Friday, December 02, 2005

Board and Can’t Quit Your Job? Try A New Work Schedule

Earlier today, I received approval for a request for new job hours. My old job hours were 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. My new job hours beginning Monday December 5, 2005 are 8:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M.

Those who know me may know that my current job is a dead-end job. I basically sit in front a computer eight hours a day maintaining the database and creating easy-ass reports. There is nothing that can be done to spin it—the job sucks.

I admit my new job hours are not going to make my job much, much better; however, it’s a small difference and can make the job more bearable when I enter the doors. Who knows? Maybe something big happens in my favor because of a little thing XD

Give it a try. If you hate your job and have little control over it, try a new work schedule. Again, it’s a small difference on paper and, perhaps, a big difference later on.


Resume? I don't need a resume. Here is my resume: Innovator. I'm available to innovate for hire.

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