Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Steve Jobs Compilation Blog

Here is a blog compilation which talked about Steve Jobs.

Bye. I have to go. (Dec 7, 2015). A page from the Steve Jobs biography by Walter Isaacson. Jobs shared his feelings leaving Apple.

Top Ten Steve Jobs Quotes (Aug 3, 2016). I read the biography which is my all-time favorite book in all genres. I listened to his Stanford commencement address in 2005. I watched the 60 Minutes interview with Isaacson. I watched a documentary on PBS. The quotes are from the book, commencement address, the interview, and the documentary.

Top Ten Advice I Reference In My Life (Feb 26, 2017). I share some of my favorite quotes I reference and I follow daily. There is additional advice indirectly reference Jobs.

My Personal Circle Of Trust (Nov 18, 2017). I must trust everything about myself to live a good life. Trust my intuition is part of my circle of trust.

Raymond Mar One Liners (Jun 17, 2018). I mention Jobs is my most respected person. I mention I read his biography twice.

Life Is Xs and Os (Jul 21, 2018). Life finds a way to connect people--the X's. Life goes full circle--the O's. Everything we do today affects everyone tomorrow. I reference the connecting the dots, "You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards."

Where Is The Intelligence? (Aug 24, 2019). Jobs was a genius. I discover I'm self-training to become a self-trained genius. To quote Steve Jobs, "Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact, and that is everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you, and you can change it, you can influence it, you can build your own things that other people can use. Um, once you learn that, you'll never be the same again." I admit the feeling is scary.

Physical Appearance (Oct 31, 2019). Jobs said we do judge a book by its cover. All of Apple products are beautiful. Don't deceive everyone and don't deceive yourself physically appearing as somebody else.

Do Your Sets And Do Your Reps (Jan 19, 2020). The late Steve Jobs said, "The journey is the reward." Practice, drill, make mistakes, learn from the mistakes, do the reps, and repeat all.

My Self-Help Books Recommendations (Jun 28, 2020). I recommend his biography book as a self-help book outside the self-help book genre.

Finally, I watched the Steve Jobs and Bill Gates interview at the D5 Conference in 2007 after I read his biography years later. Jobs answered a question from the audience about legacy:

"I sort of look at us as two of the luckiest guys (Steve Jobs and Bill Gates) on the planet cause we found what we loved to do. And we were at the right place at the right time. We gotten to go to work every day with super bright people for 30 years, and do what we love doing. It's hard to be happier than that. Your family and that. What more can you ask for? So, I don't think about legacy that much. I just think about being able to get up every day and go in and hang around these great people and hopefully create something that other people will love as much as we do. And if we can do that, that's great.

"People say you have to have a lot of passion for what you're doing. And it's totally true. And the reason is because it's so hard that if you don't, any rational person would give up. It's really hard. And you have to do it over a sustained period of time. So if you don't love it, if you're not having fun doing it, you don't really love it, you're gonna give up. And that's what happens to most people actually. If you really look at the ones that ended up being successful *in air quotes* in the eyes of society, and the ones that didn't, oftentimes, it's the ones that are successful loved what they did so they can persevere when it got really tough, and the ones that didn't love it quit cause they're sane. Right? Who want to put up with this stuff if you don't love it. So, it's a lot of hard work. And it's a lot of worrying constantly. And if you don't love it, you're going to fail. So you gotta love it. You got to have passion. And I think that's the high order albeit.

"The second thing is you got be a really good talent scout. No matter how smart you are you need a team of great people. And you got to figure out how to size people up fairly quickly, make decisions without knowing people too well, and hire them, and see how you do and refine your intuition and be able to help build an organization that can eventually just build itself cause you need great people around you."

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