Mon Apr 26, 2010
Ballroom dancing requires some physical fitness and non-everyday movement with arms and legs. Dancing can be hard to many people out of shape. I was embarrassed I forgot a few moves in the Nite Club Two Step chorography. I wrote the pattern when I returned home. After Two Step, we learned the Tango. The Tango is a physical demanding dance such as bending your knees. The women have the harder parts because they're dancing backwards. Regardless, men and women who can't bend their knees, hold their frame, and dance gracefully are going to have a hard time learning. Mentally, they understand what's taught. It's executing the dance physically a challenge to some.
The dance class was another night of fun. Everyone had a good time. I saw two familiar faces visiting the class. There were a few Wed night students attending Mon night. There were a few couples who don't rotate partners. They were the ones falling behind in the lessons. The point of rotating is to mix newbies and veterans for the veterans to assist in teaching the patterns.
I danced both Two Step and Tango without holding back. I let it all out. I danced not as a newbie. I danced as a student who took dance class before. I didn't hold back. Holding back has been a bad habit; however, I feel a few situations it's appropriate to hold back.
Tue Apr 27, 2010
There was no lunch from home to bring to De Anza. I purchased lunch at a Japanese supermarket. No more eating at the De Anza cafeteria. No more fries and chicken nuggets.
I have a quiz for Acct 1C and mid-terms for Bus 18 and Acct 66. I scored a 100% for the quiz. It was amazing because I read Chapter 21 and didn't fully understand. I had to focus hard during the lecture to get a better understanding. Earning a 100% assured me I'm ready for the mid-term on Thur. I study tonight and all day tomorrow. Yes, I'm cramming.
An embarrassing moment happened at the end. I confused one student with another with a weird comment. The two students were female, Indian, same height, very similar voices, wore nose ring, and even looked the same from my point of view. I thought she did her hair differently, remove her nose ring, and wore makeup. I was wrong. It was a different person. Why the heck did the new person sit in a different spot and confused me?
The instructor proctored the Bus 18 mid-term as if it was a law school class. The instructor has three mid-term versions and everyone had to spread out. The first 20 minutes was a Q&A session. That's a great idea. Next, the instructor passed out the mid-terms faced down. The class had 65 minutes to complete. Everyone was to flip over the mid-terms together. The instructor posted the time the mid-term ended and even displayed the Windows "Date and Time Properties" window to show the clock on the overhead projector. The mid-term was straightforward and I'm confident I did well.
I had extra time between Bus 18 and Acct 66. I went to the library to study Acct 66. I was unconfident I knew all the material. The instructor teaches the class fast. Unfortunately, the extra studying helped little. It seemed I knew everything for the mid-term. I went to the campus center to eat my Japanese lunch. I purchased too much food. I was full. Perhaps, the oatmeal breakfast and the mid-term adrenaline hindered my appetite.
The Acct 66 mid-term was proctored weird. There were four versions. And the rows were aligned weird. Row one the students faced the front, row two the students faced the back, row three the students faced the front, row four the students faced the back, etc. The instructor passed out the attendance sign up sheet. What's the point? He could have used the mid-terms as attendance checks.
I struggled with the mid-term. I had to guess two out of five multiple choice questions. I struggled with one of the three problems. I score high if my guesses were correct and I correctly solved the struggled problem. I checked my homework at home. I misunderstood the concept on the struggled problem; however, I answered correctly solving the problem differently. I could lose points from calculations errors. I'm confident I used the formulas correctly. The instructor said on the first time he grades on a curve.
I studied my mid-terms when I attended San Jose State a minimum of two weeks. The Bus 18 and Acct 66 I started studying last Thur. I studied for three days. I excluded the activities I did outside studying. I'm studying Acct 1C for a day and a half. I'm learning the concepts faster and retaining the material quicker. I comprehend the information at a faster rate. I don't know why. Maybe it's because I'm in junior college and junior college is easier than state universities? Perhaps cramming is my new way of studying and telling me I'm ready for stressful jobs such as sales presentations, lol. Or maybe its good timing my classes are easy. Timing? There's another entry talking about "timing is everything." I mentioned "timing is everything" a possible Spring '10 life lesson. I'm still thinking to declare Spring '10 lesson "timing is everything."
Thur Apr 29, 2010
The attendance for Acct 1C was less than 50% of the registered enrollment. The reason was the instructor gave the option for students to take the mid-term on Mon instead of today. My closest classmates and I choose to take the mid-term today. We reasoned to get it over with and we remember what we learned on Tues. The mid-term was straightforward and I know I did well. The material was easy to understand. I'm glad I remembered almost all of the material.
I got a 100% for my Bus 18 mid-term. At least 50% of the mid-term was high school government. Students who know little about government and foreign born students have difficulty learning business law. I have a better understanding why the class is hard for some students. We're all human.
I want the campus center to show something on the TV. I watched a soccer game when I ate my lunch. I purchased food from a Japanese supermarket. I think about eating Japanese food for lunch during my break.
Acct 66 was interesting. The instructor reviews the first mid-term on Tues. Chapter 5 homework was due. I didn't do it. I read half of the chapter. The instructor said the second mid-term contains half of chapter 5 material. Lucky! And good timing I didn't collect the homework. I mentioned timing again. "Timing is everything." One reason was the instructor didn't understand and never applied the material in real life.
I'm A Good Guy Growing Up Finding Raymond Mar
My blog innovates and improves life’s common knowledge. The successful people find ways doing something better. They innovate their lives infinitely. Bruce Lee said it best, “Even today, I dare not say that I have reached a state of achievement . . . for learning is boundless.” I encourage people to seek better ways. Life gets better every day. I share my highlights, my lighter side, my current events, a question, and an opinion.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
De Anza Week Apr 19, 2010
Mon Apr 19, 2010
I successfully drop Wed night dance class and added Mon night dance class. The Mon night dance class we learned the Nite Club Two Step. I needed a crash course on the chorography. I found a student I knew from a prior dance class. She showed me the chorography. Minutes later, a group of students watched us and they asked me questions. I'm flattered.
We finished the chorography. It was easier than Fall '09 Nite Club Two Step. The class seemed to pick it up well for the third week. I saw a few struggles. That's nothing compared to Wed night dance class. Mon night the atmosphere was friendlier and more fun than Wed night class. I made the correct move switching classes.
I made a promise to the dance instructor assistant to attend Wed night class. The next class is a substitute teaching salsa. I really didn't want to go. She said attend. If I don't like it, I can leave no problem. I agreed.
Tue Apr 20, 2010
I parked at Stelling Parking Garage for the first time in Spring '10. The garage was almost full. I anticipate more parking spaces available around 12:15pm next week because this week is the last week to drop a class without a record on a student's transcript.
In Acct 1C, we took the second quiz. I got a 9 out of 10. The first question was in Chapter 19. Tricky. Most of the questions were straightforward. The question I missed was confusing. The students in my seating area are getting closer. Time flies by in classes where you get along well with classmates. One of the student commented Acct 1C easier than 1B is a lie.
The mid-terms for Bus 18 and Acct 66 are next week. I start preparing tomorrow. My Bus 18 instructor has taught for two years. She's doing a good job so far, and she teaches the class as if she's a law professor. The student taking Acct 66 with the instructor for the first time learned he was in an accident two months ago. A car hit him while he shopped at Target. He didn't file a lawsuit. Target gave him a $500 gift card so he doesn't sue.
The Acct 66 Chapter 4 homework I got one problem wrong during the discussion. It appears Chapter 4 is harder than I thought. I concentrate more time when I study Acct 66. Chapters 1-3 were straightforward.
Wed Apr 21, 2010
My last Wed night dance class for the quarter. The instructor was out of town. The first half of the class the dancing assistant taught. We reviewed the Cha Cha Cha. She taught the cross body lead. She did okay teaching. Some of the students were frustrated. The Wed night class is bad luck we have many men who are slow learners.
The second half of the class the substitute dance instructor arrived to teach Salsa. We had him in past classes. He knows Salsa well. He can't teach. The last time he taught us Salsa the dancing instructor had to take over the lesson. Some of my classmates think he's a better teacher in small groups. There were some students, mostly men, who were frustrated learning Salsa they quit. Been there, done that. I hope they continue learning if they have the desire to learn. And a few students walked out of the class.
I stayed throughout the class.
Thur Apr 22, 2010
I listened to Blackbird from The Beatles on my way to school. I thought Blackbird was a Paul McCartney song, not a Beatles.
The class was half full in Acct 1C. We started Chap 21. It's a difficult chapter. The instructor announced the third quiz and first mid-term were delayed. Unfortunately, no delay. Two students protested because they have conflicting schedules for the new dates. I'm not happy. I could have used the extra days to study. I wonder what is the college policy regarding a teacher delaying an announced mid-term day?
I purchased chicken nuggets and fries at the cafeteria. I had no lunch to bring from home. I'm not going to eat at the cafeteria for the rest of the quarter. I'm tried eating their food. If I need lunch, I buy my lunch at a Japanese store.
I watched Bowling for Columbine while eating my greasy food. The movie was shown on the TV inside the campus center. It was pretty good.
We did group work for the first time in Acct 66. In my group, there was one student who finished Acct 1C and another student taking Acct 1C concurrent with Acct 66 like me. Acct 1C and Acct 66 both deal with cost accounting.
Three mid-terms next week. This weekend is studying. I find time in between to relax and have fun. I'm not making the mistake when I attended San Jose State. Almost all of my time went to studying and reading.
I'm A Good Guy Growing Up Finding Raymond Mar
I successfully drop Wed night dance class and added Mon night dance class. The Mon night dance class we learned the Nite Club Two Step. I needed a crash course on the chorography. I found a student I knew from a prior dance class. She showed me the chorography. Minutes later, a group of students watched us and they asked me questions. I'm flattered.
We finished the chorography. It was easier than Fall '09 Nite Club Two Step. The class seemed to pick it up well for the third week. I saw a few struggles. That's nothing compared to Wed night dance class. Mon night the atmosphere was friendlier and more fun than Wed night class. I made the correct move switching classes.
I made a promise to the dance instructor assistant to attend Wed night class. The next class is a substitute teaching salsa. I really didn't want to go. She said attend. If I don't like it, I can leave no problem. I agreed.
Tue Apr 20, 2010
I parked at Stelling Parking Garage for the first time in Spring '10. The garage was almost full. I anticipate more parking spaces available around 12:15pm next week because this week is the last week to drop a class without a record on a student's transcript.
In Acct 1C, we took the second quiz. I got a 9 out of 10. The first question was in Chapter 19. Tricky. Most of the questions were straightforward. The question I missed was confusing. The students in my seating area are getting closer. Time flies by in classes where you get along well with classmates. One of the student commented Acct 1C easier than 1B is a lie.
The mid-terms for Bus 18 and Acct 66 are next week. I start preparing tomorrow. My Bus 18 instructor has taught for two years. She's doing a good job so far, and she teaches the class as if she's a law professor. The student taking Acct 66 with the instructor for the first time learned he was in an accident two months ago. A car hit him while he shopped at Target. He didn't file a lawsuit. Target gave him a $500 gift card so he doesn't sue.
The Acct 66 Chapter 4 homework I got one problem wrong during the discussion. It appears Chapter 4 is harder than I thought. I concentrate more time when I study Acct 66. Chapters 1-3 were straightforward.
Wed Apr 21, 2010
My last Wed night dance class for the quarter. The instructor was out of town. The first half of the class the dancing assistant taught. We reviewed the Cha Cha Cha. She taught the cross body lead. She did okay teaching. Some of the students were frustrated. The Wed night class is bad luck we have many men who are slow learners.
The second half of the class the substitute dance instructor arrived to teach Salsa. We had him in past classes. He knows Salsa well. He can't teach. The last time he taught us Salsa the dancing instructor had to take over the lesson. Some of my classmates think he's a better teacher in small groups. There were some students, mostly men, who were frustrated learning Salsa they quit. Been there, done that. I hope they continue learning if they have the desire to learn. And a few students walked out of the class.
I stayed throughout the class.
Thur Apr 22, 2010
I listened to Blackbird from The Beatles on my way to school. I thought Blackbird was a Paul McCartney song, not a Beatles.
The class was half full in Acct 1C. We started Chap 21. It's a difficult chapter. The instructor announced the third quiz and first mid-term were delayed. Unfortunately, no delay. Two students protested because they have conflicting schedules for the new dates. I'm not happy. I could have used the extra days to study. I wonder what is the college policy regarding a teacher delaying an announced mid-term day?
I purchased chicken nuggets and fries at the cafeteria. I had no lunch to bring from home. I'm not going to eat at the cafeteria for the rest of the quarter. I'm tried eating their food. If I need lunch, I buy my lunch at a Japanese store.
I watched Bowling for Columbine while eating my greasy food. The movie was shown on the TV inside the campus center. It was pretty good.
We did group work for the first time in Acct 66. In my group, there was one student who finished Acct 1C and another student taking Acct 1C concurrent with Acct 66 like me. Acct 1C and Acct 66 both deal with cost accounting.
Three mid-terms next week. This weekend is studying. I find time in between to relax and have fun. I'm not making the mistake when I attended San Jose State. Almost all of my time went to studying and reading.
I'm A Good Guy Growing Up Finding Raymond Mar
Friday, April 23, 2010
Accutane Day 442

Sigh! That's what I look like waking up in the morning and not shaving :{}
I eat at De Anza College cafeteria when I have no lunch from home. Yesterday was the last day I eat in the cafeteria. I'm tired of the greasy food. I got a small pimple on the left side of my lower lip last night. My dermatologist said some people are prone to greasy food. It's a myth food doesn't affect a person's face. Avoiding greasy food for my health and for my face are good reasons.
I met a student in one of my classes who just got braces. She also has an acne problem. We small talked. I shared my experiences and how long I wore her braces. She has been eating sold food. I was surprised because I ate food from a blender for about a week after I got my braces. I thought she may be taking acne medication at the same time she wears braces. I did both starting in Feb '09.
I continue applying Atralin before I sleep. I have been getting Eczema below my right eye. I apply Topicort instead of Cultivate. I know I can't use Topicort because it's too strong. Cultivate is not strong enough. Topicort treats my Eczema between two to four days.
Sometimes I see improvement on my blackheads and whiteheads and sometimes I see them worsen. Today, they worsen. It must be the chicken nuggets and french fries yesterday. It takes at least four months to see improvements. I took Accutane for 12 months, six months beyond the average person. I'm confident I see improvement with Atralin. I must wait.
I'm A Good Guy Growing Up Finding Raymond Mar
Monday, April 19, 2010
De Anza Week Apr 12, 2010
Tue Apr 13, 2010
I earned a 100% on the first quiz for Acct 1C. It was my first 100% on Venka's quizzes. I didn't score a 100% on her Acct 1B quizzes. I submitted my extra credit. She changed the extra credit policy. Students earn two extra credit points by writing the summary and vocabulary.
I forgot to eat my banana during the break. I was tired at the second half of the class meeting. I was sleepy and my concentration was weak.
In Bus 18, I asked the teacher during the break I didn't find the first homework assignment on her webpage. She directed me to the website and it was there. Weird. I complete the homework tonight. And I forgot to mention from last week's blog the class is held in a small lecture room. It's not a typical classroom. The lecture room reminded me of my first class at San Jose State. The class was History 15A US History and Political Science.
I arrived 15 minutes early for Acct 66. The instructor and a few students were in the classroom. We were watching YouTube videos. It appeared a few students dropped because the class was not overcrowded. The instructor rushed Chap 1 and Chap 2 to catch up from the cancelled class last Thur. He delayed the first mid-term to Tue Apr 27 from Thur Apr 22. I have two mid-terms on Tue Apr 27.
Tonight I complete the homework for Bus 18 and start reading Chap 3 for Acct 66.
Wed Apr 14, 2010
First, I review the lessons I learned in Fall '09 and Winter '10. The Fall '09 lesson was everyone is human. I'm human. You're human. The people next to you are human. We have feelings. We have desires. We have strengths and weaknesses. We have people to support us. Don't hold back—let it all out. The Winter '10 lesson was go with the flow. There were times I had so much homework I was behind in other activities. Go with the flow. My workout schedules were inconsistent. Go with the flow. In good times and in bad times, go with the flow.
I believe Spring '10 lesson happened in dance class. The newest lesson is timing is everything. Tonight was our second class meeting. The men stank. We were awful. There were men who didn't learn the basic cha cha cha. My past classes everyone learned the basic Cha Cha Cha in the middle of the second class meeting. Winter '10 the women were awful; however, they improved towards the end of the quarter. I predict the same situation happens for the men in Spring '10. Group dance lessons the men rotate most of the time to dance with different partners. The men were garbage. There were three couples who didn't want to rotate partners. I don't blame them. There was one couple who didn't participate. They just watched. I'm guessing they were frustrated.
Its bad timing Wed night class had lots of men who have trouble learning. There was no mix of good and bad men. My past classes we learned quicker, got along well with each other, and the atmosphere was happy and great. I believe Wed night class has none of the above. Moreover, Wed Apr 21 class there is a substitute teaching salsa. Most of the students forget what we learned on Wed Apr 28.
Action must be taken. I'm not going to make the same mistake twice like singing class in Winter '10. I'm switching classes from the Wed night to the Mon night. I talked to students I know. They said the Mon class is going well. I take a chance. Monday's class can't get worse than Wed. The Mon class is learning the Nite Club Two Step. I got the outline and I start practicing.
I'm going to wait a few weeks before declaring officially the Spring '10 lesson is timing is everything.
Thur Apr 15, 2010
I'm struggling with Chapter 20 in Acct 1C class. The quiz is Tue Apr 20. I need extra time to learn the material. In Bus 18, we finished Chapter 3. I completed the homework and emailed to the instructor. The questions were straight from the lecture. The breaks between the two classes I purchased snacks at the bookstore and the cafeteria. There were no bananas at home.
No YouTube videos before Acct 66. The instructor arrived just in time for class. He didn't eat breakfast or lunch. We're caught up after he cancelled last Thur's class. Speaking of my lesson on timing, we talked about timing in class. Boston Market was thriving in the late '90s. The fast food restaurant went from 700 stores to at least 1,200 stores in the early 2000s. Bad luck and bad timing. The economy went into a recession after the dot com bust. Boston Market dropped from at least 1,200 stores to around 500 stores.
The movie theatre across the street shows $3.50 movies. I consider that for cheap entertainment. Tonight, work on Acct 1C homework.
I'm A Good Guy Growing Up Finding Raymond Mar
I earned a 100% on the first quiz for Acct 1C. It was my first 100% on Venka's quizzes. I didn't score a 100% on her Acct 1B quizzes. I submitted my extra credit. She changed the extra credit policy. Students earn two extra credit points by writing the summary and vocabulary.
I forgot to eat my banana during the break. I was tired at the second half of the class meeting. I was sleepy and my concentration was weak.
In Bus 18, I asked the teacher during the break I didn't find the first homework assignment on her webpage. She directed me to the website and it was there. Weird. I complete the homework tonight. And I forgot to mention from last week's blog the class is held in a small lecture room. It's not a typical classroom. The lecture room reminded me of my first class at San Jose State. The class was History 15A US History and Political Science.
I arrived 15 minutes early for Acct 66. The instructor and a few students were in the classroom. We were watching YouTube videos. It appeared a few students dropped because the class was not overcrowded. The instructor rushed Chap 1 and Chap 2 to catch up from the cancelled class last Thur. He delayed the first mid-term to Tue Apr 27 from Thur Apr 22. I have two mid-terms on Tue Apr 27.
Tonight I complete the homework for Bus 18 and start reading Chap 3 for Acct 66.
Wed Apr 14, 2010
First, I review the lessons I learned in Fall '09 and Winter '10. The Fall '09 lesson was everyone is human. I'm human. You're human. The people next to you are human. We have feelings. We have desires. We have strengths and weaknesses. We have people to support us. Don't hold back—let it all out. The Winter '10 lesson was go with the flow. There were times I had so much homework I was behind in other activities. Go with the flow. My workout schedules were inconsistent. Go with the flow. In good times and in bad times, go with the flow.
I believe Spring '10 lesson happened in dance class. The newest lesson is timing is everything. Tonight was our second class meeting. The men stank. We were awful. There were men who didn't learn the basic cha cha cha. My past classes everyone learned the basic Cha Cha Cha in the middle of the second class meeting. Winter '10 the women were awful; however, they improved towards the end of the quarter. I predict the same situation happens for the men in Spring '10. Group dance lessons the men rotate most of the time to dance with different partners. The men were garbage. There were three couples who didn't want to rotate partners. I don't blame them. There was one couple who didn't participate. They just watched. I'm guessing they were frustrated.
Its bad timing Wed night class had lots of men who have trouble learning. There was no mix of good and bad men. My past classes we learned quicker, got along well with each other, and the atmosphere was happy and great. I believe Wed night class has none of the above. Moreover, Wed Apr 21 class there is a substitute teaching salsa. Most of the students forget what we learned on Wed Apr 28.
Action must be taken. I'm not going to make the same mistake twice like singing class in Winter '10. I'm switching classes from the Wed night to the Mon night. I talked to students I know. They said the Mon class is going well. I take a chance. Monday's class can't get worse than Wed. The Mon class is learning the Nite Club Two Step. I got the outline and I start practicing.
I'm going to wait a few weeks before declaring officially the Spring '10 lesson is timing is everything.
Thur Apr 15, 2010
I'm struggling with Chapter 20 in Acct 1C class. The quiz is Tue Apr 20. I need extra time to learn the material. In Bus 18, we finished Chapter 3. I completed the homework and emailed to the instructor. The questions were straight from the lecture. The breaks between the two classes I purchased snacks at the bookstore and the cafeteria. There were no bananas at home.
No YouTube videos before Acct 66. The instructor arrived just in time for class. He didn't eat breakfast or lunch. We're caught up after he cancelled last Thur's class. Speaking of my lesson on timing, we talked about timing in class. Boston Market was thriving in the late '90s. The fast food restaurant went from 700 stores to at least 1,200 stores in the early 2000s. Bad luck and bad timing. The economy went into a recession after the dot com bust. Boston Market dropped from at least 1,200 stores to around 500 stores.
The movie theatre across the street shows $3.50 movies. I consider that for cheap entertainment. Tonight, work on Acct 1C homework.
I'm A Good Guy Growing Up Finding Raymond Mar
Friday, April 16, 2010
We All Have Natural Talents
I believe every human has nature talents. The abilities, the skills, the knowledge—all are something we learn naturally and we perform naturally in excellence. Some of our natural talents are lucrative; for example, Michael Jordan playing basketball, Bill Gates finding Microsoft, Meryl Streep acting, and The Beatles musicians. Some of our natural talents are either uncommon or just enjoyable; for example, science-fiction fans into Star Wars, anime fans making award-winning costumes, gardening, and knowing trivia.
Natural talents don't make us overnight successes. Natural talents assure us we choose what we want to do correctly. People must learn, train, practice, make mistakes, and innovate and change to be better continuously. Never take natural talents for granted. Natural talents are feelings inside us when we learn and do something, we have fun and we acquire the skills and knowledge with a natural flow. In other words, we just pick it up like Michael Jordan learning how to shoot free throws and he keeps making his shots.
I want to share some my successes and failures throughout my life on what I have done:
*Anime: Success. The second longest hobby throughout my life. I had my ups and downs. I had my good and bad moments. Without anime, I'm a different person and I have fewer friends.
*Video games: Fail. The longest hobby throughout my life. I'm terrible playing video games. However, I have fun playing video games despite scoring low and being the first players to die. I only play TF2 for online games. I don't have time to play console games.
*Economics: Success. I was a math major when I started at San Jose State. I struggled. I switched majors to economics. No more struggles. Learning economics was more natural.
*Reading Books: Success. I started reading books in 2002. All of the books were business, investment, management, and self-help. In October 2008, I started to read fiction. I learn more about life reading fiction than nonfiction. Reading is a hobby I have fun, especially fiction.
*Programming: Fail. I read books on programming languages such as ASP, XML, and JavaScript. I just couldn't get into it.
*Accounting: TBD. I'm back in school taking accounting classes. So far, so good. It's like economics. Accounting is coming to me naturally. Hope for the best.
*Research Analyst: Success and Fail. At Grubb & Ellis and Colliers, I mastered the job there were days I was bored. There were some days I didn't have the skills and the knowledge to do better. Perhaps learning accounting helps my future careers.
*Working Out: Success. I admit I'm not a bodybuilder. I enjoy working out. I believe physical fitness and metal knowledge are equally important. I bench press 200 pounds.
*My Web Page: Fail. My webpage is terrible. My webpage includes many don'ts in webpage design. See Programming above.
*Sewing: Fail. My mom taught me how to sew. Two reason why sewing is a fail. The first is I just couldn't get into it. The second is my mom is a terrible teacher. Sorry, mom.
*Singing: Fail. I took a singing class in Winter '10 quarter. I couldn't get into it. I didn't have fun practicing at home.
*Ballroom Dancing: Success. I'm ready to learn intermediate patterns.
We seek what we're good at. Everyone has natural talents at something. We do, learn, and try something new to find our natural talents. We have more failures than successes. We learn more about each other with failures and mistakes. The moment we experience a success, we found something we're good at.
I'm A Good Guy Growing Up Finding Raymond Mar
Natural talents don't make us overnight successes. Natural talents assure us we choose what we want to do correctly. People must learn, train, practice, make mistakes, and innovate and change to be better continuously. Never take natural talents for granted. Natural talents are feelings inside us when we learn and do something, we have fun and we acquire the skills and knowledge with a natural flow. In other words, we just pick it up like Michael Jordan learning how to shoot free throws and he keeps making his shots.
I want to share some my successes and failures throughout my life on what I have done:
*Anime: Success. The second longest hobby throughout my life. I had my ups and downs. I had my good and bad moments. Without anime, I'm a different person and I have fewer friends.
*Video games: Fail. The longest hobby throughout my life. I'm terrible playing video games. However, I have fun playing video games despite scoring low and being the first players to die. I only play TF2 for online games. I don't have time to play console games.
*Economics: Success. I was a math major when I started at San Jose State. I struggled. I switched majors to economics. No more struggles. Learning economics was more natural.
*Reading Books: Success. I started reading books in 2002. All of the books were business, investment, management, and self-help. In October 2008, I started to read fiction. I learn more about life reading fiction than nonfiction. Reading is a hobby I have fun, especially fiction.
*Programming: Fail. I read books on programming languages such as ASP, XML, and JavaScript. I just couldn't get into it.
*Accounting: TBD. I'm back in school taking accounting classes. So far, so good. It's like economics. Accounting is coming to me naturally. Hope for the best.
*Research Analyst: Success and Fail. At Grubb & Ellis and Colliers, I mastered the job there were days I was bored. There were some days I didn't have the skills and the knowledge to do better. Perhaps learning accounting helps my future careers.
*Working Out: Success. I admit I'm not a bodybuilder. I enjoy working out. I believe physical fitness and metal knowledge are equally important. I bench press 200 pounds.
*My Web Page: Fail. My webpage is terrible. My webpage includes many don'ts in webpage design. See Programming above.
*Sewing: Fail. My mom taught me how to sew. Two reason why sewing is a fail. The first is I just couldn't get into it. The second is my mom is a terrible teacher. Sorry, mom.
*Singing: Fail. I took a singing class in Winter '10 quarter. I couldn't get into it. I didn't have fun practicing at home.
*Ballroom Dancing: Success. I'm ready to learn intermediate patterns.
We seek what we're good at. Everyone has natural talents at something. We do, learn, and try something new to find our natural talents. We have more failures than successes. We learn more about each other with failures and mistakes. The moment we experience a success, we found something we're good at.
I'm A Good Guy Growing Up Finding Raymond Mar
Thursday, April 15, 2010
How to Build a Lasting Relationship
Zig Ziglar wrote the article below. Enjoy!
Effective Communication is the Key
Remember that permanent relationships are built on trust, respect, understanding, kindness, thoughtfulness, acceptance, appreciation, consistency, and unselfishness. Saying "please" and "thank you" for favors or a job well done are friend-makers and relationship-builders. Since we treat people like we see them, we should seriously look for the best in others, because this is a great relationship-builder and brings out the best in ourselves.
Happy, long-term relationships involve frequent compromise which is the only constructive alternative to fighting. Compromise is not denying right and wrong; it's admitting that both sides can have some right and both sides can have some wrong. If harmony is our end, then compromise is our means.
Winning relationships are built by leaving many things unsaid. Combine this with the ability to express displeasure or disappointment in an incident without any thought of taking punitive action, and you'll avoid many relationship crises. All long-lasting relationships are built on the understanding that both parties must get something out of the relationship.
When the other person does things that irritate you, nip problems in the bud by suggesting that the two of you sit down and talk about them. Open the conversation with, "It bothers me when ... Not that you did it wrong, but it bothers me." The other person is not a mind-reader. Don't expect him or her to know what's on your mind and cater to what you consider to be an obvious need or desire. Communicate with them.
When you offend someone, you should quickly apologize and ask for forgiveness. Otherwise, the problem festers, and the relationship suffers.
I'm A Good Guy Growing Up Finding Raymond Mar
Effective Communication is the Key
Remember that permanent relationships are built on trust, respect, understanding, kindness, thoughtfulness, acceptance, appreciation, consistency, and unselfishness. Saying "please" and "thank you" for favors or a job well done are friend-makers and relationship-builders. Since we treat people like we see them, we should seriously look for the best in others, because this is a great relationship-builder and brings out the best in ourselves.
Happy, long-term relationships involve frequent compromise which is the only constructive alternative to fighting. Compromise is not denying right and wrong; it's admitting that both sides can have some right and both sides can have some wrong. If harmony is our end, then compromise is our means.
Winning relationships are built by leaving many things unsaid. Combine this with the ability to express displeasure or disappointment in an incident without any thought of taking punitive action, and you'll avoid many relationship crises. All long-lasting relationships are built on the understanding that both parties must get something out of the relationship.
When the other person does things that irritate you, nip problems in the bud by suggesting that the two of you sit down and talk about them. Open the conversation with, "It bothers me when ... Not that you did it wrong, but it bothers me." The other person is not a mind-reader. Don't expect him or her to know what's on your mind and cater to what you consider to be an obvious need or desire. Communicate with them.
When you offend someone, you should quickly apologize and ask for forgiveness. Otherwise, the problem festers, and the relationship suffers.
I'm A Good Guy Growing Up Finding Raymond Mar
Sunday, April 11, 2010
An Obvious Observation To Some
I visited my friend in Washington in Dec '09. We visited Victoria, British Columbia, Canada for one day. We took the ferry from Port Angeles to Victoria round trip. We ate at Jack In The Box in Port Angeles for dinner.
The Jack In The Box was busy with two junior high school basketball team. There were the boys team, the girls team, the coaches, and a few parents. Everyone was having fun even though they were waiting a long time for their dinners. The coaches were talking with the players. Everyone was happy and having a blast. The students proved to me they know how to act and to socialize. It's unfortunate there are people much older than them who are immature.
The junior high basketball teams are another example everything and everyone influences who you are. The environment you see, hear, and interact daily determines your behavior, your beliefs, your actions, your personality, and your knowledge. The kids, coaches, and parents were in a positive and happy environment. The coaches and parents created the positive and happy environment. And even if the boys and/or girls teams lost their games, I'm sure they were happy and having a blast because they have fun being together.
Both teams won their games!
I'm A Good Guy Growing Up Finding Raymond Mar
The Jack In The Box was busy with two junior high school basketball team. There were the boys team, the girls team, the coaches, and a few parents. Everyone was having fun even though they were waiting a long time for their dinners. The coaches were talking with the players. Everyone was happy and having a blast. The students proved to me they know how to act and to socialize. It's unfortunate there are people much older than them who are immature.
The junior high basketball teams are another example everything and everyone influences who you are. The environment you see, hear, and interact daily determines your behavior, your beliefs, your actions, your personality, and your knowledge. The kids, coaches, and parents were in a positive and happy environment. The coaches and parents created the positive and happy environment. And even if the boys and/or girls teams lost their games, I'm sure they were happy and having a blast because they have fun being together.
Both teams won their games!
I'm A Good Guy Growing Up Finding Raymond Mar
Friday, April 09, 2010
De Anza Week Apr 5, 2010
Tue Apr 6, 2010
Today is Tuesday, not Monday, lol. Throughout the day, I thought today was Monday. It was Tuesday. Today reminded me of Fall Semester 1996 at San Jose State. I attended classes from 9:00am-3:15pm Tuesdays and Thursdays without breaks. My Spring '10 quarter I have classes from 12:30pm to 8:15pm with a 45 minute break. My dance class is Wednesdays.
First question is, "What's the life lesson I learn?" In Fall '09, I learned we're all humans. In Winter'10, I learned to go with the flow. What is the Spring '10 lesson?
I parked at Flint Parking Garage because I arrived at 11:45am. I guessed the smaller Stelling parking garage is full because it's the first week of classes. The third week of classes I park at Stelling.
I waited in front of the classroom for Accounting 1C which is Managerial Accounting. The same instructor for 1B is teaching 1C. There is no other Accounting 1C for my schedule. I didn't like my 1B instructor because she taught straight from the book. She made two changes in the green sheet. The first change is the extra credit. We get two points extra credit instead of one; however, we must complete both the summary objectives and the vocabulary instead of vocabulary only. The second change is the project. In 1B, it was a group project. In 1C, it is an Excel project done individually.
I got my same seat from 1B. There were four students I recognized from my 1B class including the students who sat next to me on my left and right. I chatted with each of them for a bit.
The next class is Business 18 which is Business Law. The instructor started working in the banking industry. She quit banking, went to law school at Santa Clara University, and became a lawyer. She practiced law for 20+ years and retired. Today, she wants to teach full time and has taught for two years. My feeling is she's going to tell stories and share experiences in contrast to my 1C who teaches straight from the book. Her jokes were cheesy and tolerable. The first part of the quarter we learn the government and how laws are passed. The second part we apply what we learn in the first part to business.
I have a 45 minute break. I used the break to eat dinner in the campus center. I don't bring my laptop. What a relief. My laptop bag is much lighter. I don't bring a backpack.
The night class is Accounting 66 which is Cost Accounting. Some students from my past Acct classes were in this class. The instructor tells jokes, a loose guy, and a sports fan, and was laid off seven times. (Was it bad luck or poor performance in his jobs?) No offense to women, for me, it's nice to have a male teacher. He talked about an error in the course description while discussing the green sheet. The error is the prerequisites are Acct 1A and 1B. He said the prerequisites are Acct 1A-1C.
Throughout the lecture he told current events and shares stories. He engaged the students. He told us stories how Nordstroms is successful despite selling expensive clothing. One reason is Nordstroms accepts anything for returns even a tire someone returned and he got $.05 and someone returned old nylons and she got $.01 for each nylon. He joked about diamonds being hella expensive. He said diamonds are hella expensive multiplied by three: "hella, hella, hella expensive." We talked about Target, Wal-Mart, and McDonalds. It's cheaper to eat fast food than to cook at home. I said to myself, "So true. It's a conspiracy to make people unhealthy by eating McDonalds. IQs decrease and health insurance increases."
He called Assets = Liabilities + Owner's Equity ALOE.
After Acct 66, I went to the bookstore to purchase my Acct 1C and Bus 18 books. The Bus 18 book is a De Anza edition that is a concise edition at a cheaper price. I check for the Acct 66 class. The bookstore was out of stock.
All of my classes were full. No surprise because of budget cuts. Take nothing for granted.
Wed Apr 7, 2010
Wed's night was dance class. There were a few familiar faces especially the people I'm close with such that we dance on Fri's night on occasion. My class is learning the cha cha cha for the feature dance and for the Dance Demonstration. The instructor's Tue night intermediate class was cancelled. She was unhappy. Some of the intermediate students enrolled in Wed's class. I expect the class to be much better than Winter '10.
Thur Apr 8, 2010
We finished Chap 19 in Acct 1C. Quiz is on Tue. I completed the practice problems last night and I thought my quiz is Mon. I repeatedly corrected myself the quiz is Tue. The instructor wanted all the students to read the chapter before the lecture. For me, I understand the reading material after her lectures. Chap 19 is straight-forward.
We finished Chap 1 in Business 18. Chap 1 is high school government. We reviewed the three branches of the Federal Government, state government, and the court system from state to federal. The first homework assignment is due next Thur. I haven't read Chap 1 yet.
The entire day was the usual. Go to class, learn something, and take notes. In the cafeteria, I ate a light dinner I purchased at a Japanese store. One of my classmates who went to some of my study group in Payroll Accounting was in the cafeteria. She just purchased her parking permit. We chatted while we watched Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth documentary on global warming.
The usual day became unusual. My Cost Accounting instructor was sick. He thought he got food poisoning. He ate a salad at Whole Foods at 9:45pm last night. He stayed for ten minutes informing the students what happened, what to expect for Tues' class, and corrected the students who wanted to add. It turned out he gave the students who wanted to add the wrong codes. I got the correct code to enroll officially. And I purchased the textbook at for a great price.
I stayed afterwards with some students and we talked about accounting, De Anza classes, instructors, and Chap 1 homework.
I'm A Good Guy Growing Up Finding Raymond Mar
Today is Tuesday, not Monday, lol. Throughout the day, I thought today was Monday. It was Tuesday. Today reminded me of Fall Semester 1996 at San Jose State. I attended classes from 9:00am-3:15pm Tuesdays and Thursdays without breaks. My Spring '10 quarter I have classes from 12:30pm to 8:15pm with a 45 minute break. My dance class is Wednesdays.
First question is, "What's the life lesson I learn?" In Fall '09, I learned we're all humans. In Winter'10, I learned to go with the flow. What is the Spring '10 lesson?
I parked at Flint Parking Garage because I arrived at 11:45am. I guessed the smaller Stelling parking garage is full because it's the first week of classes. The third week of classes I park at Stelling.
I waited in front of the classroom for Accounting 1C which is Managerial Accounting. The same instructor for 1B is teaching 1C. There is no other Accounting 1C for my schedule. I didn't like my 1B instructor because she taught straight from the book. She made two changes in the green sheet. The first change is the extra credit. We get two points extra credit instead of one; however, we must complete both the summary objectives and the vocabulary instead of vocabulary only. The second change is the project. In 1B, it was a group project. In 1C, it is an Excel project done individually.
I got my same seat from 1B. There were four students I recognized from my 1B class including the students who sat next to me on my left and right. I chatted with each of them for a bit.
The next class is Business 18 which is Business Law. The instructor started working in the banking industry. She quit banking, went to law school at Santa Clara University, and became a lawyer. She practiced law for 20+ years and retired. Today, she wants to teach full time and has taught for two years. My feeling is she's going to tell stories and share experiences in contrast to my 1C who teaches straight from the book. Her jokes were cheesy and tolerable. The first part of the quarter we learn the government and how laws are passed. The second part we apply what we learn in the first part to business.
I have a 45 minute break. I used the break to eat dinner in the campus center. I don't bring my laptop. What a relief. My laptop bag is much lighter. I don't bring a backpack.
The night class is Accounting 66 which is Cost Accounting. Some students from my past Acct classes were in this class. The instructor tells jokes, a loose guy, and a sports fan, and was laid off seven times. (Was it bad luck or poor performance in his jobs?) No offense to women, for me, it's nice to have a male teacher. He talked about an error in the course description while discussing the green sheet. The error is the prerequisites are Acct 1A and 1B. He said the prerequisites are Acct 1A-1C.
Throughout the lecture he told current events and shares stories. He engaged the students. He told us stories how Nordstroms is successful despite selling expensive clothing. One reason is Nordstroms accepts anything for returns even a tire someone returned and he got $.05 and someone returned old nylons and she got $.01 for each nylon. He joked about diamonds being hella expensive. He said diamonds are hella expensive multiplied by three: "hella, hella, hella expensive." We talked about Target, Wal-Mart, and McDonalds. It's cheaper to eat fast food than to cook at home. I said to myself, "So true. It's a conspiracy to make people unhealthy by eating McDonalds. IQs decrease and health insurance increases."
He called Assets = Liabilities + Owner's Equity ALOE.
After Acct 66, I went to the bookstore to purchase my Acct 1C and Bus 18 books. The Bus 18 book is a De Anza edition that is a concise edition at a cheaper price. I check for the Acct 66 class. The bookstore was out of stock.
All of my classes were full. No surprise because of budget cuts. Take nothing for granted.
Wed Apr 7, 2010
Wed's night was dance class. There were a few familiar faces especially the people I'm close with such that we dance on Fri's night on occasion. My class is learning the cha cha cha for the feature dance and for the Dance Demonstration. The instructor's Tue night intermediate class was cancelled. She was unhappy. Some of the intermediate students enrolled in Wed's class. I expect the class to be much better than Winter '10.
Thur Apr 8, 2010
We finished Chap 19 in Acct 1C. Quiz is on Tue. I completed the practice problems last night and I thought my quiz is Mon. I repeatedly corrected myself the quiz is Tue. The instructor wanted all the students to read the chapter before the lecture. For me, I understand the reading material after her lectures. Chap 19 is straight-forward.
We finished Chap 1 in Business 18. Chap 1 is high school government. We reviewed the three branches of the Federal Government, state government, and the court system from state to federal. The first homework assignment is due next Thur. I haven't read Chap 1 yet.
The entire day was the usual. Go to class, learn something, and take notes. In the cafeteria, I ate a light dinner I purchased at a Japanese store. One of my classmates who went to some of my study group in Payroll Accounting was in the cafeteria. She just purchased her parking permit. We chatted while we watched Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth documentary on global warming.
The usual day became unusual. My Cost Accounting instructor was sick. He thought he got food poisoning. He ate a salad at Whole Foods at 9:45pm last night. He stayed for ten minutes informing the students what happened, what to expect for Tues' class, and corrected the students who wanted to add. It turned out he gave the students who wanted to add the wrong codes. I got the correct code to enroll officially. And I purchased the textbook at for a great price.
I stayed afterwards with some students and we talked about accounting, De Anza classes, instructors, and Chap 1 homework.
I'm A Good Guy Growing Up Finding Raymond Mar
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
SOMT: Working And Going To School
SOMT stands for "Sign Of My Times," an occasional blog on how life has changed from my point of view, even personally. Today's SOMT is college students working part or full time.
My first semester at San Jose State I paid $975 a semester. Today's students pay over $2,500 a semester. Those amounts are tuition only. Books are excluded.
My first semester at San Jose State students who worked part-time either worked to pay to live at a dorm or apartment, college expenses, or to pay for luxuries. Today's students almost everyone works to pay for everything. Financial aid doesn't help much.
I respect students who must work just to stay in school. If students work just to pay for luxuries, that's another topic. If I see students score bad on their homework, quizzes, and exams, I'm not going to say they're dumb. It's likely these students didn't have time to complete the homework and study enough to prepare for the tests. These students should then take fewer classes if they can't handle the load. That's another topic. And how about finding time with friends or significant other?
I'm going back to college. College is different for me compared to when I was at San Jose State. It's a second chance for me to correct my mistakes the first time I attended college.
I'm A Good Guy Growing Up Finding Raymond Mar
My first semester at San Jose State I paid $975 a semester. Today's students pay over $2,500 a semester. Those amounts are tuition only. Books are excluded.
My first semester at San Jose State students who worked part-time either worked to pay to live at a dorm or apartment, college expenses, or to pay for luxuries. Today's students almost everyone works to pay for everything. Financial aid doesn't help much.
I respect students who must work just to stay in school. If students work just to pay for luxuries, that's another topic. If I see students score bad on their homework, quizzes, and exams, I'm not going to say they're dumb. It's likely these students didn't have time to complete the homework and study enough to prepare for the tests. These students should then take fewer classes if they can't handle the load. That's another topic. And how about finding time with friends or significant other?
I'm going back to college. College is different for me compared to when I was at San Jose State. It's a second chance for me to correct my mistakes the first time I attended college.
I'm A Good Guy Growing Up Finding Raymond Mar
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Friday, April 02, 2010
Derek Paravicini Teaches A Lesson On Life
60 Minutes did a news article on Derek Paravicini, a blind musical savant. Watch the video below to see this amazing person. He always begins his conversations in a friendly way.
Thursday, April 01, 2010
Accutane Day 420

I'm 60% optimistic the Atralin gel removes my blackheads and whiteheads. Maybe my eyes are tricking me. I see a little improvement on my cheeks. The blackheads covering my cheeks are decreasing. My dermatologist said there are people who live with blackheads and/or whiteheads throughout their life. It's all genetics.
I went to the dentist yesterday. My hygienist suggested I use Burt's Bee for my dried lips. I use Blistx that works well. Maybe Burt's Bee is better. I try it. There are days my lips are great and there are days my lips are chapped. I take Accutane once a week. I don't think Accutane is causing dry lips. It must be the recent dry weather.
I have another Eczema outbreak. This time it's on my right cheek just below my right eye. I apply Cutivate. I'm also getting minor Dermatitis outbreak on my hands. I apply Topicort.
My face is getting more sensitive to the sun. My face starts to sting even when I go shopping for the day. I must apply sunscreen for long periods I'm outdoors during the day. I wear an Indiana Jones like hat for casual outdoor activities such as running errands.
I Continue To Find Myself Finding Raymond Mar
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