It's the time I look back at my 2017 blogs to give myself feedback. The goals delaying one year are relearning from my mistakes, reinforcing my lessons, reminding myself my moments, refreshing acquired knowledge, rediscovering new wisdom, correcting errant blogs, and sharing changes. These blogs are also the 2017 best blogs. There are 13 blogs for A Second Look At 2017.
Blog Title: 1. Schools Have Summer Vacations And Life Has Summer Vacations
Date: Tuesday January 3
Summary: There is an ending to everything controlled or not controlled.
Feedback: The blog may be misleading. There are short-term endings. There are one-time endings. Sometimes we create the endings. Sometimes life creates the endings. Work meetings end. Waiting for a car in a repair shop has an ending. Seasons have endings. Holidays have endings. The end of a calendar year is an ending. Time passes.
Blog Title: 2. Top Ten Men Truths
Date: Saturday January 7
Summary: Ten truths distinguishing a boy over 18 years old and a man over 18 years old. I do no justice summarizing here. Click the link to read in its entirety.
Feedback: Top blog for 2017. I nominate the blog for any blog of the year award.
Blog Title: 3. Live Quitting Or Die Believing
Date: Saturday January 14
Summary: The time to wait is subjective. The time to believe is subjective. Waiting and believing have an end time.
Feedback: I did it again. I wrote eight self-pity blogs or bullshit blogs in 2016. I wanted to stop blogging self-pity blogs in 2017. I was wrong. The world knows my current life situation. The bullshit blogs are complaining blogs. I express my frustrations. I express my anger. There's no need to repeat again for another year. Flipping an innovating common knowledge blog to my current life situation is terrible. There are seven bullshit blogs in 2017.
Blog Title: 4. Don't Be Me
Date: Sunday March 5
Summary: I want mature adults to move out of their parent's house at first opportunity intelligently, to learning new career skills indefinitely, to never stop meeting new people, to expand their lives, and to remember desire is more important than knowledge.
Feedback: These are tough adult lessons. If I teach a young person these lessons which change his or her life, then I'm happy.
Blog Title: 5. Two Personal Vows
Date: Wednesday April 12
Summary: The first vow is money doesn't change who I am. The second vow is control stress.
Feedback: Quoted for emphasis. Its ironic work must be done to control stress. Some stress is required to minimize stress. Stress can cause people to lose intelligence. My intuition says stress can cause brain damage such as memory loss, weaker comprehension, and behavior problems.
Blog Title: 6. What Is Believe?
Date: Saturday June 17
Summary: I don't need believe to complete my goals. I have to find a job. Do I need to believe? Students must graduate schools to increase their chances of success. Do they need to believe?
Feedback: Another bullshit blog. I removed daily rule #7 "Have faith. Believe in yourself." on Mar 12, 2018.
Blog Title: 7. Anything Better Than Duct Tape?
Date: Saturday August 5
Summary: I question the attitude of improving everything every day.
Feedback: There is another term. It's called creative exhaustion.
Blog Title: 8. Hate Yourself Today Only
Date: Wednesday August 9
Summary: Hate yourself is an easier way to find flaws, weaknesses, and whatever missing.
Feedback: Here is one way to be brutally honest with yourself. Turn your self-hate to self-love. Find everything you hate. Fix everything you hate. One must work to fix problems. Self-love is not automatic.
Blog Title: 9. Be Patient, I Rescue My Loneliness And Other People's Loneliness
Date: Monday August 14
Summary: There are lonely people in the world. I save myself first. I save lonely people next. I welcome people with weak self-esteem if they're motivated to strengthen their self-esteem. Nobody lives a happy life being lonely.
Feedback: The irony is I need people to help achieve freedom. I refer independence in the blog as freedom. I achieve both rescuing lonely people and earning freedom. Both complements each other. On the other hand, why do people want to spend time with losers who are unemployed and live with their parents? Where are the unemployed and live with their parents? Where are the people down on their luck? Where are the people not given chances? I must have bad luck finding unemployed and live with their parents people.
Blog Title: 10. Higher Priority Job Hiring And Higher Weight Job Hiring
Date: Sunday September 10
Summary: Times have changed regarding the job hiring system today and our father's job hiring system yesterday. Experience is valued. Good attitude is not valued.
Feedback: More people blame today's information age making jobs harder to find. Automated cars lead to automated trucks. Robots work in shipping and receiving. Customers order fast food at self-pay kiosks. For example, I saw kiosks at Costco's Food Court. I'm sure Costco has plenty of other customer service positions and more food preparation position for the food court cashiers.
Another ironic thought. Hiring managers hire people with matching knowledge, recent experience, and relevant experience because they're less likely to take another person's job. A job candidate with a high desire to learn and strong motivation to get better is more likely to take another person's job. There is a fear. The fear is a new job candidate replaces an existing job candidate. The job market is tough. Some workers do anything to protect their jobs. Some workers do anything to avoid entering the unemployed abyss.
What do we blame? Blame the job hiring system. Blame population overcrowding. There are too many people. There are too few job openings.
I have a degree in Economics. I learned new industries create more new jobs. The job workforce increases. I question the job creation theory. How does the robotics industry create more new jobs because many robots substitute human labor with automation?
Blog Title: 11. Life Goes On
Date: Saturday September 23
Summary: Anything that happens today good and bad anything happens tomorrow good and bad. Life is unfair. Life goes on.
Feedback: Everyday we wake up there is a chance of something happening. Sometime we're prepared. Sometimes we're not prepared. We roll the dice 24/7. Coincidences happen. Logical events happen. Illogical events happen. Weird events happen. We're at the right place at the right time. We're at the wrong place at the wrong time. Take a chance something good happens. Take a chance something bad happens. Life is full of chances.
Blog Title: 12. Throwback Blog: How Do They Do It? How Do They Do It?
Date: Wednesday November 30
Summary: I ask the question how some people attract people no matter where they are. Charism. Good looks. Voice tone. Luck. I also ask why some people repel from me. Poor physical appearance. Weak self-esteem. Loud voice. Luck.
Feedback: A common saying is don't judge a person by their appearance. Let's play the brutal honest card. We do judge a person by their appearance. Most of the time our judgement is correct. Take care of your body physically speaking. Good grooming. Good clothing. Good smile. Good communication skills. Back up the grooming, clothing, smile, and communication skills with intelligence, confidence, and mature behavior.
I thought back to Fanime Con 2009. I wore costumes to anime conventions. I wore makeup for the first time in my life. I couldn't believe makeup makes a difference to a person's looks. The makeup covered my pores. I attracted people. People came to me. I have a better understanding why women wear makeup. Also, perhaps, why men wear makeup. The makeup industry doesn't exist without Hollywood.
Maybe I'm scaring people without my knowledge. Maybe the people I scare have poor self-esteem. Maybe the people I scare are weak. I'm portraying myself unconsciously too strong, too smart, and too confidence; on the other hand, I question do I want to meet weak people. Do I want weak friends? I admit I have more work to strengthen my self-esteem. I admit I scare people off when I'm laser focused on a task. I look intimidating.
Blog Title: 13. The World Is Too Many And Too Few
Date: Saturday December 2
Summary: There are too many good people. There are too few good opportunities.
Feedback: It's a conversation nobody wants to talk about. The population continues to grow. Is the number of opportunities matching the population growth? People are living longer. Overcrowding is the number one global problem.
My blog innovates and improves life’s common knowledge. The successful people find ways doing something better. They innovate their lives infinitely. Bruce Lee said it best, “Even today, I dare not say that I have reached a state of achievement . . . for learning is boundless.” I encourage people to seek better ways. Life gets better every day. I share my highlights, my lighter side, my current events, a question, and an opinion.
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