It's the time I look back at my 2016 blogs to give myself feedback. The goal is the same as past second looks: relearning from my mistakes, reinforcing my lessons, reminding myself my moments, refreshing acquired knowledge, rediscovering new wisdom, correcting errant blogs, and sharing changes. These blogs are also the 2016 best blogs.
There are 11 blogs for A Second Look At 2016. There were 18 blogs in 2015, 17 blogs in 2014, and 11 blogs in 2013. I reduced the number of monthly blog postings from 9 to 7 starting in May 2016. Eight of the 11 blogs were posted in the months between Jan to Jun. The three remaining blogs were posted in Aug and Nov. I continue my second looks in Dec because I want a minimum one year to think about my past year.
I provide the title and link to the original blog, date, summary, and my feedback. Enjoy!
Blog Title: 1. Take The Time Cleaning And Organizing
Date: Friday January 22, 2016
Summary: There are positive benefits living in a clean residence.
Feedback: A person's or a family's clean residence is a sign the person or the family takes care of their surroundings. Moreover, a single person's clean residence is a sign of being a professional. Another sign of a clean residence is life free of clutter, waste, and anything toxic. Sincere effort is made for a clean life. Finally, a person who is bored or has free time should consider cleaning up something. Reorganize something. It's not boring. It's doing something better than doing nothing.
Blog Title: 2. Instant Bullets Blog Jan 25, 2016
Date: Monday January 25, 2016
Summary: Short paragraph blogs separated by bullet points.
Feedback: I want to emphasize some bullets points. They're "The Fairly Intelligent Fly" by James Thurber fable telling the reader there is no safety in numbers or in anything else, we should find time to refresh and relearn our skills since first responders are required to review consistently, don't be an old fuck, being physical now has long-term benefits, complementary relationships are long-term, true life experience is making mistakes and experiencing frustrations, and never skip meals.
Blog Title: 3. My Thoughts On Boring
Date: Friday February 19, 2016
Summary: I thought about what if I live a boring life.
Feedback: First, I removed the comparing myself with other in my daily life rules. We compare ourselves with other people. We should compare intelligently. We may realize our life is not as bad as we think.
Second, there are more people living boring lives than we believe. We see few boring people outdoors because most boring people stay indoors. Boring is a relative term. We compare ourselves who is boring and who is not boring. For example, a person with the latest and greatest goods may be living an exciting life. On the other hand, who needs the latest and greatest goods to live a good life? I drive a 12 year old car. My laptop is 10 years old. I have a small DVD collection and a tiny BD collection. The world has too many items to consume. Less is more. Live a happy life with sincere friends and a loving family is not a boring life.
Third, boring people choose to live a life minimizing harm. They live a life with safeguards and backup plans. A quiet life is a good life.
Fourth, Bill Gates' 11 Rules For Real Life Rule #7: Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you are. So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parent's generation, try delousing the closet in your own room.
Fifth, the process to success may be boring, may be routine, or may be dull; however, the end result is not boring. Most successful people say the process was not boring.
Sixth, I wrote a past blog on boring people titled Do Boring People Exist in Feb 2014.
Blog Title: 4. Throwback Blog: My All De Anza Review Blog
Date: Sunday February 28, 2016
Summary: I self-interviewed myself my years going back to school at De Anza College in 2009-2011.
Feedback: Even throwback blogs can be looked a third time. One question I asked myself was why I enrolled in Spring 2011 when I graduated in Winter 2011. I initially avoided answering the question by saying I learned something in my Auditing class.
The brutal truth was I didn't want to work. I still wanted to be a student. I wanted the freedom as a student. The job market was tough when I started searching for a job in Jul 2011. The job market 2011 was not the job market during my father's time.
Blog Title: 5. Work On Good Moments Happen To Good People
Date: Wednesday March 9, 2016
Summary: I shared all of the good moments in the present hoping for good moments in the future.
Feedback: I wrote eight blogs I personally called "self-pity" blogs using my daily job searching routines. I stop writing these self-pity blogs. I didn't need to defend myself what I do daily while unemployed. These blogs were a waste of time. These blogs reiterated learning new skills, hoping for the best, and working hard to achieve freedom. There was no need to remind myself. I bored the world with these self-pity blogs. The world waits to blog the end result which is freedom.
Blog Title: 6. My Miracle Is In Progress
Date: Monday March 21, 2016
Summary: My miracle achieving freedom considering my past life is in process.
Feedback: I consider myself lucky. I consider myself fortunate. I spent all my good luck points on who I am today. Also, I earn good luck points for how much I worked hard to be me today for tomorrow. I was weak. I was immature. Some may say I blogged another self-pity. My different perspectives are count my blessings, my naive life disappeared, and take personal responsibility. I forgive anyone and anything that hurt my past.
Blog Title: 7. Many Unemployed Jobs Searchers Like Me Are Frustrated
Date: Friday April 8, 2016
Summary: Unemployed people must blame the job search system.
Feedback: People who are neither laidoff nor fired don't know the job market today. Read between the lines on economic news. The economy is good; however, the job market is tough. I have been seeing full time direct company positions for which I applied. Time passes. These same positions are converted to contract position. Those who are working avoid entering the unemployment abyss.
Companies forgot how to hire the best candidates. Managers focus on recent experience and relevant knowledge. A candidate's character and small skills such as good communication and team player are all secondary. In the past, a candidate's character and small skills such as good communication and team player were primary because good job candidates learned on the job and learned outside the job if they needed extra skills.
Timing is everything. I have seen an increase in job openings days after President Donald Trump signed the new tax bill. Is the increase short-term or long-term? Time will tell.
Blog Title: 8. The Size Of The Pie Is Still The Same
Date: Thursday June 23, 2016
Summary: More people want a piece of the pie for which the size is the same. More people aren't going to get a piece.
Feedback: I said greed prevents more people getting a piece. Greed may not be correct. There is a finite amount of opportunities. Opportunities are key for people to be successful. Life has winners. Life has losers. There are good people who never achieve their goals because there are factors beyond their control.
The world population grows. The number of people increases faster than the number of increasing opportunities. It's like a factory producing robots. There are plenty of robots available. There is a limited about of demand for the robots.
Further, the rich people get richer. Money grows exponentially. Basic Finance 101. Investments earn interest over interest. The tax laws and business laws favor the rich.
Blog Title: 9. Top Ten Steve Jobs Quotes
Date: Wednesday August 3, 2016
Summary: I share more than ten Steve Jobs quotes. I learn from his wisdom; for example, "The journey is the reward" which is number one.
Feedback: I have a bias when it comes to Steve Jobs. I repost my favorite Steve Jobs quotes.
Blog Title: 10. Top Ten Life Lessons I Learned Watching Sports
Date: Saturday November 5, 2016
Summary: I posted life lessons I learned being a sports fan. They're curses are meant to be broken, rest, strong core, redemption, streaks and slumps, be professional, consistency, be calm, good coaching, and support.
Feedback: I want to add two more life lessons. The first is patience. Championship teams plan ahead. Championship teams don't win overnight. It takes time. Be patient. Mistakes are made. Lessons are learned. Successes are improved. Planning is writing down steps today for the successful tomorrow.
The second is winning includes forgiveness; on the other hand, winning can hide problems which may haunt the person or team in the future. All is well that ends well. Winning is powerful. Winning helps people heal from any hurtful past.
Consistency includes play your game. Play to your strengths. Play your comfort level. Play your style. Follow the game plan.
Blog Title: 11. Luck Is Part Of Life
Date: Tuesday November 15, 2016
Summary: The most successful people under appreciate luck and the least successful people over-rely on luck.
Feedback: Malcolm Gladwell wrote the book "Outliers". He wrote luck and opportunity are the reasons why some people succeed and some people don't succeed.
Another viewpoint. There are some people--good people--down on their luck. They're struggling financially trying to keep a roof under their heads, food on the tables, and gas in their cars. People should be lucky and should be fortunate if they have all three. Count your blessings. Take none of them for granted.
I play Mahjong. An experienced player knows the best ways to win; however, if he or she doesn't get the tiles, then the knowledge means nothing. Mahjong is like all games played. Some luck is involved. Players rarely discuss luck openly.
Finally, it's better to be lucky than smart. Agree or disagree?
My blog innovates and improves life’s common knowledge. The successful people find ways doing something better. They innovate their lives infinitely. Bruce Lee said it best, “Even today, I dare not say that I have reached a state of achievement . . . for learning is boundless.” I encourage people to seek better ways. Life gets better every day. I share my highlights, my lighter side, my current events, a question, and an opinion.
Thursday, December 28, 2017
A Second Look At 2016
De Anza Spring 2011,
Good Guy,
Job Searching,
Organized Living,
Steve Jobs
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Highlight And Favorite 2016 Tweets
Here are my 32 highlight Tweets and 11 favorite Favorites Tweets in 2016. Follow me @inin61 Enjoy!
Jan 09: RT @photospice: Traffic Camera in #Montreal, #Canada accidentally snaps beautiful #Photo of a #SnowyOwl. #nature #photography
Jan 14: RT @awkwardgoogle: 21st century parenting
Jan 20: Watch the movie Shaun The Sheep. 99% Rotten Tomatoes. A family movie for all ages full of laughs. #lifesatreat
Mar 22: SJ Mercury News published article on recycling confusion 3/13/16. Ignore the triangle. Recycle rigid plastics only.
Mar 22: Crayons belong to compost. Food soiled paper to compost, too.
Mar 22: Don't bag recyclables in trash bags. These bags are trashed. In doubt, trash it to not contaminate recycling system.
Mar 30: RT @awkwardgoogle: This mom knows some serious hacks ・・・・
Apr 02: A human arrow directed police copter and ground police to arrest two burglars in England
Apr 21: There are low income families living a mile from my house. I'm sad when I see families walking with a $5 Little Caesars pizza for dinner.
Apr 21: I hope the $5 pizza is a rare meal. The children shouldn't eat pizza regularly. Their brains are developing needing to eat healthy meals.
May 04: Use EOMONTH() to find the last day of a month. Cell A1 is 5/3/14. EOMONTH(A1,0) returns 5/31/14. EOMONTH(A1,0)+1 returns 6/1/14 #exceltip
May 04: EOMONTH(A1,1) returns 6/30/14. EOMONTH(A1,-1) returns 4/30/14. EOMONTH(A1,-1)+1 returns 5/1/14. #exceltip
May 06: CA raises the legal age to smoke from 18 to 21. Law takes effect June 9.
Jul 01: Pic shows difference between heat exhaustion & heat stroke. One difference exhaustion faint, dizzy. Stroke headache.
Jul 10: [] published an article on testosterone for men. Strong bones, eliminates fat are one benefit
Jul 19: RT @awkwardgoogle: How to cook 2 pizzas at the same time!
Jul 24: Added to my bucket list. Camping on the field for a night at AT&T Park.
Aug 01: I'm craving intelligence.
Aug 14: Is *fill in the blank* still open? Google search the following: Is *fill in the blank* closed? Works for almost all companies.
Aug 15: The spleen is an organ which filters the blood. Removes old blood cells, holds reserve blood, and recycles iron. #mytriviaoftheday
Aug 29: Quietness within a group of people? If yes, then try these silent breakers conversation topics: mattresses, caffeine, and Abe Lincoln.
Sep 04: The best patient people are special ed teachers, assistances, and aids. They do their best teaching special ed children and young adults
Sep 04: to function normally in society. The children and young adults need additional attention and repetitive teaching. Bless these professionals.
Sep 04: I wish there is a miracle brain treatment to help these children and young adults speak clearer, focus stronger, behave more normal.
Sep 22: Lyft co-founder John Zimmer wrote a long article titled "The Third Transportation Revolution."
Sep 22: Zimmer predicts car ownership in cities ends by 2025. Also, the average vehicle is used only 4% of the time and parked the other 96%.
Oct 04: RT @Dodgers: Dear friends...
Oct 30: If you don't remember the last time you wash your bed blankets and mattress protectors, maybe its time to wash them. I am.
Nov 03: A 2016 World Series for the history books. Chicago Cubs and Cleveland Indians battled to the end. I watched or listened the entire series.
Nov 03: How sweet it is! The wait is over. I'm a Giants fan. Congratulations to the Chicago #cubs. You earned it. #WorldSeries #gocubsgo
Nov 22: maintain: To keep in existence or continuance; preserve; retain. To keep in an appropriate condition, operation, or force #mynewwordoftheday
Nov 22: increment: Something added or gained; addition; increase. The act or process of increasing; growth. #mynewwordoftheday
Favorite Favorites
Jan 17: @tone765, pretty sad when I see ppl talking about their trips overseas and the thing they decide to cheap out on is food
Jan 27: @SexWithEmily, Did you know that sperm is considered an anti-aging treatment b/c of it’s tightening effect on the skin? How’s that for a facial.. #SexFacts
Mar 29: @SexWithEmily, Now that's what I call true love...
Apr 1: @HistoricalPics, Apple Inc was founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne on this day 40 years ago
Apr 11: @awkwardgoogle, 21st century parenting
Jun 13: @SFGiants, We are proud of you, #SJSharks #BayAreaUnite
Jun 19: @SFGiants, We are proud of you. @warriors. #BayAreaUnite
Sep 29: @HistoricalPics, Arnold's favorite bicep. 1974 - 2015.
Oct 3: @HistoricalPics, These two books contain the sum total of all human knowledge
Oct 21: @sleepingkyoto, There's a guy who brought in a fucking typewriter
Dec 23: @HistoricalPics, Use your words - Dead Poets Society.
Jan 09: RT @photospice: Traffic Camera in #Montreal, #Canada accidentally snaps beautiful #Photo of a #SnowyOwl. #nature #photography
Jan 14: RT @awkwardgoogle: 21st century parenting
Jan 20: Watch the movie Shaun The Sheep. 99% Rotten Tomatoes. A family movie for all ages full of laughs. #lifesatreat
Mar 22: SJ Mercury News published article on recycling confusion 3/13/16. Ignore the triangle. Recycle rigid plastics only.
Mar 22: Crayons belong to compost. Food soiled paper to compost, too.
Mar 22: Don't bag recyclables in trash bags. These bags are trashed. In doubt, trash it to not contaminate recycling system.
Mar 30: RT @awkwardgoogle: This mom knows some serious hacks ・・・・
Apr 02: A human arrow directed police copter and ground police to arrest two burglars in England
Apr 21: There are low income families living a mile from my house. I'm sad when I see families walking with a $5 Little Caesars pizza for dinner.
Apr 21: I hope the $5 pizza is a rare meal. The children shouldn't eat pizza regularly. Their brains are developing needing to eat healthy meals.
May 04: Use EOMONTH() to find the last day of a month. Cell A1 is 5/3/14. EOMONTH(A1,0) returns 5/31/14. EOMONTH(A1,0)+1 returns 6/1/14 #exceltip
May 04: EOMONTH(A1,1) returns 6/30/14. EOMONTH(A1,-1) returns 4/30/14. EOMONTH(A1,-1)+1 returns 5/1/14. #exceltip
May 06: CA raises the legal age to smoke from 18 to 21. Law takes effect June 9.
Jul 01: Pic shows difference between heat exhaustion & heat stroke. One difference exhaustion faint, dizzy. Stroke headache.
Jul 10: [] published an article on testosterone for men. Strong bones, eliminates fat are one benefit
Jul 19: RT @awkwardgoogle: How to cook 2 pizzas at the same time!
Jul 24: Added to my bucket list. Camping on the field for a night at AT&T Park.
Aug 01: I'm craving intelligence.
Aug 14: Is *fill in the blank* still open? Google search the following: Is *fill in the blank* closed? Works for almost all companies.
Aug 15: The spleen is an organ which filters the blood. Removes old blood cells, holds reserve blood, and recycles iron. #mytriviaoftheday
Aug 29: Quietness within a group of people? If yes, then try these silent breakers conversation topics: mattresses, caffeine, and Abe Lincoln.
Sep 04: The best patient people are special ed teachers, assistances, and aids. They do their best teaching special ed children and young adults
Sep 04: to function normally in society. The children and young adults need additional attention and repetitive teaching. Bless these professionals.
Sep 04: I wish there is a miracle brain treatment to help these children and young adults speak clearer, focus stronger, behave more normal.
Sep 22: Lyft co-founder John Zimmer wrote a long article titled "The Third Transportation Revolution."
Sep 22: Zimmer predicts car ownership in cities ends by 2025. Also, the average vehicle is used only 4% of the time and parked the other 96%.
Oct 04: RT @Dodgers: Dear friends...
Oct 30: If you don't remember the last time you wash your bed blankets and mattress protectors, maybe its time to wash them. I am.
Nov 03: A 2016 World Series for the history books. Chicago Cubs and Cleveland Indians battled to the end. I watched or listened the entire series.
Nov 03: How sweet it is! The wait is over. I'm a Giants fan. Congratulations to the Chicago #cubs. You earned it. #WorldSeries #gocubsgo
Nov 22: maintain: To keep in existence or continuance; preserve; retain. To keep in an appropriate condition, operation, or force #mynewwordoftheday
Nov 22: increment: Something added or gained; addition; increase. The act or process of increasing; growth. #mynewwordoftheday
Favorite Favorites
Jan 17: @tone765, pretty sad when I see ppl talking about their trips overseas and the thing they decide to cheap out on is food
Jan 27: @SexWithEmily, Did you know that sperm is considered an anti-aging treatment b/c of it’s tightening effect on the skin? How’s that for a facial.. #SexFacts
Mar 29: @SexWithEmily, Now that's what I call true love...
Apr 1: @HistoricalPics, Apple Inc was founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne on this day 40 years ago
Apr 11: @awkwardgoogle, 21st century parenting
Jun 13: @SFGiants, We are proud of you, #SJSharks #BayAreaUnite
Jun 19: @SFGiants, We are proud of you. @warriors. #BayAreaUnite
Sep 29: @HistoricalPics, Arnold's favorite bicep. 1974 - 2015.
Oct 3: @HistoricalPics, These two books contain the sum total of all human knowledge
Oct 21: @sleepingkyoto, There's a guy who brought in a fucking typewriter
Dec 23: @HistoricalPics, Use your words - Dead Poets Society.
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Top 2016 Pics
Here are the top pictures I took in 2016. They’re sorted from the start of the year to the end of the year. Enjoy!


Monday, December 11, 2017
You're Not Perfect, You Have Flaws
The title is obvious. Nobody is perfect. Every human being has weaknesses. Every human being has flaws. Think critically. Think honestly. There are weaknesses physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially. Some of us are prone to sickness. Some of us have learning problems. Some of us have multiple personalities. Some of us live without inner peace. Some of us have buy goods too much.
I share some of my weaknesses. I have a weak short-term memory; I must write information on paper. I can't tread water. My body tolerance is weak on hot environments. I'm partially tone-deaf. I have weak gums. I read slowly. My home improvement craftsmanship is bad I make problems worse.
On the other hand, every human being has strengths. I have an above average long-term memory for which I recall moments to the month and year. My body tolerance is strong on cold environments. I'm in my best health which includes working out at the gym four days a week. I have strong teeth. I'm a clean person who keeps my residence organized; in other words, I minimize junk. My public speaking is courageous. My stress tolerance is solid. I got loss driving twice.
Long Term Relationships
Finding a loving human being is hard. It must be hard because the person you choose to spend the rest of your life must be the person with chemistry, compatibility, communication, and common interests. I can't write how to find a lasting relationship anymore clearer.
I share some of my weaknesses. I have a weak short-term memory; I must write information on paper. I can't tread water. My body tolerance is weak on hot environments. I'm partially tone-deaf. I have weak gums. I read slowly. My home improvement craftsmanship is bad I make problems worse.
On the other hand, every human being has strengths. I have an above average long-term memory for which I recall moments to the month and year. My body tolerance is strong on cold environments. I'm in my best health which includes working out at the gym four days a week. I have strong teeth. I'm a clean person who keeps my residence organized; in other words, I minimize junk. My public speaking is courageous. My stress tolerance is solid. I got loss driving twice.
Long Term Relationships
Finding a loving human being is hard. It must be hard because the person you choose to spend the rest of your life must be the person with chemistry, compatibility, communication, and common interests. I can't write how to find a lasting relationship anymore clearer.
Sunday, December 10, 2017
Go Outside
Health research states the sun gives a person vitamin D. There is another important reason to go outside. The weather is unimportant. The weather can be hot, cold, sunny, rainy, or snowy. Obviously if the weather is unsafe such as hurricanes, then stay indoors. Going outside is a breath of fresh air. The body breathes air outdoors. The body moves beyond the walls. The eyes take a break from seeing the usual indoors. The eyes see the outside. There is a feeling of freedom. The simple outdoors activities such as running errands, walking around the neighborhood, eating out, and visiting friends are valid. Day trips, hiking, concerts, and festivals are also valid. Weekend vacations, week off vacations, and long trips are great. Find time to just go outside regularly. Going to work to go outside only is excluded. Go outside for leisure. Go outside to take a break.
Sunday, December 03, 2017
Black Friday 2017
My Black Friday 2017 shopping was practical. Most of the items I purchased were bare necessities. One item was a wanted item. The shopping day was good timing and was bad luck.
I shopped at Rite-Aid buying four 2-liters of Coke for $.98 at 7:12am. The As Seen On TV flashlights were a no-go. The next store was Pep Boys buying two sets of Castrol motor oil and Purolator oil filter with mail-in rebate at 7:36am.
The next two stores were department stores. I purchased Isotoner slippers, Earth Therapeutics bath sponges, and an Earth Therapeutics foot care gift set which included cream, pumice stone, and massager at Kohl's at 8:25am. I waited 15 minutes in line. I purchased two packs of Nike socks at Macy's at 9:21am. The parking lot at the shopping mall was like a normal weekend shopping day. There were plenty of parking spaces. Crowds were normal, too. Unfortunately, Macy's point of sale systems were partially down. I couldn't use my gift card. I tried to cash out my gift card at Customer Service. The systems continued to be down. I was frustrated.
I shopped online at I found out merged with Walgreens. There was a buy two, get one free Vanicream soap sale. I purchased 18 bars of soap at 12:07pm. I saved 33%. Next, I shopped online for new desktop speakers which were my wanted item. My old desktop speakers broke. I choose the Logitech Z313 2.1 speakers. Amazon sold the speakers for $25. I shopped at Fry's for which Fry's price matched Amazon's price from $50 to $25 at the cash register. Shopping at Fry's was the first time I shopped a Black Friday in the afternoon. I lined up at 2pm. I checked out at 3:30pm. The Fry's experience convinced me the best time to shop at stores with short lines is between 7am-10am.
Finally, the Macy's point of sale system gave me worries about my Target gift card becoming invalid. I purchased New Skin and Orajel mouth sore gel for the family first-aid kit at 3:54pm.
Black Fridays achieved the status quo years ago in my opinion. I shop on Black Fridays to purchase bare necessities which includes stocking up on bare necessities, to buy new durable goods, to upgrade existing durable goods, and to buy DVDs on my wish list. Black Fridays are good shopping days for appliances, clothes, new TVs, desktop parts, and towels. If I can wait for the Black Friday, then I wait.
I shopped at Rite-Aid buying four 2-liters of Coke for $.98 at 7:12am. The As Seen On TV flashlights were a no-go. The next store was Pep Boys buying two sets of Castrol motor oil and Purolator oil filter with mail-in rebate at 7:36am.
The next two stores were department stores. I purchased Isotoner slippers, Earth Therapeutics bath sponges, and an Earth Therapeutics foot care gift set which included cream, pumice stone, and massager at Kohl's at 8:25am. I waited 15 minutes in line. I purchased two packs of Nike socks at Macy's at 9:21am. The parking lot at the shopping mall was like a normal weekend shopping day. There were plenty of parking spaces. Crowds were normal, too. Unfortunately, Macy's point of sale systems were partially down. I couldn't use my gift card. I tried to cash out my gift card at Customer Service. The systems continued to be down. I was frustrated.
I shopped online at I found out merged with Walgreens. There was a buy two, get one free Vanicream soap sale. I purchased 18 bars of soap at 12:07pm. I saved 33%. Next, I shopped online for new desktop speakers which were my wanted item. My old desktop speakers broke. I choose the Logitech Z313 2.1 speakers. Amazon sold the speakers for $25. I shopped at Fry's for which Fry's price matched Amazon's price from $50 to $25 at the cash register. Shopping at Fry's was the first time I shopped a Black Friday in the afternoon. I lined up at 2pm. I checked out at 3:30pm. The Fry's experience convinced me the best time to shop at stores with short lines is between 7am-10am.
Finally, the Macy's point of sale system gave me worries about my Target gift card becoming invalid. I purchased New Skin and Orajel mouth sore gel for the family first-aid kit at 3:54pm.
Black Fridays achieved the status quo years ago in my opinion. I shop on Black Fridays to purchase bare necessities which includes stocking up on bare necessities, to buy new durable goods, to upgrade existing durable goods, and to buy DVDs on my wish list. Black Fridays are good shopping days for appliances, clothes, new TVs, desktop parts, and towels. If I can wait for the Black Friday, then I wait.
Saturday, December 02, 2017
The World Is Too Many And Too Few
I question some common wisdom today pessimistically speaking. Never give up. Achieve your dreams. Nothing is impossible. Continue moving forward. Accept failure because you learn from failure; the end is success. There are opportunities to find. Work hard to achieve your goals. You can do anything by putting your mind to it. Be patient. There is hope. Believe in yourself. Keep the dream alive. The harder you work, the luckier you get. You are going to be successful staying focus.
Good advice from the common wisdom above. What if I say all the common wisdom above are losing strength today? Am I pessimistic? Yes. Am I being ridiculous? Maybe. Does my opinion have merit? Yes. Explain. There are too many people in the world. There are too few opportunities. Competition is fierce. Fierce may be an understatement. Competition is barbaric. Barbaric may be an overstatement today. Barbaric may be the truth tomorrow. There are too few chances for people working to be successful. There are too few breaks in life.
We can work hard intelligently to be the best people. Unfortunately, timing and luck are nothing with little opportunities. The rewards pay nothing with too many people competing for too few openings. There are too few winners for many deserving people. There are too many losers for many good people. Life is unfair. It's reality. How can Mother Earth sustain geometric population growth historically speaking decades later? Are humans going to be barbaric to survive?
Side note: I wrote a similar blog titled The Size Of The Pie Is Still The Same. I wrote too many people are greedy. There's not enough pie for everyone. The not enough pie applies to greedy people or not greedy people referencing my blog above.
I question some common wisdom today pessimistically speaking. Never give up. Achieve your dreams. Nothing is impossible. Continue moving forward. Accept failure because you learn from failure; the end is success. There are opportunities to find. Work hard to achieve your goals. You can do anything by putting your mind to it. Be patient. There is hope. Believe in yourself. Keep the dream alive. The harder you work, the luckier you get. You are going to be successful staying focus.
Good advice from the common wisdom above. What if I say all the common wisdom above are losing strength today? Am I pessimistic? Yes. Am I being ridiculous? Maybe. Does my opinion have merit? Yes. Explain. There are too many people in the world. There are too few opportunities. Competition is fierce. Fierce may be an understatement. Competition is barbaric. Barbaric may be an overstatement today. Barbaric may be the truth tomorrow. There are too few chances for people working to be successful. There are too few breaks in life.
We can work hard intelligently to be the best people. Unfortunately, timing and luck are nothing with little opportunities. The rewards pay nothing with too many people competing for too few openings. There are too few winners for many deserving people. There are too many losers for many good people. Life is unfair. It's reality. How can Mother Earth sustain geometric population growth historically speaking decades later? Are humans going to be barbaric to survive?
Side note: I wrote a similar blog titled The Size Of The Pie Is Still The Same. I wrote too many people are greedy. There's not enough pie for everyone. The not enough pie applies to greedy people or not greedy people referencing my blog above.
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