Wed May 27
I was exhausted from Fanime Con'09 I skipped my Strength Development. In dance, the instructor gave us a cheat sheet for the cha cha cha for the Thur June 11 dance show. After the cha cha cha, we did West Coast and Samba. I need help from my sister for more West Coast and Samba.
I'm growing up Finding Raymond Mar
My blog innovates and improves life’s common knowledge. The successful people find ways doing something better. They innovate their lives infinitely. Bruce Lee said it best, “Even today, I dare not say that I have reached a state of achievement . . . for learning is boundless.” I encourage people to seek better ways. Life gets better every day. I share my highlights, my lighter side, my current events, a question, and an opinion.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
De Anza Journal Week May 18, 2009
Mon May 18
The instructor arrived on time. It looked like his schedule before class is completed. I began the warm ups with the bar. And the weather was warmer than usual. I didn't have time to jog before class in the gym.
Wed May 20
Fanime Con'09, a Japanese anime convention, was in my mind. Today, I focused on all the leg workouts. Any time remaining I work on the upper body. I like the new workout. I have two beginning weight workouts. I can't wait to use either workout after the quarter is over.
I also have another choice for a second major. The choice is a tax agent, someone who works on taxes for people. I'm aware there is tax software like Turbo Tax. I need to do research if being a tax agent is worth my time. The job search remains horrible!
Dance class we reviewed the cha cha cha. The reason we review is because on Thur June 11, there is a dance show. All the dance classes at De Anza must show up to perform a dance. My class does the cha cha cha. Showing up is mandatory. It's worth 10 points. After the cha cha cha, we learned West Coast Swing and Samba. My sister gave me a West Coast Swing lesson Tue. night.
I'm growing up Finding Raymond Mar
The instructor arrived on time. It looked like his schedule before class is completed. I began the warm ups with the bar. And the weather was warmer than usual. I didn't have time to jog before class in the gym.
Wed May 20
Fanime Con'09, a Japanese anime convention, was in my mind. Today, I focused on all the leg workouts. Any time remaining I work on the upper body. I like the new workout. I have two beginning weight workouts. I can't wait to use either workout after the quarter is over.
I also have another choice for a second major. The choice is a tax agent, someone who works on taxes for people. I'm aware there is tax software like Turbo Tax. I need to do research if being a tax agent is worth my time. The job search remains horrible!
Dance class we reviewed the cha cha cha. The reason we review is because on Thur June 11, there is a dance show. All the dance classes at De Anza must show up to perform a dance. My class does the cha cha cha. Showing up is mandatory. It's worth 10 points. After the cha cha cha, we learned West Coast Swing and Samba. My sister gave me a West Coast Swing lesson Tue. night.
I'm growing up Finding Raymond Mar
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tips From 2007 Vancouver All Hands
I found notes I took at my department’s all hands meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada March 26-March 29, 2007 while I worked at Cisco. Any of the tips may help you move one step closer to a goal :D
*Business Cards. Give the recipient your business card by holding the card two hands and the card facing towards the recipient XD
*Be prepared to take notes. The all hands meeting was at the Vancouver Hyatt. Each table included notepads and pens. During the meetings, write notes for important information. When the piece of paper is filled, tear it off and place anywhere close to you. Continue writing on a new piece of paper. Don’t keep the sheets intact on the notepad. Tear off the completed sheet and continue writing on a new piece of paper ^__^
*All The President’s Men movie. I watched the movie starting Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman on cable. The movie portrays the Watergate scandal. I liked the movie for doing a good job portraying deadlines and portraying doing whatever it takes to get information. The movie is on my wish list :>
*Who am I? Most of the meetings involved PowerPoint slides. Cisco is PowerPoint big time on presentations and quarterly reports. The first slide is the title slide. I suggest the second slide is who you are. The second slide can be a gag shot of who you are. Briefly talk about yourself including career, hobbies, and a short story about a past event :3
I'm growing up Finding Raymond Mar
*Business Cards. Give the recipient your business card by holding the card two hands and the card facing towards the recipient XD
*Be prepared to take notes. The all hands meeting was at the Vancouver Hyatt. Each table included notepads and pens. During the meetings, write notes for important information. When the piece of paper is filled, tear it off and place anywhere close to you. Continue writing on a new piece of paper. Don’t keep the sheets intact on the notepad. Tear off the completed sheet and continue writing on a new piece of paper ^__^
*All The President’s Men movie. I watched the movie starting Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman on cable. The movie portrays the Watergate scandal. I liked the movie for doing a good job portraying deadlines and portraying doing whatever it takes to get information. The movie is on my wish list :>
*Who am I? Most of the meetings involved PowerPoint slides. Cisco is PowerPoint big time on presentations and quarterly reports. The first slide is the title slide. I suggest the second slide is who you are. The second slide can be a gag shot of who you are. Briefly talk about yourself including career, hobbies, and a short story about a past event :3
I'm growing up Finding Raymond Mar
Monday, May 18, 2009
De Anza Journal Week May 11, 2009
Mon May 11
I was running late big time. My gut feeling said the instructor arrives on time. He did. I arrived 12-15 minutes late. I walked straight to the instructor. There was a pause between us. I didn't know what to say at first. Seconds later and quick thinking, I said, "It's quiet because there's no music." The instructor turned on the stereo.
I started with the warm up exercises with the bar. Then I continued learning and memorizing the new workout. I apply the new workout and my old workout at my gym after the quarter is over. The instructor ended class on time and I didn't have time to workout on my legs.
Wed May 13
I arrived five minutes before class started. The instructor showed up earlier than me. Wow! Attendance was low. Good workout because I had time to work on my legs. I still haven't finished the new workout from start to finish.
I showered in the gym after class. De Anza has a swim club. Parents pay fees to join the De Anza Swim Club. Their children train in swimming and compete in events through the summer. I was showering and a father and son from the swim club took a shower in my area. There are two areas. The son wore his swimming trunks and the father was naked. They were showering together that didn't bother me. However, after being splashed by the son, I turned around and saw the son spraying water on the father's private parts. Anyways, I minded my own business.
I changed into my street clothes and I briefly talked to a student in my class. He asked for my name and we introduced each other. Very friendly guy. It's something I must do in the future.
I walked back to the car and drove around campus to park near the visual arts auditorium. Time to eat a snack before dance. I ordered the burger combo and browsed the internet.
In dance class, we reviewed the Cha Cha Cha again. Then we worked on West Coast Swing. The class needs more practice on the Hammerlock. Finally, we started learning the Samba.
I'm growing up Finding Raymond Mar
I was running late big time. My gut feeling said the instructor arrives on time. He did. I arrived 12-15 minutes late. I walked straight to the instructor. There was a pause between us. I didn't know what to say at first. Seconds later and quick thinking, I said, "It's quiet because there's no music." The instructor turned on the stereo.
I started with the warm up exercises with the bar. Then I continued learning and memorizing the new workout. I apply the new workout and my old workout at my gym after the quarter is over. The instructor ended class on time and I didn't have time to workout on my legs.
Wed May 13
I arrived five minutes before class started. The instructor showed up earlier than me. Wow! Attendance was low. Good workout because I had time to work on my legs. I still haven't finished the new workout from start to finish.
I showered in the gym after class. De Anza has a swim club. Parents pay fees to join the De Anza Swim Club. Their children train in swimming and compete in events through the summer. I was showering and a father and son from the swim club took a shower in my area. There are two areas. The son wore his swimming trunks and the father was naked. They were showering together that didn't bother me. However, after being splashed by the son, I turned around and saw the son spraying water on the father's private parts. Anyways, I minded my own business.
I changed into my street clothes and I briefly talked to a student in my class. He asked for my name and we introduced each other. Very friendly guy. It's something I must do in the future.
I walked back to the car and drove around campus to park near the visual arts auditorium. Time to eat a snack before dance. I ordered the burger combo and browsed the internet.
In dance class, we reviewed the Cha Cha Cha again. Then we worked on West Coast Swing. The class needs more practice on the Hammerlock. Finally, we started learning the Samba.
I'm growing up Finding Raymond Mar
Accutane Day 102

I'm happy. I went to visit my dermatologist for a routine appointment on Fri May 14. I told my dermatologist the acne and blackheads I got since the last appointment. I got a red mark on my right forehead, an acne on my upper back just to the right of my spinal cord, and above my left eyebrow (see Accutane Day 86).
Why am I happy? The reason is I received lots of information and my dermatologist corrected my understanding on accutane and my acne. First, what I thought was blackheads on my cheeks are actually dilated pores. Accutane doesn't remove dilated pores. One of the assistants has dilated pores, and she is pretty. It was the first time I saw a person with dilated pores. The staff told me women wear make up to cover their pores. My response was, "That's unfair."
In addition, on the sides of my face between my eyes and ears are seborrheic keratosis or harmless warts like growth brown or black in color. Accutane doesn't remove the harmless warts. My dermatologist told me laser treatment is the only way to remove dilated pores and harmless warts. My response was, "No way." My dermatologist further said we don't have faces like Paris Hilton. So true. I went to Costco after my dermatologist and a few other errands. Are my eyes blind from the day I was born to yesterday? I was eating pizza because I was behind schedule and I noticed people with dilated pores, acne, and/or harmless warts. WTH?!?
Getting back to the appointment. The dermatologist noticed red spots on my face and neck that are eczema. Eczema have been appearing in my face the last ten days. I'm experiencing the side effects now. Dry skin on my face and neck. I'm also experiencing dermatitis on my hands again that is another side effect of accutane. And I've been thirsty. (Fate or coincidence I purchased two cases of bottle water the day before my appointment.)
The dermatologist gave me a cream for my eczema and dermatitis, and shaving cream and hand lotion formulated for my eczema and dermatitis. I purchase more shaving cream and hand lotion in a drug store.
I continue to monitor my face and body for new acne and blackheads. I take a picture of my nose that shows the blackheads (or actually whiteheads?) for my next appointment. For some reason, the blackheads appear on my nose at night time.
50% of my accutane treatment is completed. My braces are removed on Wed May 27. My face is not going to be smooth, clear, and free of acne, blackheads, pores, etc. like Paris Hilton. I know I get a rare acne in the future. And I know someone out there sees me as a handsome man. Today, I saw pretty women with pores like me. The inside of me and the outside of me are necessary to prove I'm handsome. It's a matter of time, patience, and working on being a better me.
I'm growing up Finding Raymond Mar
Sunday, May 17, 2009
No Goal, No Goal
Goals are useful for success. A person must have goals to do something in their life such as graduate college, learn how to shoot a bow & arrow, read a book, or visit a new country. Must a person have goals to be successful or at least to live life?
I'm updating the blog post 2008-2009 Goals posted on Sept 29, 2008. I mentioned to review your goals regularly. Goals are necessary to become a better person. On March 11, 2009, I removed all my goals. The reason is I don't know what I'm doing now and what I want to do. I live the present, live one day at a time. Perhaps my goal is to find my goals. The latest goals I closed were reading three books, improving my exercising workout, and building a new PC. I closed those goals and removed all unfinished goals at my webpage Innovate Infinitely.
Yes, I'm contradicting what I said regarding goals "help a lost soul move forward." Is it bad luck that nothing is going my way? Is the wind not blowing with me behind my back? Bad timing? I'm not working hard enough? I'm doing something wrong? I just don't know.
Being unemployed, I have all the time in the world. I started hiking, started sewing, and started dancing. I want to attend a classic rock concert and jazz festivals. There are the San Jose and Monterey Jazz festivals. I have another choice for my second major, my new career. It's being a tax agent. I have four choices: nurse, accounting, finance, and tax agent. I'm not sure accounting and tax agent are the same. The job search is terrible.
I have an understanding for people who live without goals. However, I hope those people find a legitimate goal in their lives to life their lives with a purpose, to live life with a meaning, an accomplishment that some people never had an accomplishment throughout their lives. If I accomplish something big, I promise to share at Innovating Common Knowledge. Sadly, in my years living, I have no big accomplishment.
I'm growing up Finding Raymond Mar
I'm updating the blog post 2008-2009 Goals posted on Sept 29, 2008. I mentioned to review your goals regularly. Goals are necessary to become a better person. On March 11, 2009, I removed all my goals. The reason is I don't know what I'm doing now and what I want to do. I live the present, live one day at a time. Perhaps my goal is to find my goals. The latest goals I closed were reading three books, improving my exercising workout, and building a new PC. I closed those goals and removed all unfinished goals at my webpage Innovate Infinitely.
Yes, I'm contradicting what I said regarding goals "help a lost soul move forward." Is it bad luck that nothing is going my way? Is the wind not blowing with me behind my back? Bad timing? I'm not working hard enough? I'm doing something wrong? I just don't know.
Being unemployed, I have all the time in the world. I started hiking, started sewing, and started dancing. I want to attend a classic rock concert and jazz festivals. There are the San Jose and Monterey Jazz festivals. I have another choice for my second major, my new career. It's being a tax agent. I have four choices: nurse, accounting, finance, and tax agent. I'm not sure accounting and tax agent are the same. The job search is terrible.
I have an understanding for people who live without goals. However, I hope those people find a legitimate goal in their lives to life their lives with a purpose, to live life with a meaning, an accomplishment that some people never had an accomplishment throughout their lives. If I accomplish something big, I promise to share at Innovating Common Knowledge. Sadly, in my years living, I have no big accomplishment.
I'm growing up Finding Raymond Mar
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Temporary Workers, a 4.25in X 5.5in Suggestion
At my last job, my office hired a temporary receptionist for seven or ten working days. The regular receptionist had a family emergency and was on leave for a long time. The temporary receptionist gave a thank you card to everyone in the office on her last day. The thank you card included the worker’s name, picture of herself, a nice message, and her contact information. The receptionist used the office roster and seating chart to assist in distributing the 4.25in X 5.5in thank you cards.
The thank you card is a good suggestion to promote yourself and to network. You never know if a worker knows someone who needs a full time receptionist in another company ^__^
I'm growing up Finding Raymond Mar
The thank you card is a good suggestion to promote yourself and to network. You never know if a worker knows someone who needs a full time receptionist in another company ^__^
I'm growing up Finding Raymond Mar
Monday, May 11, 2009
De Anza Journal Week May 4, 2009
Mon May 4
I arrived late for Strength Development. The instructor was late, too. He was much later than me. Sooner or later, he's going to arrive on time and I lose workout time.
I talked to a couple of classmates about majors and our future careers. One student told us he was being evicted. Sad. He's thinking about dropping his classes and workout at 24 Hrs. Fitness. I'm guessing he's dropping out to find work and join a gym when he's not working.
Next, I joined two other classmates in a warm up with the bar. Awesome. I like the warm up. I use the warm up in future workouts and when I workout at my gym. The last 20 minutes I talked to a classmate. She talked about her major liberal arts and is transferring to San Jose State in Fall'09. She wants to be a counselor in a school. She also shared a story her husband was on disability. He was involved in a hit and run accident. Currently, he has a small business. I forgot the name of the company.
I used the new workout I printed last week. I continue the new workout so I memorize it and use it after the quarter is over.
Wed May 6
Class started late as usual. The coach kicked out the soccer team who were doing nothing. I did the warm up again. I need to get the other student's name. I know one of them who introduced the warm up. He's a political science major. Then I workout with the new workout. I didn't finish the workout. I hope to finish one round of the workout next week.
Then I showered in the men's locker room after class. Then I ate my usual hamburger and fries in the Campus Center and read manga. The student worker was nice to ask me if I can wait for a fresh hamburger. I said yes.
I checked in for social dance. The class session was the fewest students attended. First, we reviewed the Cha Cha Cha and then we started the West Coast Swing. My sister gave me a quick lesson on the starter. It turned out we learned the Sugar Push and the Hammerlock. I asked my sister for a lesson.
Side Note: I read an article San Jose State University is raising the tuition 10% for the upcoming year. Bad news for students trying to make it in the global recession.
I'm growing up Finding Raymond Mar
I arrived late for Strength Development. The instructor was late, too. He was much later than me. Sooner or later, he's going to arrive on time and I lose workout time.
I talked to a couple of classmates about majors and our future careers. One student told us he was being evicted. Sad. He's thinking about dropping his classes and workout at 24 Hrs. Fitness. I'm guessing he's dropping out to find work and join a gym when he's not working.
Next, I joined two other classmates in a warm up with the bar. Awesome. I like the warm up. I use the warm up in future workouts and when I workout at my gym. The last 20 minutes I talked to a classmate. She talked about her major liberal arts and is transferring to San Jose State in Fall'09. She wants to be a counselor in a school. She also shared a story her husband was on disability. He was involved in a hit and run accident. Currently, he has a small business. I forgot the name of the company.
I used the new workout I printed last week. I continue the new workout so I memorize it and use it after the quarter is over.
Wed May 6
Class started late as usual. The coach kicked out the soccer team who were doing nothing. I did the warm up again. I need to get the other student's name. I know one of them who introduced the warm up. He's a political science major. Then I workout with the new workout. I didn't finish the workout. I hope to finish one round of the workout next week.
Then I showered in the men's locker room after class. Then I ate my usual hamburger and fries in the Campus Center and read manga. The student worker was nice to ask me if I can wait for a fresh hamburger. I said yes.
I checked in for social dance. The class session was the fewest students attended. First, we reviewed the Cha Cha Cha and then we started the West Coast Swing. My sister gave me a quick lesson on the starter. It turned out we learned the Sugar Push and the Hammerlock. I asked my sister for a lesson.
Side Note: I read an article San Jose State University is raising the tuition 10% for the upcoming year. Bad news for students trying to make it in the global recession.
I'm growing up Finding Raymond Mar
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Soon To Be Employed
Many of us know what we need to do in life to live our longest. Get eight hours of sleep, eat three meals a day, avoid sugar snacks, exercise three days a week, eat fruits, eat vegetables, read a book, learn something new, and spend time for yourself. There are lots more to living long.
I have infinite free time currently. I'm unemployed, and I have no family to take care of, nobody dependent, and no high priorities. I have plenty of time to eat healthy, to exercise, and to read books. I have plenty of time to think what I want to do with my life. I have plenty of time to take life easy (that should be the way of life). I have plenty of time to be me, to be myself, my time. I'm not going to take the infinite free time for granted because one day I'm going back to work.
I find a job one day. My life changes quickly the moment I start working again with new priorities and new responsibilities. I have less time for myself. I have a better understanding for people who work full time and have a family. They are busy at work earning income for food and clothing and busy at home taking care of their family. Something has to be given up. Family gets high priority.
Life is going faster and faster even during the global economic recession. There is so much more in life we have more to know, more to learn, more responsibilities, more choices, more priorities, yet there are still 24 hours a day. And what if I have a family? Well, I'm not thinking about that now. Too much to think about.
Side Note: I'm also thinking about going back to school full time. My major is undecided.
I'm growing up Finding Raymond Mar
I have infinite free time currently. I'm unemployed, and I have no family to take care of, nobody dependent, and no high priorities. I have plenty of time to eat healthy, to exercise, and to read books. I have plenty of time to think what I want to do with my life. I have plenty of time to take life easy (that should be the way of life). I have plenty of time to be me, to be myself, my time. I'm not going to take the infinite free time for granted because one day I'm going back to work.
I find a job one day. My life changes quickly the moment I start working again with new priorities and new responsibilities. I have less time for myself. I have a better understanding for people who work full time and have a family. They are busy at work earning income for food and clothing and busy at home taking care of their family. Something has to be given up. Family gets high priority.
Life is going faster and faster even during the global economic recession. There is so much more in life we have more to know, more to learn, more responsibilities, more choices, more priorities, yet there are still 24 hours a day. And what if I have a family? Well, I'm not thinking about that now. Too much to think about.
Side Note: I'm also thinking about going back to school full time. My major is undecided.
I'm growing up Finding Raymond Mar
Monday, May 04, 2009
De Anza Journal Week Apr 27, 2009
Mon Apr 27
The instructor continued to arrive late. Fortunately, I don't mind because I arrive late for class, too, lol. The workout was kinda boring. It was time for me to upgrade my workout and experiment. It was time to try new workouts especially free weights. Experimenting in class was good because when the quarter ends, I use the new workouts in my gym. Tonight or tomorrow, I visit and download a new workout schedule.
Wed Apr 29
I downloaded a new workout from I was eager to try it out. The first workout I joined two classmates in a warmup workout using the bar. Great workout. Love to learn it again and memorize it. After the warm up, I asked the instructor to teach me the squat. Love the squat. I felt the new workout on my upper legs on Thur.
Next, I showered in the gym, then I parked my car close to the visual arts auditorium for my dance class. I ate a burger and fries and read manga (Japanese comics) online.
Time to dance. We finished the cha cha cha. I memorized the moves and wrote on paper when I arrived home immediately. The next dance we learned is the west coast swing. Need advanced lessons that I get from my sister ;) After dance, I went to Lucky to buy milk. The whole milk in a clear half gallon was outdated. I had to buy the half gallon in paper.
I'm growing up Finding Raymond Mar
The instructor continued to arrive late. Fortunately, I don't mind because I arrive late for class, too, lol. The workout was kinda boring. It was time for me to upgrade my workout and experiment. It was time to try new workouts especially free weights. Experimenting in class was good because when the quarter ends, I use the new workouts in my gym. Tonight or tomorrow, I visit and download a new workout schedule.
Wed Apr 29
I downloaded a new workout from I was eager to try it out. The first workout I joined two classmates in a warmup workout using the bar. Great workout. Love to learn it again and memorize it. After the warm up, I asked the instructor to teach me the squat. Love the squat. I felt the new workout on my upper legs on Thur.
Next, I showered in the gym, then I parked my car close to the visual arts auditorium for my dance class. I ate a burger and fries and read manga (Japanese comics) online.
Time to dance. We finished the cha cha cha. I memorized the moves and wrote on paper when I arrived home immediately. The next dance we learned is the west coast swing. Need advanced lessons that I get from my sister ;) After dance, I went to Lucky to buy milk. The whole milk in a clear half gallon was outdated. I had to buy the half gallon in paper.
I'm growing up Finding Raymond Mar
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Accutane Day 86

I'm sad. I have two bumps on the top of my left eyebrow. It looks like blackheads. And there are six smaller bumps that also look like blackheads. I'm sad *sniff, sniff* Furthermore, my nose still have blackheads. They are thick and dominate my face. I don't care about blackheads on my cheeks. It's an embarrassment I have blackheads on my nose. I'm strong to resist popping the blackheads on my nose.
My next appointment is Thur May 14. I'm logging significant acne or blackheads appearing anywhere. There was two red spots on my face that went away in a few days and a acne on my upper back just to the right of my spine.
I continue to take accutane before dinner. I'm not depressed. I remain patient and optimistic ^__^
I'm growing up Finding Raymond Mar
Friday, May 01, 2009
No Excuses
I read "No More Excuses Can Be Found For This Team" by Ann Killion on the San Jose Sharks in the San Jose Mercury News newspaper Thur Apr 30. I watched none of the Sharks playoff games so I relied on the newspaper. One paragraph reminded me of my 2007 year:
Wednesday morning was the culmination of an exit that began—let's be truthful—in February, as the Sharks began their prolonged stumble into the playoffs. There were plenty of warning signs that things weren't right, but all were happy to ignore because This Was The Year!
In March 2007, I started working at Cisco. My thinking for 2007 was a good year no matter what happens. I worked at Cisco. My life was happy. Everyone was happy to at least have Cisco in their resumes. I ignored or shrugged anything bad because I worked at Cisco that was huge because I hated working at Colliers International. Nothing was worse than Colliers at the time.
I admitted 2007 was actually a bad year from the blog 2007 Was Actually A Bad Year. I was happy to ignore the bad moments, and there were plenty such as inconsistent workouts at the gym, summer sabbatical was a bust, and no vacation (Anime Expo'07 was not considered a vacation). Also, the books I read were boring. Thank goodness I'm reading fiction today.
The first day at Cisco was the day 2007 started going downhill. Why? I already mentioned I ignored the bad moments and I denied many of the bad moments. Another reason is I took 2007 for granted. I took life for granted. My life was carefree. I worked at Cisco and 2007 was to be a good year. Anything happened thereafter for the rest of 2007 I didn't care because I worked at Cisco. I wanted 2005-2007 to be good years—three straight good years in a row that never happened before in my life.
Today, I'm growing up. 2007 is a lesson. Never take life for granted. Never ignore and never deny problems. I must earn what I want in life. No more naming years such as 2007 was "The Year I Prepare For The Big Break Part II." No more Dec 31 yearly reviews. My reviews are done daily, weekly, or even hourly because I innovate constantly, identify problems, and correct my mistakes.
I'm growing up Finding Raymond Mar
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