Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Top Ten Plus One Equals Top Eleven A.J.A.Y. Blogs

Today's top eleven blogs are inspired from a person I used to know. I admit I knew little about him; however, I knew enough he was an idiot. He was weak. Self-esteem was poor. He might impress people as a knight in shining armor. I saw past the armor as a person wearing tin foil. I wrote blogs inspired by his weakness vowing don't be him. Also, I warn men and women don't become him. Time will tell the top eleven A.J.A.Y blogs are true. I have been connecting the dots noted by the periods in the title. The dots have been connecting perfectly.

11. The Gendo Smile From Reddit (Sep 7, 2019). I created my first meme. The character Gendo Ikari from the anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion always smiled when he knew he won. I had been smiling. I knew I was correct.

10. Where Is The Intelligence? (Aug 24, 2019). To quote Steve Jobs, "Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact, and that is everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you, and you can change it, you can influence it, you can build your own things that other people can use. Um, once you learn that, you'll never be the same again." Are all people in my life losing intelligence or is my intelligence getting stronger?

9. Going Up Or Getting Better Am I? (Sep 8, 2019). My intelligence is getting stronger. I'm becoming a self-trained genius.

8. You're Smarter Than You Think (Nov 7, 2018). Desire is more important than intelligence. Motivation is more important than knowledge.

7. Get Back To The Basics When In A Jam (Sep 11, 2019). The month after my birthday I went back to the basics living a good life. Some of the activities and responsibilities were hiking, job searching six days a week, and eating at new restaurants. I started to read Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling.

6. Sibling Role Reversal (Sep 29, 2019). I was the weakest among my siblings in our childhoods. It was like they learned from my mistakes being the oldest. Times have changed. I'm the strongest among my siblings in our adulthoods. I promise I don't make the same mistakes they're making.

5. Self-Esteem Blog (Nov 14, 2018). It's a judgement call to determine if oneself has poor self-esteem or has strong self-esteem. Also, it's a judgement call if another person says he or she has poor self-esteem or has strong self-esteem. Does he or she accept or reject the other person's opinion? Does he or she make changes to strengthen poor self-esteem?

4. Some Men Who Are Losers Makes All Men Losers (Jul 15, 2018). The few weak, coward, and dumb men make many more men look weak, coward, and dumb.

3. He's More Than Charming Or She's More Than A Sweetheart (Sep 25, 2019). Be a nice person attracts a lover in past generations. Times have change. A rising tide raises all boats. Expectations should be high. Expectations must be high. It's supposed to be hard finding love because marriages last till death do us part.

2. My Two Question Marriage Is He Or She My Spouse Till Death Do Us Part (Dec 1, 2019). I review my two questions. My first question is, "Do you trust your spouse to take of you if you're the weaker person?" My second question is, "Is the couple motivated to work hard on their marriage?" My bonus third question is, "Is your spouse useful?"

1. The Real Life Match Game (Jun 12, 2019). Relationships are matches. The two people must match for a strong relationship.

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