Sunday, December 25, 2005

The Day To Say A Goal: Meet New People

Good news. I submitted another Blog. Hooray! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. If you feel lonely on Christmas Day, then you may want to think about setting a goal for 2006. The goal is to meet new people.

Today, I'm celebrating Christmas with my family in my Uncle's house tonight. I'm celebrating Christmas with people. However, if you do feel lonely, and it's normal in any circumstance, rather than feeling depressed, use the depressed energy and set a goal to meet new people.

In 2005, I accomplished a goal to meet 10 new people. I accomplished easily. For 2006, I set a goal to meet 20 new people. Honestly, I should have tripled the goal XD How did I accomplished the goal? Most of the new people I met were at anime conventions. I cosplayed in the anime conventions which helped. Why didn't I cosplay before?

Do whatever it takes to meet new people, and don't be a jerk. If you need information to meet new people, read a book. If you need to do something to be a better person to be liked, do that something. I cosplayed at anime conventions and I was successful. Using the idea from Harvey MacKay's Swim With The Sharks or Robert Kiyosaki (I forgot who) on marketing, you have a 98% chance to meet people anywhere hoping for a 2% chance to make new friends, to network, future acquaintances, and/or to meet someone who cares. The odds suck; however, the 2% is a big 2% who can be with you for a long time. Good luck!


Resume? I don't need a resume. Here is my resume: Innovator. I'm available to innovate for hire.

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