to decide your future?
Ena: Are you having trouble?
Kei: Well, I don't know what I want to become.
Ena: I see. In that case, is there anything that you wish you could do? For instance, would you like to play the piano?
Kei : Oh. Sure, I would.
Ena: Do you wish you could hold conversations in English?
Kei: Yup, I sure do.
Ena: You just need to find the one thing interesting enough to make you lose track of time.
*Episode 56 "Promise to Drink". NASA engineer Pico said the following when he was lead engineer building the parachute deployment system: "When you build something, you must be ready to spend time and money on failure. If you build something by improving on failure, you'll end up with good results".
*Space Brothers Mr. Hibbit. A short segment played at the end of some episodes. Hibito was a rabbit who said, "All I can provide is courage and energy".
*Episode 82 "Space Family". Kenji Makabe, Mutta's close friend and fellow trainee, questioned the phase "do your best". Kenji said the following: "'Do you best' is a phase I always have to stop myself from saying. When bringing up a child, those words add needless pressure. After multiple failures, I realize this. But when [my child] tells me to do my best, I'm encouraged to work harder. I wonder how [my wife and child] feel about (me) becoming an astronaut. They've had to leave their native country, and live in an unfamiliar place, away from friends and relatives. They must be scared. They probably want to go back to Japan.
"To send me to space, they're sacrificing a lot. I have to do my part. And use the time and effort that would have otherwise gone to them. It isn't enough to compensate their sacrifice . . . but I need to reach the moon before I can make things right"!
*Episode 89 "Last Words". Kenji said the following after not being selected to be the next Japanese astronaut to go to the moon: "Honestly, this makes me wonder why I've been training for the moon for such a long time. What took a very long time to build up takes mere moments to destroy. So what happens next"? NASA Director Jason Butler said, "It will probably take some time. But when you are chosen to go to space, you will understand why we decided on these assignments".
Kenji said in the next scene: "As long as we don't give up on being astronauts, we'll make it into space eventually".
*Episode 91 "How to Help Hibito". Hibito underwent an underwater test to recovery for panic disorder. NASA Director Jason Butler changed the testing conditions. The conversation is below.
NASA staffer to Jason: Are you sure about letting [Hibito's] friends handle [the test], Chief? Wasn't the purpose of this test to put Hibito-kun under pressure to see if a panic attack would result?
Jason: Yes, that was my intent. . . . I changed my mind. What is the purpose of this exercise? Are we testing Hibito? Or are we helping him? I'd hoped to accomplish the latter, but it seems I had the wrong method. Isolating Hibito, forcing him to overcome pressure and fear, was incorrect. Instead, we will help Hibito remember his happiest moments. That is how Hibito's fellow crew members want to help him.
*Episode 94 "Exciting Teamwork". Mutta's trained for a lunar mission at a desert. He was assigned a team of lonely astronauts nobody wanted to work with. Team leader Eddie Jay, younger brother of Brian Jay, organized a team morning jog rehearsal the night before to promote teamwork.
A van dropped off the team and himself 2 kilometers away from camp. His instruction was everyone must jog back to camp and arrive at a predetermined time not too early and not too late. Eddie was the only astronaut wearing a watch. The jog started at 11:30pm. The jog ended at 11:50pm. The team jogged together. Eddie laughed saying, "Oh? What's wrong, guys? You're free to spread out like usual"! The astronauts jogged together at a constant pace. The team jogged alone in past episodes.
*Episode 95 "Our Future". Side character astronaut Vincent Bold flashback when he was asked a question, "What is your oldest treasure"?
*Episode 99 "Life Changes, Promises Don't". The title of the last anime episode.
*Space Brothers Live Action Movie. Buzz Aldrin as himself with Mutta watching Hibito's space launch to the moon. Buzz said, "You know we live one life. You can't play around with two. You'll just make a choice you'll never regret".
Email: feedbackininblog@innovateinfinitely.com
The 99 episode anime series ran from April 2012 to March 2014. A live action movie premiered on May 2012.
I share life lessons watching Space Brothers. The anime series is number two in my top ten all-time favorite anime series. I retired from anime in Sep 2014.
*Episode 24 "The Worst Possible Interviewer". Hibito was training on driving a space vehicle. He was assigned a big manual to read. He flipped all of the pages in seconds. "It's faster to just do it", said Hibito. The next scene Hibito learned the space vehicle as he was driving.
*Episode 37 "Two Men In The Park". Mutta was anxious waiting for his exam results. Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) employee Tadashi Hoshika informed Mutta one-on-one at a park he passed. "I believe that this should be said under the sky", said Tadashi.
*Episode 43 "Brian". Hibito reminisced the veteran astronaut Brian Jay during his mission on the moon. Brian was Hibito's mentor who said the following multiple times: "The veteran Brian Jay came all the way to see you. I'll give you some help, Hibito".
Hibito's space suit ran out of oxygen. He saw an image of Brian walking towards him. The image faded away becoming the oxygen producing drone named "Brian". Hibito connected his astronaut suit to the drone saving his life.
*Episode 46 "Number One Restless Guy". Side character and astronaut trainee Ena Kitamura conversed with her younger sister, Kei, in a flashback. The conversation was their futures.
Kei: How are you supposed to decide your future?
Ena: Are you having trouble?
Kei: Well, I don't know what I want to become.
Ena: I see. In that case, is there anything that you wish you could do? For instance, would you like to play the piano?
Kei : Oh. Sure, I would.
Ena: Do you wish you could hold conversations in English?
Kei: Yup, I sure do.
Ena: You just need to find the one thing interesting enough to make you lose track of time.
*Episode 56 "Promise to Drink". NASA engineer Pico said the following when he was lead engineer building the parachute deployment system: "When you build something, you must be ready to spend time and money on failure. If you build something by improving on failure, you'll end up with good results".
*Space Brothers Mr. Hibbit. A short segment played at the end of some episodes. Hibito was a rabbit who said, "All I can provide is courage and energy".
*Episode 82 "Space Family". Kenji Makabe, Mutta's close friend and fellow trainee, questioned the phase "do your best". Kenji said the following: "'Do you best' is a phase I always have to stop myself from saying. When bringing up a child, those words add needless pressure. After multiple failures, I realize this. But when [my child] tells me to do my best, I'm encouraged to work harder. I wonder how [my wife and child] feel about (me) becoming an astronaut. They've had to leave their native country, and live in an unfamiliar place, away from friends and relatives. They must be scared. They probably want to go back to Japan.
"To send me to space, they're sacrificing a lot. I have to do my part. And use the time and effort that would have otherwise gone to them. It isn't enough to compensate their sacrifice . . . but I need to reach the moon before I can make things right"!
*Episode 89 "Last Words". Kenji said the following after not being selected to be the next Japanese astronaut to go to the moon: "Honestly, this makes me wonder why I've been training for the moon for such a long time. What took a very long time to build up takes mere moments to destroy. So what happens next"? NASA Director Jason Butler said, "It will probably take some time. But when you are chosen to go to space, you will understand why we decided on these assignments".
Kenji said in the next scene: "As long as we don't give up on being astronauts, we'll make it into space eventually".
*Episode 91 "How to Help Hibito". Hibito underwent an underwater test to recovery for panic disorder. NASA Director Jason Butler changed the testing conditions. The conversation is below.
NASA staffer to Jason: Are you sure about letting [Hibito's] friends handle [the test], Chief? Wasn't the purpose of this test to put Hibito-kun under pressure to see if a panic attack would result?
Jason: Yes, that was my intent. . . . I changed my mind. What is the purpose of this exercise? Are we testing Hibito? Or are we helping him? I'd hoped to accomplish the latter, but it seems I had the wrong method. Isolating Hibito, forcing him to overcome pressure and fear, was incorrect. Instead, we will help Hibito remember his happiest moments. That is how Hibito's fellow crew members want to help him.
*Episode 94 "Exciting Teamwork". Mutta's trained for a lunar mission at a desert. He was assigned a team of lonely astronauts nobody wanted to work with. Team leader Eddie Jay, younger brother of Brian Jay, organized a team morning jog rehearsal the night before to promote teamwork.
A van dropped off the team and himself 2 kilometers away from camp. His instruction was everyone must jog back to camp and arrive at a predetermined time not too early and not too late. Eddie was the only astronaut wearing a watch. The jog started at 11:30pm. The jog ended at 11:50pm. The team jogged together. Eddie laughed saying, "Oh? What's wrong, guys? You're free to spread out like usual"! The astronauts jogged together at a constant pace. The team jogged alone in past episodes.
*Episode 95 "Our Future". Side character astronaut Vincent Bold flashback when he was asked a question, "What is your oldest treasure"?
*Episode 99 "Life Changes, Promises Don't". The title of the last anime episode.
*Space Brothers Live Action Movie. Buzz Aldrin as himself with Mutta watching Hibito's space launch to the moon. Buzz said, "You know we live one life. You can't play around with two. You'll just make a choice you'll never regret".
Email: feedbackininblog@innovateinfinitely.com
Sunday, August 09, 2015
I Blog, You Comment Sun Aug 9, 2015
I'm interested in different thoughts, opinions, and disagreements.
A Sample Of Changes Everyday is a blog about change. People changing is consistent for better or for worse. I was inspired seeing my friends' profile pictures on Facebook looking different for better or for worse. Jobs, climate, and computers or technology were the other samples.
I discovered my self-respect in I Define Self-Respect. I realized I must respect myself to achieve my personal goals.
I knew how to satisfy the ultimatum in the dream My Girlfriend's Ultimatum Or Her French Black Dress I blogged. The short answer was being a gentleman.
Personal problems such as unemployment, alcoholic, drug addict, depression, etc. exists. The Person Wants No Help asked how much time is given to the person to choose accepting help? The blog also asked how much time does he or she have to successfully change? My answer was subjective to both questions.
There is no substitute for falling in love. Love is the ultimate happiness. Never Give Up Finding The Ultimate Happiness.
My One Wish is learning faster.
A Sample Of Changes Everyday is a blog about change. People changing is consistent for better or for worse. I was inspired seeing my friends' profile pictures on Facebook looking different for better or for worse. Jobs, climate, and computers or technology were the other samples.
Our actions are determined by change. There is a saying if it's not broken, then don't fix it. Something happens in our lives, then we make changes. --Hayley Palmer, Saint Augustine, FL
I went to my ten year high school reunion. The cute girls I had a crush with looked different. Man, those girls need face lifts. And some of them need to hit the treadmill. --Peter Manning, Manassas, VA
I live a consistent life. My job is steady pay, low stress. I lived in my apartment for 30 years. I'm a good health. I don't smoke and drink. I live an easy live. That's consistency. I'm not changing. --Regan Irwin, North Ridgeville, OH
I discovered my self-respect in I Define Self-Respect. I realized I must respect myself to achieve my personal goals.
I remember my classes at school teaching self-respect, self-confidence, self-esteem, and so on. I never understood those. I'm an adult now. [I understand] what self-respect means. Congratulations we discovered self-respect. Sure hells some adults don't respect themselves. --Rebekah Haley, Fort Mill, SC
Self-respect is looking yourself in front of a mirror. If you respect what you see, great. If you don't, then you have problems. --Imelda Barker, England
As a guidance counselor, congrats. Good blog. Well written than some of the psychological experts I studied in college. And I gained some insights I use to counsel my students needing help. --Lydia Rosario, Muskogee, OK
I knew how to satisfy the ultimatum in the dream My Girlfriend's Ultimatum Or Her French Black Dress I blogged. The short answer was being a gentleman.
Your dream is telling you to marry a Frenchwomen. --Aquila Livingston, Methuen, MA
I showed your blog to my husband. Yes, I gave him the ultimatum. We're in counseling. I think you saved our marriage. Thank you! (P.S, I have the French Black Dress hiding.) --Violet Perkins, Canyon Country, CA
I deduce you're last relationship your girlfriend broke it off. The ultimatum the girlfriend in your dream told you was the solution to find your wife. Satisfy the ultimatum, satisfy the human desire to find love. --Donald Chen, Astoria, NY
As a mother of three teenagers, I demanded my sons to read the ultimatum. Because if they treat their woman without respect, they're getting a black dress. --
The black dress was a symbol of death. Fail to satisfy your girlfriend's ultimatum, the relationship was dead. The black dress is being buried . . . . -- Calvin, Oshkosh, WI
Those solutions to the ultimatum seemed to be correct. The dream girlfriend wanted a man, not a wimp. The dream girlfriend wanted a man, not a child. The dream girlfriend wanted a gentlemen, not a big bodied loser. --Kirk Hampton, Addison, IL
Personal problems such as unemployment, alcoholic, drug addict, depression, etc. exists. The Person Wants No Help asked how much time is given to the person to choose accepting help? The blog also asked how much time does he or she have to successfully change? My answer was subjective to both questions.
I was a patient husband. My wife was an alcoholic for three years. I divorced her after the third year. She just didn't care about her life. Counseling didn't help, too. --Holly Hernandez, Shelbyville, TN
There is no substitute for falling in love. Love is the ultimate happiness. Never Give Up Finding The Ultimate Happiness.
My happiness is being by myself. I'm not alone. I have friends. Marriage is too complicated. 50% divorce rate. I take my chances working to be happy myself. --Dawn Shannon, North Canton, OH
My ultimate happiness is peace in the world. --Dillon Bradshaw, Glen Allen, VA
I believe many people aren't working hard enough to be happy. They're afraid to be happy. It's like many people are more comfortable saying f*** than happy. That's sad. --Ezra Barrera, Derry, NH
Let's be honest. The world is not happy. Why? There's too much bad events going on. Why be happy? --Keaton Joseph, San Antonio, TX
I 100% agree with you. There's no substitute being in love with another human being. Well written. --Carter Green, Ada, OK
The people who give up on love is giving up on happiness. Never take life for granted. You want happiness. You want love. You gotta work on them. Maintain them. Improve them. Don't just say we're married, we made it, done. Let's just live our lives. Boring. --Eaton H. Johns, Chaska, MN
You have problems. You're just dreaming. Stop writing your dreams on a blog. Go out and get a life stupid --Nola Church, Winchester, VA
My One Wish is learning faster.
Email: feedbackininblog@innovateinfinitely.com
Your one wish should be on something to splurge. A million dollars. (Don't say million bucks. I saw the GEICO commercial.) A new car. A new home. When do we splurge without gult? Use your wish. --Emma Cox, Reno, NV
An admirable wish. You want to improve yourself by learning faster. Good wish. --Laurel Carroll, New York, NY
That wish tells me you want to change yourself. Correct? --Rose Wilkins, Crystal Lake, IL
Tuesday, August 04, 2015
Accept The Daily Adult Living
I lived a sheltered life when I was a child. My childhood was routine. There were no conflicts. Life was calm. Life was easy. My parents prevented dangers happening to me. They raised me ignoring problems hoping they go away. Sometimes it worked. Sometimes it didn't work. Ignoring problems hoping they go away rarely works as an adult. I was responsible solving my childhood problems which were not solved, and I continue fixing my past problems today. Stay strong. Be courageous.
A successful adult life requires maturity, professionalism, and a grown-up behavior. There are some successful adults who act like a jerk or a bitch. Never take life for granted. Earn your successes.
I share daily adult living lessons I learned. Nobody taught me these lessons. I acquired them since Sat Oct 4, 2008. It was the day I realized I must grow up. There are more mistakes I commit. There are more lessons to learn. I continue catching up what I missed in my younger years.
*No Day Is The Same. Today is one day. Tomorrow is another day. A routine day is extremely rare. Have the attitude of adjustment. Compensate when missing information or lack of supplies.
*Always Behind. I was a person who hated being behind. I was angry failing to accomplish my tasks in a day or in a week at work or at home. I accept being behind today. It's true there are days I caught up. I fall behind tomorrow in something else. Go with the flow. Complete responsibilities one at a time.
*Urgencies And Emergencies. There are emergencies, dangers, natural disasters, and conflicts. There are urgencies in the workplace. We control what we can control. We can't control what we can't control. The urgencies and emergencies are another example of going with the flow. Be prepared for events which can affect lives. Be prepared for unexpected roadblocks.
*New Challenges And New Opportunities. Sometimes new challenges and new opportunities come to us. Sometimes we must find new challenges and new opportunities. Active adults keep their lives open for new challenges and new opportunities. For example, I completed a Community Emergency Response Team training in Feb 2015. Another example is I'm looking for a new job. Life is not routine. Find something outside the comfort zone.
*Always Meet New People. If the reader chooses one lesson in the blog, then learn the always meet new people lesson. Never stop meeting new people. Always make new friends. Successful people rely on people for assistance. People come and go. Nobody successful does it alone. The next big break may involve someone in a circle of friends.
*Stay Active. Boredom prevents a successful life. Inactivity is a negative physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, and spirituality. A body is meant to move around. A brain is meant to learn, to read, and to think. A person avoids depression, sadness, and loneliness by getting up and doing something, anything. Income is earned working hard. An active person requires sleep to rest the sole.
In addition, stay sharp. Find time to refresh skills. Find time to learn new knowledge. Earn a higher income. Police, fire fighters, paramedics, and the military are required to spend time refreshing their skills and learning new knowledge. Educators attend workshops to learn new teaching techniques.
*Sense Of Urgency. The sense of urgency is a judgment call. The sense helped me accomplish many responsibilities. The sense motivated me job searching and self job-training seven days a week. I want a job soon. I want to live an independent life soon. My time is now. However, I experienced burn out because I failed to pace myself. I job search and self job-train six days a week. Pace myself when I have the sense of urgency.
Email: feedbackininblog@innovateinfinitely.com
A successful adult life requires maturity, professionalism, and a grown-up behavior. There are some successful adults who act like a jerk or a bitch. Never take life for granted. Earn your successes.
I share daily adult living lessons I learned. Nobody taught me these lessons. I acquired them since Sat Oct 4, 2008. It was the day I realized I must grow up. There are more mistakes I commit. There are more lessons to learn. I continue catching up what I missed in my younger years.
*No Day Is The Same. Today is one day. Tomorrow is another day. A routine day is extremely rare. Have the attitude of adjustment. Compensate when missing information or lack of supplies.
*Always Behind. I was a person who hated being behind. I was angry failing to accomplish my tasks in a day or in a week at work or at home. I accept being behind today. It's true there are days I caught up. I fall behind tomorrow in something else. Go with the flow. Complete responsibilities one at a time.
*Urgencies And Emergencies. There are emergencies, dangers, natural disasters, and conflicts. There are urgencies in the workplace. We control what we can control. We can't control what we can't control. The urgencies and emergencies are another example of going with the flow. Be prepared for events which can affect lives. Be prepared for unexpected roadblocks.
*New Challenges And New Opportunities. Sometimes new challenges and new opportunities come to us. Sometimes we must find new challenges and new opportunities. Active adults keep their lives open for new challenges and new opportunities. For example, I completed a Community Emergency Response Team training in Feb 2015. Another example is I'm looking for a new job. Life is not routine. Find something outside the comfort zone.
*Always Meet New People. If the reader chooses one lesson in the blog, then learn the always meet new people lesson. Never stop meeting new people. Always make new friends. Successful people rely on people for assistance. People come and go. Nobody successful does it alone. The next big break may involve someone in a circle of friends.
*Stay Active. Boredom prevents a successful life. Inactivity is a negative physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, and spirituality. A body is meant to move around. A brain is meant to learn, to read, and to think. A person avoids depression, sadness, and loneliness by getting up and doing something, anything. Income is earned working hard. An active person requires sleep to rest the sole.
In addition, stay sharp. Find time to refresh skills. Find time to learn new knowledge. Earn a higher income. Police, fire fighters, paramedics, and the military are required to spend time refreshing their skills and learning new knowledge. Educators attend workshops to learn new teaching techniques.
*Sense Of Urgency. The sense of urgency is a judgment call. The sense helped me accomplish many responsibilities. The sense motivated me job searching and self job-training seven days a week. I want a job soon. I want to live an independent life soon. My time is now. However, I experienced burn out because I failed to pace myself. I job search and self job-train six days a week. Pace myself when I have the sense of urgency.
Email: feedbackininblog@innovateinfinitely.com
Growing Up,
Influence People,
Innovate Infinitely,
Living The Present,
Meet People,
Taking Action,
When I Was A Child,
Monday, August 03, 2015
Learning By Preparing
Candy is better than nothing preparing our CERT survival gear. The phone buy back scam accepts phones with corrosion in the battery and doesn’t accept phones with hearts. I hope a signed fire extinguisher gift and an emergency tool box are never used. Think out of the box buying sex lubes. The next sex fantasy to be continued.

Email: feedbackininblog@innovateinfinitely.com

Email: feedbackininblog@innovateinfinitely.com
Good Idea,
Little Things,
Sunday, August 02, 2015
What Did I Do Wrong?
Blogger's note: Today's blog is posted at both Innovating Common Knowledge and Finding Raymond Mar blog because I ask myself questions.
My job searching includes applying to jobs at LinkedIn. I looked at my LinkedIn connections on Fri Jul 31. Almost everyone is successful with a permanent full time job from mid-level to senior level. I congratulate their successes. I asked myself, "What did I do wrong?" I don't compare myself to others. It's one of my daily life rules. I'm breaking the rule self-interviewing myself what I did wrong.
I'm A Late Bloomer
It sucks I'm a late bloomer. I realized I must grow up on Sat Oct 4, 2008. I wished I grew up much earlier. I wished I wised up being a mature adult. I was an immature adult. I took life for granted. I was irresponsible. I was complacent. I felt entitled. My life was too much fun.
I lived with my parents after I graduated college. I have been living with my parents. I never experienced life living on my own. Why did I stay home? Financially speaking, I was saving up to buy a house when I started working. The housing prices continued going up. I didn't have a job during the financial real estate bubble. I never thought about moving out of the house to be a responsible independent adult.
Bad Career Choices
I thought I made good career choices. I worked in commercial real estate for 8.5 years. It was the first industry I worked after graduating college. My job was solid. The job security was high. I was an expert at my position.
I think back today. 8.5 years was too long. I should have worked in another industry when the economy improved after the dot com recession. The knowledge and skills I learned were insufficient when I started working in the technology industry in 2007.
Furthermore, I fell through the cracks. Several recruiters who looked at my resume believed I should have been promoted in commercial real estate or I should have sought new positions with challenges and growth. My weaknesses weren't the lack of job skills and knowledge. My weaknesses were lack of relevant experience and lack of advanced skills. I had the background and the attitude to move up the career ladder. Nobody gave me the ladder.
I didn't know the above. Lessons learned. I took my commercial real estate career for granted. I'm grateful I left commercial real estate despite working too long. The technology industry was a career wake up call.
Another bad career choice was learning the wrong skills. There was nothing wrong learning Visual Basic, XML, JavaScript, and Dreamweaver. I made two mistakes. The first mistake was these job skills were irrelevant to my career strengths. They were irrelevant to my current and future career paths.
I Need People
The second mistake was I learned these skills by myself. There was nobody to help me. There was nobody to provide feedback whether I'm learning correctly or incorrectly. If people provided me feedback, I learned these skills correctly.
I needed help. I needed support. I needed experts to answer my questions. I needed to expand my circle of friends. I needed networks. I needed people. I'm confident some of my connections on my LinkedIn received help which included learning new skills, networking, finding internal job openings, and expanding their circles of people.
Lessons I Did Wrong
*Late bloomer. Don't take life for granted. Be responsible. Earn your successes. Play time is over. My fun time is controlled. It's not my fault I grew up late. I need to write another blog to explain why growing up late was not my fault. Fortunately, I grew up. It's better than never.
*Bad career choices. Never settle on one job. Find the challenging jobs. Find the growth jobs. Find the jobs I'm required to learn new skills. Keep looking for a job I love. Learn new skills and refresh existing skills outside the workplace. Police, fire fighters, paramedic, educators, and military are required to learn new skills and refresh existing skills. The people playing professional sports practice their drills before their games. Every professional must follow their examples.
*Alone. Always meet new people. Always make new friends. Successful people know other people. Successful people don't succeed alone.
There Is A Light At The End Of The Tunnel
Successful people must go through hell. I never went through hell before. I'm going through hell now. The lessons I learn make me stronger. The mistakes I made are never repeated. The wisdom I acquire makes me smarter.
I'm one step closer to being independent. I'm one step closer to live a life making more choices. I'm one step closer to control more of my life. Be faithful. Be proactive. My independence is coming soon.
I'm not giving up. I continue looking. Never settle. This is it. If I give up, I sit in front of the TV eight hours a day letting life past by me. I take responsibility for all my actions. I'm going to find a good job. I'm going to create new circle of friends. I'm going to find new adventures and new experiences. I'm going to learn new job skills. I'm going to live independently. I'm going to find the woman of my dreams. I'm going to avoid hoarding. I'm going to stay in physical shape.
One of these days my LinkedIn profile is a respectable profile. More job skills. A stronger career timeline. More connections. My job title gives me respect. I begin attracting people.
Email: feedbackininblog@innovateinfinitely.com
My job searching includes applying to jobs at LinkedIn. I looked at my LinkedIn connections on Fri Jul 31. Almost everyone is successful with a permanent full time job from mid-level to senior level. I congratulate their successes. I asked myself, "What did I do wrong?" I don't compare myself to others. It's one of my daily life rules. I'm breaking the rule self-interviewing myself what I did wrong.
I'm A Late Bloomer
It sucks I'm a late bloomer. I realized I must grow up on Sat Oct 4, 2008. I wished I grew up much earlier. I wished I wised up being a mature adult. I was an immature adult. I took life for granted. I was irresponsible. I was complacent. I felt entitled. My life was too much fun.
I lived with my parents after I graduated college. I have been living with my parents. I never experienced life living on my own. Why did I stay home? Financially speaking, I was saving up to buy a house when I started working. The housing prices continued going up. I didn't have a job during the financial real estate bubble. I never thought about moving out of the house to be a responsible independent adult.
Bad Career Choices
I thought I made good career choices. I worked in commercial real estate for 8.5 years. It was the first industry I worked after graduating college. My job was solid. The job security was high. I was an expert at my position.
I think back today. 8.5 years was too long. I should have worked in another industry when the economy improved after the dot com recession. The knowledge and skills I learned were insufficient when I started working in the technology industry in 2007.
Furthermore, I fell through the cracks. Several recruiters who looked at my resume believed I should have been promoted in commercial real estate or I should have sought new positions with challenges and growth. My weaknesses weren't the lack of job skills and knowledge. My weaknesses were lack of relevant experience and lack of advanced skills. I had the background and the attitude to move up the career ladder. Nobody gave me the ladder.
I didn't know the above. Lessons learned. I took my commercial real estate career for granted. I'm grateful I left commercial real estate despite working too long. The technology industry was a career wake up call.
Another bad career choice was learning the wrong skills. There was nothing wrong learning Visual Basic, XML, JavaScript, and Dreamweaver. I made two mistakes. The first mistake was these job skills were irrelevant to my career strengths. They were irrelevant to my current and future career paths.
I Need People
The second mistake was I learned these skills by myself. There was nobody to help me. There was nobody to provide feedback whether I'm learning correctly or incorrectly. If people provided me feedback, I learned these skills correctly.
I needed help. I needed support. I needed experts to answer my questions. I needed to expand my circle of friends. I needed networks. I needed people. I'm confident some of my connections on my LinkedIn received help which included learning new skills, networking, finding internal job openings, and expanding their circles of people.
Lessons I Did Wrong
*Late bloomer. Don't take life for granted. Be responsible. Earn your successes. Play time is over. My fun time is controlled. It's not my fault I grew up late. I need to write another blog to explain why growing up late was not my fault. Fortunately, I grew up. It's better than never.
*Bad career choices. Never settle on one job. Find the challenging jobs. Find the growth jobs. Find the jobs I'm required to learn new skills. Keep looking for a job I love. Learn new skills and refresh existing skills outside the workplace. Police, fire fighters, paramedic, educators, and military are required to learn new skills and refresh existing skills. The people playing professional sports practice their drills before their games. Every professional must follow their examples.
*Alone. Always meet new people. Always make new friends. Successful people know other people. Successful people don't succeed alone.
There Is A Light At The End Of The Tunnel
Successful people must go through hell. I never went through hell before. I'm going through hell now. The lessons I learn make me stronger. The mistakes I made are never repeated. The wisdom I acquire makes me smarter.
I'm one step closer to being independent. I'm one step closer to live a life making more choices. I'm one step closer to control more of my life. Be faithful. Be proactive. My independence is coming soon.
I'm not giving up. I continue looking. Never settle. This is it. If I give up, I sit in front of the TV eight hours a day letting life past by me. I take responsibility for all my actions. I'm going to find a good job. I'm going to create new circle of friends. I'm going to find new adventures and new experiences. I'm going to learn new job skills. I'm going to live independently. I'm going to find the woman of my dreams. I'm going to avoid hoarding. I'm going to stay in physical shape.
One of these days my LinkedIn profile is a respectable profile. More job skills. A stronger career timeline. More connections. My job title gives me respect. I begin attracting people.
Email: feedbackininblog@innovateinfinitely.com
Growing Up,
Meet People,
Moving Forward,
Self Improvement,
Taking Action,
Saturday, August 01, 2015
Instant Bullets Blog Aug 1, 2015
*More cars parked on the street. I don't have the data to support. I believe a single family home parking their cars on the driveway and/or the street is a hording household. A garage is primarily intended to secure your cars and to protect them from the weather. One criteria is the occupants are a traditional single family. Other criteria include the home is not a rental where multiple housemates with their own cars rent rooms, the home has a car for each parent, or the occupants are an empty nest retired couple.
I intend my car belongs in my garage when I own a home. If I can't park my car in my garage, then I must remove items in my house. I'm not a materialistic person. Hording is not part of my life.
*Learn a skill to help people. I discovered an idea my parents should have taught me when I was a child. The idea is learn a skill to help people. My dad has skills to help people which include plumbing, woodworking, and electrical. My parents didn't teach me skills to help people. I believe I satisfied a skill. I completed the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training in Feb 2015. My training continues. I plan to take first-aid and CPR classes soon.
*Informational meeting. My department started informational meetings. Informational meetings are learning sessions or gaining knowledge seminars related to the company's business. One person runs the meeting like a lecturer in a college class. The participants are like the students acquiring information from the lecturer. The participants suggest topics to discuss. The lecturer writes the topics on a whiteboard. The lecturer begins sharing information one topic at a time.
The information meeting is another Tell Me You Game. The Tell Me You Games help people socialize. Click Tell Me You Games to read the games I created.
*Technical skills doesn't necessarily mean higher pay. Workers who bring business to the company are paid higher than people who don't bring business. People skills are more valuable than technical skills. If you get along with your co-workers, socially active, open person, and a good conversationalist, then you have a higher chance of longevity and a higher salary. Salespeople know the importance of people skills.
*Kickstarter board games on eBay. An experienced board gamer told me most board games on Kickstarter are bad. I backed three games. One game is a winner, a second game is okay, and a third game is a failure. I sold the third game unopened on eBay. The winning bid was less than my backed dollar amount. My friend backed the third game, too. He told me the game is bad playing multiple times with his friends.
You can take a chance buying a backed Kickstarter board game on eBay for a cheaper price. You need to wait months to acquire the game at a cheaper price than the backed price.
*USA Women's National Soccer Team. Congratulations to the team winning the 2015 World Cup. Well earned. The win was redemption from the 2011 World Cup loss. Moreover, I became interested in soccer when a friend took me to my first Major League Soccer game one month before the World Cup. Good timing.
Email: feedbackininblog@innovateinfinitely.com
I intend my car belongs in my garage when I own a home. If I can't park my car in my garage, then I must remove items in my house. I'm not a materialistic person. Hording is not part of my life.
*Learn a skill to help people. I discovered an idea my parents should have taught me when I was a child. The idea is learn a skill to help people. My dad has skills to help people which include plumbing, woodworking, and electrical. My parents didn't teach me skills to help people. I believe I satisfied a skill. I completed the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training in Feb 2015. My training continues. I plan to take first-aid and CPR classes soon.
*Informational meeting. My department started informational meetings. Informational meetings are learning sessions or gaining knowledge seminars related to the company's business. One person runs the meeting like a lecturer in a college class. The participants are like the students acquiring information from the lecturer. The participants suggest topics to discuss. The lecturer writes the topics on a whiteboard. The lecturer begins sharing information one topic at a time.
The information meeting is another Tell Me You Game. The Tell Me You Games help people socialize. Click Tell Me You Games to read the games I created.
*Technical skills doesn't necessarily mean higher pay. Workers who bring business to the company are paid higher than people who don't bring business. People skills are more valuable than technical skills. If you get along with your co-workers, socially active, open person, and a good conversationalist, then you have a higher chance of longevity and a higher salary. Salespeople know the importance of people skills.
*Kickstarter board games on eBay. An experienced board gamer told me most board games on Kickstarter are bad. I backed three games. One game is a winner, a second game is okay, and a third game is a failure. I sold the third game unopened on eBay. The winning bid was less than my backed dollar amount. My friend backed the third game, too. He told me the game is bad playing multiple times with his friends.
You can take a chance buying a backed Kickstarter board game on eBay for a cheaper price. You need to wait months to acquire the game at a cheaper price than the backed price.
*USA Women's National Soccer Team. Congratulations to the team winning the 2015 World Cup. Well earned. The win was redemption from the 2011 World Cup loss. Moreover, I became interested in soccer when a friend took me to my first Major League Soccer game one month before the World Cup. Good timing.
Email: feedbackininblog@innovateinfinitely.com
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