*One night I worked out at the gym. There was a guy reading a pocket size novel on a weight machine.
*I visit and post at two forums regularly. One forum I received a private message asking for verification on something. The verification didn’t matter because I posted publicly to the person I made a mistake and I apologized. Minutes later, the person sent me another private message stated he saw my apology and still for some reason wanted the verification he requested.
The second forum I posted since 2004. The overall intelligence has decreased. Too many spam and too many people posting as if they have no lives. Many absurd posts and useless responses.
*I needed gas. I was about to move to an open spot. Then a BMW car cut me off. She actually moved forward to another open spot. OK, thank you. She got out of the car. Seconds later, she got back in the car and drove to another spot on my opposite other side. What happened was she parked her car on the wrong side of the gas tank. Maybe she was thinking about something else—maybe sexual?!?!? I had to say that.
*On my way home, I needed to change lanes to make a left turn at the next turn signal. I saw a car slowing down and signaling left. There was a turn off into a retail strip mall. Perfect for me to take her spot on the far left lane. I speeded up. It was safe for the left lane change. I changed lanes. The car kept going, turn signal signaling left, and slowing down. It turned out she wanted to make a left at the next turn signal like me. She was talking on the cell phone. It’s illegal in California to drive holding a cell phone.
*I got a 40% off Borders reward coupon. I used the coupon to purchase Dreamweaver CS4 book. I entered the Borders store and I saw two people wearing costumes from the anime series Naruto exiting the store.

*For the first time, I saw anime billboard signs for the anime series Afro Samurai. It’s actually the video game. Samuel L. Jackson is the voice actor.
Anyways, weird? Most are yes. It’s just me growing up and no more spinning the weirdness to something positive. There’s a saying if it talks like a duck, thinks like a duck, moves like a duck, smells like a duck, and presents itself like a duck, it’s probably a duck. Likewise for weird . . . if it talks like someone or something weird, thinks like, moves like, smells like, and presents itself like someone or something weird, it’s probably weird. I must see positive action, positive something to say something positive about the person, place, or thing.
I'm growing up Finding Raymond Mar