Monday, December 21, 2009

Get Out Of The House

Everyone experiences many times we are working on projects at work, studying for exams, thinking of solutions for a problem, completing homework assignments, and then all of a sudden, we freeze. We lose our train of thought. We think for hours and there is no solution, no answer, no idea what's going on.

What are you waiting for? The solution? The answer? The idea? Chances are they're not coming to you soon. Get out of the house. Get out of the dorm. Get out of the office. Get out of the apartment. Going to a different location with a different environment may trigger a solution, an answer, an idea.

Two examples. The first is my belt for my Edward Elric anime cosplay costume. I went to a hobby shop. I walked around and I saw an aisle on leather works. There were kits on making leather belts. I thought of an idea. There must be a professional leather craftsman to make my belt. I found a leather craftsman. He specialized in leather gun holsters. I asked him if he could make my belt. He said yes. The belt was perfect.

The second is a Christmas version for my Toushiro Hitsugaya anime cosplay costume. I walked around a department store looking for ideas. I thought about a vest, green dress shirt, red dress shirt, green tie, red tie, Christmas scarf, . . ., many combinations. I thought of a solution. Red scarf, red tie, and green shirt combined with my leather jacket and part of my Hitsugaya costume.

Do something outside. Walk in a mall, drive randomly somewhere, visit the library, shop in a grocery store, walk in the park, workout in a gym. The best ideas and solutions I think is when I don't think of them at all.

I Continue To Find Myself Finding Raymond Mar

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