Thur Dec 18: I was reminded to go with the flow. Go with the flow was a lesson I learned when I went back to school at De Anza College.
I arrived at 8:45am. App games can be addicting. I played a sniper game. I uninstalled the game before I went to bed.
I finished the Excel report adding a pie chart. I had too much free time in the morning. I created my profile in the company's intranet. I uploaded my picture. I browsed some intranet's departments.
My next report assignment was an aging report. I did an Accounts Receivable report in my Accounting 1A class at De Anza College.
Fri Dec 19: Slow week. I completed little because there was little to do. I was more stressed trying to stay busy. I realized I didn't have a welcome meet and greet with the operations department during my first week.
The good news of the day was IT created my account. I'm ready for more assignments from my engineer. I'm ready to apply my self learning.
Many people were talking about a party. I deducted the party was a formal black & white ball for the full time employees from people I heard throughout the day.
The following is ridiculous and purely speculative: maybe most of the workers are quiet to me is because the engineer and the risk manager have a contractor to support them. The other engineers and operations workers don't have a support person. There are two contractors in the department roster. I'm one of the two. Jealously?
Mon Dec 22: I drove ten minutes to work. Fastest commute. One red light on my left turn and one red light at the EMC building.
I fixed my engineer's interposer export file. There was an error. One of the fields failed uploading to the SAP database. My engineer assigned me to check the RMAs for missing analysis completion dates. The next assignment after checking is auditing the RMAs verifying the analysis categories match the analysis notes.
Tue Dec 23: I ate lunch with a friend who worked at Intel. The lunch extended my one hour period. I stayed longer after hours.
My only assignment with the risk manager updating vendor and components information was finalized on the Arena database. Why my changes did took over a month to update? Did I do it correctly?
My floor men's bathroom was closed for cleaning. I walked down to the fourth floor. There are more empty cubicles in the fourth floor than my fifth floor. The square footage on the fourth floor is bigger than the fifth. Most of the fourth floor was dead with no workers.
I forgot to apply NewSkin to my blister on my right hand along the side below my pinky finger before I went to work.
Wed Dec 24 and Thur Dec 25: Merry Christmas.
Fri Dec 26: The building was dead. The cafeteria was dead. It was quiet everywhere.
I arrived to work at 9am. The expressway signal lights were timed in weekend settings. I stopped at most intersections. I almost hit a squirrel.
I forgot to bring my book with me to lunch. I read my book on my floor's relaxing area.
Mon Dec 29: Another ten minute commute. All green lights. The morning was the first time I skipped breakfast at home. I was too tired to wake up at 6am. I needed additional sleep which was worth it because my mood improved as the day continued. I arrived to work at 8:15am. I ate a Pop-Tart at my cubicle. I plan to sleep early tonight.
The first hour was conversations with my engineer and another co-worker. The conversations were the longest since I started working. We talked about Christmas. My engineer told me about the TV show Heroes.
I ate lunch with a friend who worked at McAfee. One of our conversations was our own employment outlook. I shared my concern my contract is not extended after four months. She shared her concern all departments are downsizing. The lunch extended beyond one hour I stayed at work for an additional 30 minutes.
I corrected a mistake I made on checking the RMAs for the missing analysis completion dates assignment. The assignment was finished at the end of the day. I begin auditing the RMAs tomorrow.
I went to the gym for a modified workout. I have been going to the gym two to three days a week after work. There is some consistency going to the gym.
Tue Dec 30: I arrived at 8;15am driving 12 minutes. I needed more sleep after I woke up at 6am. I ate a light breakfast. The entire day was auditing RMAs. I took my time auditing while listening to and KNBR, and thinking about my life. I audited 350 RMAs. My brain became jelly at the 250th RMA.
I remembered to take a bag of baked BBQ potato chips from the coffee room for lunch.
My blog innovates and improves life’s common knowledge. The successful people find ways doing something better. They innovate their lives infinitely. Bruce Lee said it best, “Even today, I dare not say that I have reached a state of achievement . . . for learning is boundless.” I encourage people to seek better ways. Life gets better every day. I share my highlights, my lighter side, my current events, a question, and an opinion.
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Monday, December 29, 2014
Think With Your Penis
A common knowledge is men shouldn't think with their penis. Men are labeled perverts. Men think about sex before love. Men treat women as sex objects. Men can be thought of as creepy, acting like a teenager, and immature. The men's penis is doing our thinking instead of our brains.
On the contrary, thinking with your penis can be good. If you want a healthy, long lasting penis, then think with your penis literally when you make healthy choices. Here are four penis healthy choices to consider.
1. Eating and drinking. Eat healthy. Eat more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. I think twice eating cookies and candies. Eat at sit down restaurants and fast foods restaurants in moderation. Drink more water. Drink less soda. Drinking wine is okay in moderation. Some couples like to drink wine before sex. Minimizing all bad foods and drinks is better.
2. Gym. We know the common benefits of physical fitness. Slow the aging process. Live longer. Stronger toleration of stress. Higher metabolism. We can add a longer sex life as another benefit. Sex is a physical act. We want strong penises. We want to last longer in bed. A man with a healthier body with less fat improves blood flow through the entire body. A stronger man can carry his love with both his muscular arms. A healthier body is sexier than an obese body.
3. Read erotica. The brain is very important in sex. One common benefit reading books is keeping our brains sharp. Hate reading? Read erotica. Erotica can help the man create more ideas for his partner such as new fantasies and dirtier conversations. Erotica can wake up the sex beast hidden inside him.
4. Oral health. Men must take care of their mouths. The mouth is very important in sex, too. Lips, tongue, teeth, and breath. Kissing, sucking, licking, and biting. No woman wants a mouth with missing teeth, chapped lips, and bad breath. Brush your teeth twice a day. Floss your teeth nightly. I recommend tongue cleaners.
5. Clean. Wear clean clothes. Be a clean person. No body odor. No bad smell. Live in a clean environment. Clean bed with clean sheets. Minimize dust. Dirty is unattractive. Think of Walter White from Breaking Bad. Walt cooks in a clean facility.
On the contrary, thinking with your penis can be good. If you want a healthy, long lasting penis, then think with your penis literally when you make healthy choices. Here are four penis healthy choices to consider.
1. Eating and drinking. Eat healthy. Eat more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. I think twice eating cookies and candies. Eat at sit down restaurants and fast foods restaurants in moderation. Drink more water. Drink less soda. Drinking wine is okay in moderation. Some couples like to drink wine before sex. Minimizing all bad foods and drinks is better.
2. Gym. We know the common benefits of physical fitness. Slow the aging process. Live longer. Stronger toleration of stress. Higher metabolism. We can add a longer sex life as another benefit. Sex is a physical act. We want strong penises. We want to last longer in bed. A man with a healthier body with less fat improves blood flow through the entire body. A stronger man can carry his love with both his muscular arms. A healthier body is sexier than an obese body.
3. Read erotica. The brain is very important in sex. One common benefit reading books is keeping our brains sharp. Hate reading? Read erotica. Erotica can help the man create more ideas for his partner such as new fantasies and dirtier conversations. Erotica can wake up the sex beast hidden inside him.
4. Oral health. Men must take care of their mouths. The mouth is very important in sex, too. Lips, tongue, teeth, and breath. Kissing, sucking, licking, and biting. No woman wants a mouth with missing teeth, chapped lips, and bad breath. Brush your teeth twice a day. Floss your teeth nightly. I recommend tongue cleaners.
5. Clean. Wear clean clothes. Be a clean person. No body odor. No bad smell. Live in a clean environment. Clean bed with clean sheets. Minimize dust. Dirty is unattractive. Think of Walter White from Breaking Bad. Walt cooks in a clean facility.
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Accutane Day 2,151

I purchased a new tube of Tretinoin on Aug 25, 2014. I continue to apply the cream every Thurs night. I have been inconsistent applying the once a week cream on a Fri, Sat, or Sun night recently. It seems my face continues to improve. There is additional acne scar improvement on my right cheek. The scars are disappearing. The acne scars on my left cheek is starting to improve. The acne scar on top of my forehead is disappearing. The blackheads appear less frequent on my nose. And a combination of acne scars and blackheads on both sides of my face next to my eyes are healing and appear less frequent. The summary is my face is clearing up.
My dermatologist said my scars are not supposed to heal. Why are my scars healing? My two guesses are Tretinoin is working and my hormones are changing such that no more teenage acneface problems. A third guess is shaving. I shave three days a week using a razor. Perhaps, my shaving is removing more dead skin recently.
Speaking of shaving, I notice more facial hair appearing on the acne scars area. I anticipate more new facial hair spots throughout my face.
I have been sweating profusely after working out at the gym. My forehead becomes a rain cloud dripping drops of sweat everywhere on my face. I rarely sweat on hot days decades ago. I handled the heat very well when I was a child. Sweat appeared in my hair on top of my head only. I believe Accutane and Tretinoin open pores on my forehead.
Monday, December 22, 2014
Tell Me You Games
Here are some games to know people in a deeper sense. These games should be played with people you know well in a comfortable environment. These games assist people opening up for you and for others. Be prepared to open up.
*One Word. Everyone writes down one word describing yourself and the other people. Everyone writes down the one word for the person being described for each turn. The other people share the one word and explain why going clockwise with the person being described on the left ending with the person being described sharing his or her own answer. Continue with the next person being described going clockwise. Duplicate answers are okay. The game is best played in a table and chair setting.
Bonus: Everyone predicts what the person writes down for the person's turn. Another bonus: people with matching one words receive a small prize.
*Copy. Everyone choose someone's else moment, knowledge, physical attribute, personality, skill, award, part of the other person's DNA, etc. Agree who starts copying another person. The copied person can't choose the person copying after the copy is shared with everyone. The copied person must choose another person to copy. Avoid a loop between two people.
For example, I want to copy another person's skill of reading fast. I explain why. Then the person who I copied the reading fast chooses another person except me to copy.
*Write A Question. A person is chosen to answers questions from other people. Rules may be established what questions are acceptable and what questions are unacceptable. The other people write one question on a piece of paper for the chosen person to answer. The chosen person collects all questions. He or she shuffles the written questions. The chosen person announces the question one by one to answer. The chosen person can refuse to answer questions. Feel free to pause the question and answer for a discussion.
A variant is verbal questions. The chosen person answers questions asked from other people. Other people ask one question starting with the chosen person's left going clockwise.
Positive. Share a positive of the other person. Everyone forms a circle. One person is the positivee. Everyone else shares a positive starting with the positivee's left going clockwise. The positive is anything such as an attribute, a skill, a personality, or an action.
Sports Interview. Most of us watch sports' pregame and postgame interview in a press conference setting. One person is on the podium. The other people ask questions on the person. It's like the manager of a baseball game in a postgame interview with journalists. Rules may be established what questions are acceptable and what questions are unacceptable. Agree on a time limit a person is being interviewed with other people. The next person clockwise becomes the person being interviewed.
*One Word. Everyone writes down one word describing yourself and the other people. Everyone writes down the one word for the person being described for each turn. The other people share the one word and explain why going clockwise with the person being described on the left ending with the person being described sharing his or her own answer. Continue with the next person being described going clockwise. Duplicate answers are okay. The game is best played in a table and chair setting.
Bonus: Everyone predicts what the person writes down for the person's turn. Another bonus: people with matching one words receive a small prize.
*Copy. Everyone choose someone's else moment, knowledge, physical attribute, personality, skill, award, part of the other person's DNA, etc. Agree who starts copying another person. The copied person can't choose the person copying after the copy is shared with everyone. The copied person must choose another person to copy. Avoid a loop between two people.
For example, I want to copy another person's skill of reading fast. I explain why. Then the person who I copied the reading fast chooses another person except me to copy.
*Write A Question. A person is chosen to answers questions from other people. Rules may be established what questions are acceptable and what questions are unacceptable. The other people write one question on a piece of paper for the chosen person to answer. The chosen person collects all questions. He or she shuffles the written questions. The chosen person announces the question one by one to answer. The chosen person can refuse to answer questions. Feel free to pause the question and answer for a discussion.
A variant is verbal questions. The chosen person answers questions asked from other people. Other people ask one question starting with the chosen person's left going clockwise.
Positive. Share a positive of the other person. Everyone forms a circle. One person is the positivee. Everyone else shares a positive starting with the positivee's left going clockwise. The positive is anything such as an attribute, a skill, a personality, or an action.
Sports Interview. Most of us watch sports' pregame and postgame interview in a press conference setting. One person is on the podium. The other people ask questions on the person. It's like the manager of a baseball game in a postgame interview with journalists. Rules may be established what questions are acceptable and what questions are unacceptable. Agree on a time limit a person is being interviewed with other people. The next person clockwise becomes the person being interviewed.
Sunday, December 21, 2014
A Second Look At 2013
It's the time of the year I look back at my 2013 blogs to give myself feedback. My goal is relearning from my mistakes, reinforcing my lessons, reminding myself my moments, refreshing acquired knowledge, and rediscovering new wisdom.
My Second Look At 2012 contained 15 blogs. Eleven blogs are included in the 2013 Second Look. Three of the eleven blogs are written Jan-May 2013. Eight of the eleven blogs are written Sep-Nov 2013. There were backward life moments which occurred during the first half of 2013. Momentum moved forward during the second half.
A Second Look 2013 was written much later than my past Second Look blogs. I believe it worked out because I lived additional months thinking about my 2013 blogs. A Second Look 2014 is planned to be written in Dec 2015.
I provide the title and link to the original blog, date, summary, and my feedback. Enjoy!
Blog Title: 1. A Concern That Requires My Attention
Date: Sunday January 20, 2013
Summary: I was concerned I lost my job skills, job strengths, and job knowledge. The last time I worked was Nov 2008. Use them or lose them.
Feedback: I took Accountemps online classes from Jan to Jun. Waste of time. The best classes to learn skills such as Excel and Python are YouTube and free online programming classes such as Most printed books are a waste of money.
Blog Title: 2. Top Ten Songs That Cheers Me Up
Date: Wednesday February 27, 2013
Summary: My top ten songs in brief from ten to one: Crazy For You by Madonna, Don't Dream It's Over by Sixpence None The Richer,, Personality by Lloyd Price, F**kin! Perfect by Pink, Unwell by Matchbox Twenty, Better Days by Goo Goo Dolls, Man In The Mirror by Michael Jackson, Hey Jude by The Beatles, and Let It Be by The Beatles.
Feedback: I replace number seven Personality by Lloyd Price with Ironic by Alanis Morissette. I add We Are The Champions by Queen in the honorable mention list. Adding the honorable mention song is a good example to write A Second Look blogs in December. I realized the song must be added on Thursday December 4, 2014.
Blog Title: 3. Top Ten Lessons My Parents Failed To Teach Me
Date: Thursday May 2, 2013
Summary: Parents are not perfect; however, my parents failed to teach me basic life lessons for which I learned the hard way. Summarizing the ten lessons does injustice. Click the link to read my top ten.
Feedback: Use it or lose it. These ten lessons are having an adverse effect on my parents during their retirement years. We rarely talk to each other. There's little family connection between us. They're bad at communicating and socializing. They have no friends. They still take life for granted as if nothing bad happens. They live avoiding conflicts. They don't want to do something new. They live a routine way.
Bonuses: Number 11 is teach your children well. My parents rarely taught me because they were terrible teachers. Number 12 is living too easy of a life is a bad lesson. I believe number 12 relates to number 2 which is taking life for granted. They live their lives with little effort.
Blog Title: 4. Reset Priorities
Date: Wednesday September 18, 2013
Summary: I looked at my daily activities to prioritize them. For example, first priorities were job searching and going to the gym. Second priorities were reading books and watching television.
Feedback: I blogged nine reset priorities and recent event blogs. I wanted to write nine blogs a month. These blogs should not have been written. Expressing frustration was the reason I wrote these blogs. Seven of the nine blogs were written between Jan and May.
Blog Title: 5. This Is My Leap Of Faith
Date: Wednesday October 9, 2013
Summary: I found faith. I rediscovered believing in myself. I rediscovered hope.
Feedback: One of 2013 best blogs. I read the blog weekly to remind myself to have faith, to believe, and to hope. The three are my Life Rule Number 7.
Blog Title: 6. "Let Me Think", A New Social Problem I Must Fix
Date: Saturday October 26, 2013
Summary: I'm an open person. I learned discretion is necessary even for open people. Think carefully before I speak.
Feedback: Let me think. Be discrete. Life Rule Number 8.
Blog Title: 7. My New Short Term Goals
Date: Sunday October 27, 2013
Summary: I created new goals after I stopped making goals in 2009.
Feedback: I update my goals using my missing puzzle pieces. The pieces are finding new friends, learning more job skills, living independent, consistent physical workouts, and finding a permanent job. Click here to read in detail my five missing pieces.
Blog Title: 8. The Correct Growing Up Part 2
Date: Monday October 28, 2013
Summary: I took back the growing up moment I experienced on Wednesday November 7, 2012. I interviewed for a contract position where the employees were having fun, talking with each other, and being loose. The experience backfired. I lived life with too much fun and being too loose in 2013. I made bad choices.
Feedback: My life became much better removing the growing up moment 2 in my life. My second growing up moment is coming soon. I'm still living grow up moment 1 since Saturday October 4, 2008.
Blog Title: 9. I Got This Feeling
Date: Sunday November 3, 2013
Summary: The feeling I discovered when I realized I must grow up came back. I felt friendly. I felt independent. No more shutting my door from the world.
Feedback: Another 2013 best blog. I read the blog as part of my weekly praying. The blog is part of my inspiration.
Blog Title: 10. Work Nov 23, 2013
Date: Saturday November 23, 2013
Summary: I started writing work blogs when I found a job at a retail start-up. It was my first job since my contract was terminated at Cisco in November 2008.
Feedback: I felt good going back to work. My ten months working at the company was worth it. My job abilities came back. It took a long time. My natural talents which include analyzing, concise explanations, and my computer skills came back.
Blog Title: 11. Top Ten Looking Forward To Do
Date: Tuesday November 26, 2013
Summary: I experienced hope my life started to get good. I wrote a list of ten life moments and experienced to fulfill in my future.
Feedback: I repeat my feedback from number 7. I want to add my five missing pieces to the top ten list. The pieces are finding new friends, learning more job skills, living independent, consistent physical workouts, and finding a permanent job. Click here to read in detail my five missing pieces.
My Second Look At 2012 contained 15 blogs. Eleven blogs are included in the 2013 Second Look. Three of the eleven blogs are written Jan-May 2013. Eight of the eleven blogs are written Sep-Nov 2013. There were backward life moments which occurred during the first half of 2013. Momentum moved forward during the second half.
A Second Look 2013 was written much later than my past Second Look blogs. I believe it worked out because I lived additional months thinking about my 2013 blogs. A Second Look 2014 is planned to be written in Dec 2015.
I provide the title and link to the original blog, date, summary, and my feedback. Enjoy!
Blog Title: 1. A Concern That Requires My Attention
Date: Sunday January 20, 2013
Summary: I was concerned I lost my job skills, job strengths, and job knowledge. The last time I worked was Nov 2008. Use them or lose them.
Feedback: I took Accountemps online classes from Jan to Jun. Waste of time. The best classes to learn skills such as Excel and Python are YouTube and free online programming classes such as Most printed books are a waste of money.
Blog Title: 2. Top Ten Songs That Cheers Me Up
Date: Wednesday February 27, 2013
Summary: My top ten songs in brief from ten to one: Crazy For You by Madonna, Don't Dream It's Over by Sixpence None The Richer,, Personality by Lloyd Price, F**kin! Perfect by Pink, Unwell by Matchbox Twenty, Better Days by Goo Goo Dolls, Man In The Mirror by Michael Jackson, Hey Jude by The Beatles, and Let It Be by The Beatles.
Feedback: I replace number seven Personality by Lloyd Price with Ironic by Alanis Morissette. I add We Are The Champions by Queen in the honorable mention list. Adding the honorable mention song is a good example to write A Second Look blogs in December. I realized the song must be added on Thursday December 4, 2014.
Blog Title: 3. Top Ten Lessons My Parents Failed To Teach Me
Date: Thursday May 2, 2013
Summary: Parents are not perfect; however, my parents failed to teach me basic life lessons for which I learned the hard way. Summarizing the ten lessons does injustice. Click the link to read my top ten.
Feedback: Use it or lose it. These ten lessons are having an adverse effect on my parents during their retirement years. We rarely talk to each other. There's little family connection between us. They're bad at communicating and socializing. They have no friends. They still take life for granted as if nothing bad happens. They live avoiding conflicts. They don't want to do something new. They live a routine way.
Bonuses: Number 11 is teach your children well. My parents rarely taught me because they were terrible teachers. Number 12 is living too easy of a life is a bad lesson. I believe number 12 relates to number 2 which is taking life for granted. They live their lives with little effort.
Blog Title: 4. Reset Priorities
Date: Wednesday September 18, 2013
Summary: I looked at my daily activities to prioritize them. For example, first priorities were job searching and going to the gym. Second priorities were reading books and watching television.
Feedback: I blogged nine reset priorities and recent event blogs. I wanted to write nine blogs a month. These blogs should not have been written. Expressing frustration was the reason I wrote these blogs. Seven of the nine blogs were written between Jan and May.
Blog Title: 5. This Is My Leap Of Faith
Date: Wednesday October 9, 2013
Summary: I found faith. I rediscovered believing in myself. I rediscovered hope.
Feedback: One of 2013 best blogs. I read the blog weekly to remind myself to have faith, to believe, and to hope. The three are my Life Rule Number 7.
Blog Title: 6. "Let Me Think", A New Social Problem I Must Fix
Date: Saturday October 26, 2013
Summary: I'm an open person. I learned discretion is necessary even for open people. Think carefully before I speak.
Feedback: Let me think. Be discrete. Life Rule Number 8.
Blog Title: 7. My New Short Term Goals
Date: Sunday October 27, 2013
Summary: I created new goals after I stopped making goals in 2009.
Feedback: I update my goals using my missing puzzle pieces. The pieces are finding new friends, learning more job skills, living independent, consistent physical workouts, and finding a permanent job. Click here to read in detail my five missing pieces.
Blog Title: 8. The Correct Growing Up Part 2
Date: Monday October 28, 2013
Summary: I took back the growing up moment I experienced on Wednesday November 7, 2012. I interviewed for a contract position where the employees were having fun, talking with each other, and being loose. The experience backfired. I lived life with too much fun and being too loose in 2013. I made bad choices.
Feedback: My life became much better removing the growing up moment 2 in my life. My second growing up moment is coming soon. I'm still living grow up moment 1 since Saturday October 4, 2008.
Blog Title: 9. I Got This Feeling
Date: Sunday November 3, 2013
Summary: The feeling I discovered when I realized I must grow up came back. I felt friendly. I felt independent. No more shutting my door from the world.
Feedback: Another 2013 best blog. I read the blog as part of my weekly praying. The blog is part of my inspiration.
Blog Title: 10. Work Nov 23, 2013
Date: Saturday November 23, 2013
Summary: I started writing work blogs when I found a job at a retail start-up. It was my first job since my contract was terminated at Cisco in November 2008.
Feedback: I felt good going back to work. My ten months working at the company was worth it. My job abilities came back. It took a long time. My natural talents which include analyzing, concise explanations, and my computer skills came back.
Blog Title: 11. Top Ten Looking Forward To Do
Date: Tuesday November 26, 2013
Summary: I experienced hope my life started to get good. I wrote a list of ten life moments and experienced to fulfill in my future.
Feedback: I repeat my feedback from number 7. I want to add my five missing pieces to the top ten list. The pieces are finding new friends, learning more job skills, living independent, consistent physical workouts, and finding a permanent job. Click here to read in detail my five missing pieces.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Work Wed Dec 17, 2014
Mon Dec 8: It's taking a long time to settle in with my co-workers. The full time workers are always busy. The same situation happened at Artisan which was understandable because of the Christmas season. Eventually I should know more about my co-workers. It took months to know all my co-workers at Artisan.
I was ashamed at myself not following the procedures I wrote in my note pad to add the RMAs in the SAP database. I skipped steps. I repeated mistakes. I wasted too much time with the assignment. I should have been more efficient. I spent too much time preparing the exporting and importing. I planned to rewrite the procedures eliminating steps and combining steps; for example, use more SQL.
The White Elephant pot luck list was created in the network folder. My name was missing. I felt sad I wasn't added on the list. I RSVP on the Outlook invite.
I stopped eating a bag of cookies a day. I'm going back to Belvita breakfast bars for my mid morning snack. I continue to eat a granola bar, too. I also stopped eating a hamburger to supplement my lunch on days I workout at the company gym.
I helped an employee enter the gym. He was issued a temporary badge because he forgot his photo badge. The gym was packed in the side room doing yoga.
Tue Dec 9: I found a new parking spot for my car. The new parking spot gives my car more shade in the afternoon.
The vice president of operations emailed the department roster. She revised three times because of mistakes in a span of 15 minutes.
I listened to KNBR at 3pm. I was dozing off. My brain was fatigued. I spent the entire day updating RMAs for a particular server. I should have taken more breaks. I should have paced myself.
I plan to take advantage more often my alternate route driving on El Camino Real going home. The traffic on the expressway was terrible. Coincidentally, driving on El Camino Real was required because I shopped at Macys.
Wed Dec 10: My engineer and I were in a meeting together. We reviewed my status. He answered my questions. He provided more training. He told me more information how the failure analysis process works. And he gave me an engineering lesson.
My brain was jelly after lunch. I lost concentration at 4:15pm. I became lazy. I felt like I was back in college studying for exams. There was nothing more I could study. I maximized my brain studying the concepts.
I worked out at the company's gym. The second workout I didn't eat a hamburger to supplement my lunch at home. I passed the test. I had plenty of energy to complete my workout. The first workout I didn't eat a hamburger was Mon Dec 8 which passed the test.
Thur Dec 11: The local news named the storm "The Storm Of The Past 5 Years". My commute was easy. More people worked from home. Some schools closed. The entire day rained.
I added my name to the White Elephant pot luck list. I bring egg rolls.
The CFO emailed the entire buildings all workers can go home early because of the storm affecting the roads and neighborhoods.
I reinforced the idea to pace myself updating entering RMAs in the database. Avoid burnout. Avoid brain fatigue.
I picked up my package in the shipping & receiving area for the first time. I walked back to my car in the rain to drop it off in the trunk. I made the choice to move my car closer to the front lobby because my current parking area started to flood. The choice was good because the rain continued in the night after my gym workout. My new parking space area didn't flood.
My stomach growled during the last 20 minutes of my workout. It appeared I didn't bring enough lunch. I managed to complete the workout. I ate the granola bar I didn't finish earlier in the day when I went back to my cubicle to take my laptop and belongings. And there were no clean towels at the end of my workout. I should leave an emergency gym towel in my trunk.
I drove home slow even though fewer cars were on the road. I took a detour driving on the freeway to the expressway because one of the exits was closed due to flooding.
Fri Dec 12: 14 minute morning commute. One red light. No traffic crawling.
I started writing the second draft on the RMA SAP data entry procedures on Word. I used the first draft written on my note pad as a guide.
Mon Dec 15: Light rained fell during my morning commute. The rain intensified as the day continued. The sewage plugged up at the front entrance. The entire workday was slow. I took my time. Too little work. Perhaps, I still completed my work too fast.
I drove to a fast food restaurant to purchase 24 egg rolls for the Operations Department White Elephant gift exchange during my lunch hour. Two other people went to the restaurant purchasing egg rolls and fried chicken wings.
Standard White Elephant rules applied. Draw a number. Pick a gift or steal a gift. Steal limit per gift was three. A common optional rule first person who picked could steal at the end was enabled. The vice president used a twist rule for which the last person could steal any gift including gifts stolen three times.
The best gag gift was a Sponge Bob Square Pants alarm clock. The stupid gifts which failed to be a gag gift included a talking parrot and a baconator. The most quantity and most stolen were Starbucks gift cards. The most thought gift was an empty fish tank, fish food, and a live fish. The giftor gave the giftee a cup with a live fish inside seconds after the worker unwrapped the gift. My gift was Smart Ass The Card Game I stole.
The gift exchange went smoothly. My behavior was satisfied analyzing my actions. I mingled with some people. I communicated seriously and sarcastically. The 60 people who participated in the gift exchange lasted 1.5 hours. Some of us went home after the exchange was over.
Tue Dec 16: App games are addicting. Last night was a typical example. I played games on my phone ending at 1am. App games are enemies on a weeknight. I used my sleep app to calculate optimum sleep setting my alarm clock to wake up maximizing my sleep cycles.
I woke up in the middle of the night experiencing my throat drying. I drank water. I went back to sleeping thinking the worse which was getting sick. I thought about the possibilities causing my potential sickness. The possibilities were lack of sleep, the sickness in the air, co-workers, food I ate at White Elephant, and going to the gym feeling so-so. Fortunately, no sore throat.
My engineer assigned my first report. It was a simple one liner. I took my time. I listened to the Gregorian Chat at
I saw workers repairing the sewage line from yesterday's sewage problem walking back to my cubicle after lunch.
The third and last Xmas work gathering involved my contractor company. All of the contractors were invited to a cupcake social at 2pm. The event was disappointing. Low turnout. The atmosphere felt like nobody wanted to attend. I wanted to attend and stay the entire hour. I arrived ten minutes late. I managed to talk with three people. I met some kind of regional manager for the contractor company. Everyone started to leave at 2:30pm. Disappointing. I should have stayed.
I felt pessimistic after leaving my contractor's company gathering. All of the contractors I talked since my first day their contracts were extended. I don't see my contract being extended in the 1.5 months I worked. My assignments are heading to mind numbing stage. I innovate the procedures using my past experiences in Excel, Access, and MySQL. I'm creating more free time. I stay busy pacing myself already with the experience to complete some assignments in half the time. I can't think of new responsibilities my engineer and risk manager assign me. My risk manager gave me one assignment. My contract status can be extended with more training and learning for which I getting none of those recently.
On the other hand, some of the people who said their contracts were extended may be exaggerating. They may have similar work environments. They may be in my shoes. They say anything to stay busy.
All departments are different. The Operations Department employs two contractors. Other departments employ a higher percentage of contractors. One of the people I met at the contractor's company gathering his department employs mostly contractors. I think the operations department is new employing contractors. Obviously I work for 6 weeks. I need more investigating. In contrast, Cisco employs thousands of contractors for which Cisco has the experience relating to contractors.
Wed Dec 17: The easiest work day. Maybe the hardest work day trying to stay busy. I worked on a second report my engineer requested. I added a pie chart. I really took my time. such that I email the report tomorrow.
I was ashamed at myself not following the procedures I wrote in my note pad to add the RMAs in the SAP database. I skipped steps. I repeated mistakes. I wasted too much time with the assignment. I should have been more efficient. I spent too much time preparing the exporting and importing. I planned to rewrite the procedures eliminating steps and combining steps; for example, use more SQL.
The White Elephant pot luck list was created in the network folder. My name was missing. I felt sad I wasn't added on the list. I RSVP on the Outlook invite.
I stopped eating a bag of cookies a day. I'm going back to Belvita breakfast bars for my mid morning snack. I continue to eat a granola bar, too. I also stopped eating a hamburger to supplement my lunch on days I workout at the company gym.
I helped an employee enter the gym. He was issued a temporary badge because he forgot his photo badge. The gym was packed in the side room doing yoga.
Tue Dec 9: I found a new parking spot for my car. The new parking spot gives my car more shade in the afternoon.
The vice president of operations emailed the department roster. She revised three times because of mistakes in a span of 15 minutes.
I listened to KNBR at 3pm. I was dozing off. My brain was fatigued. I spent the entire day updating RMAs for a particular server. I should have taken more breaks. I should have paced myself.
I plan to take advantage more often my alternate route driving on El Camino Real going home. The traffic on the expressway was terrible. Coincidentally, driving on El Camino Real was required because I shopped at Macys.
Wed Dec 10: My engineer and I were in a meeting together. We reviewed my status. He answered my questions. He provided more training. He told me more information how the failure analysis process works. And he gave me an engineering lesson.
My brain was jelly after lunch. I lost concentration at 4:15pm. I became lazy. I felt like I was back in college studying for exams. There was nothing more I could study. I maximized my brain studying the concepts.
I worked out at the company's gym. The second workout I didn't eat a hamburger to supplement my lunch at home. I passed the test. I had plenty of energy to complete my workout. The first workout I didn't eat a hamburger was Mon Dec 8 which passed the test.
Thur Dec 11: The local news named the storm "The Storm Of The Past 5 Years". My commute was easy. More people worked from home. Some schools closed. The entire day rained.
I added my name to the White Elephant pot luck list. I bring egg rolls.
The CFO emailed the entire buildings all workers can go home early because of the storm affecting the roads and neighborhoods.
I reinforced the idea to pace myself updating entering RMAs in the database. Avoid burnout. Avoid brain fatigue.
I picked up my package in the shipping & receiving area for the first time. I walked back to my car in the rain to drop it off in the trunk. I made the choice to move my car closer to the front lobby because my current parking area started to flood. The choice was good because the rain continued in the night after my gym workout. My new parking space area didn't flood.
My stomach growled during the last 20 minutes of my workout. It appeared I didn't bring enough lunch. I managed to complete the workout. I ate the granola bar I didn't finish earlier in the day when I went back to my cubicle to take my laptop and belongings. And there were no clean towels at the end of my workout. I should leave an emergency gym towel in my trunk.
I drove home slow even though fewer cars were on the road. I took a detour driving on the freeway to the expressway because one of the exits was closed due to flooding.
Fri Dec 12: 14 minute morning commute. One red light. No traffic crawling.
I started writing the second draft on the RMA SAP data entry procedures on Word. I used the first draft written on my note pad as a guide.
Mon Dec 15: Light rained fell during my morning commute. The rain intensified as the day continued. The sewage plugged up at the front entrance. The entire workday was slow. I took my time. Too little work. Perhaps, I still completed my work too fast.
I drove to a fast food restaurant to purchase 24 egg rolls for the Operations Department White Elephant gift exchange during my lunch hour. Two other people went to the restaurant purchasing egg rolls and fried chicken wings.
Standard White Elephant rules applied. Draw a number. Pick a gift or steal a gift. Steal limit per gift was three. A common optional rule first person who picked could steal at the end was enabled. The vice president used a twist rule for which the last person could steal any gift including gifts stolen three times.
The best gag gift was a Sponge Bob Square Pants alarm clock. The stupid gifts which failed to be a gag gift included a talking parrot and a baconator. The most quantity and most stolen were Starbucks gift cards. The most thought gift was an empty fish tank, fish food, and a live fish. The giftor gave the giftee a cup with a live fish inside seconds after the worker unwrapped the gift. My gift was Smart Ass The Card Game I stole.
The gift exchange went smoothly. My behavior was satisfied analyzing my actions. I mingled with some people. I communicated seriously and sarcastically. The 60 people who participated in the gift exchange lasted 1.5 hours. Some of us went home after the exchange was over.
Tue Dec 16: App games are addicting. Last night was a typical example. I played games on my phone ending at 1am. App games are enemies on a weeknight. I used my sleep app to calculate optimum sleep setting my alarm clock to wake up maximizing my sleep cycles.
I woke up in the middle of the night experiencing my throat drying. I drank water. I went back to sleeping thinking the worse which was getting sick. I thought about the possibilities causing my potential sickness. The possibilities were lack of sleep, the sickness in the air, co-workers, food I ate at White Elephant, and going to the gym feeling so-so. Fortunately, no sore throat.
My engineer assigned my first report. It was a simple one liner. I took my time. I listened to the Gregorian Chat at
I saw workers repairing the sewage line from yesterday's sewage problem walking back to my cubicle after lunch.
The third and last Xmas work gathering involved my contractor company. All of the contractors were invited to a cupcake social at 2pm. The event was disappointing. Low turnout. The atmosphere felt like nobody wanted to attend. I wanted to attend and stay the entire hour. I arrived ten minutes late. I managed to talk with three people. I met some kind of regional manager for the contractor company. Everyone started to leave at 2:30pm. Disappointing. I should have stayed.
I felt pessimistic after leaving my contractor's company gathering. All of the contractors I talked since my first day their contracts were extended. I don't see my contract being extended in the 1.5 months I worked. My assignments are heading to mind numbing stage. I innovate the procedures using my past experiences in Excel, Access, and MySQL. I'm creating more free time. I stay busy pacing myself already with the experience to complete some assignments in half the time. I can't think of new responsibilities my engineer and risk manager assign me. My risk manager gave me one assignment. My contract status can be extended with more training and learning for which I getting none of those recently.
On the other hand, some of the people who said their contracts were extended may be exaggerating. They may have similar work environments. They may be in my shoes. They say anything to stay busy.
All departments are different. The Operations Department employs two contractors. Other departments employ a higher percentage of contractors. One of the people I met at the contractor's company gathering his department employs mostly contractors. I think the operations department is new employing contractors. Obviously I work for 6 weeks. I need more investigating. In contrast, Cisco employs thousands of contractors for which Cisco has the experience relating to contractors.
Wed Dec 17: The easiest work day. Maybe the hardest work day trying to stay busy. I worked on a second report my engineer requested. I added a pie chart. I really took my time. such that I email the report tomorrow.
Sunday, December 07, 2014
Go To Sleep
I'm speaking clearly. Go to sleep. Get rest. You feel much better after a restful sleep. Sleep is a body recovering your mind, body, soul, head to toes, inside you, and outside you. Forget the coffee. Forget the caffeine. Forget the energy drinks. Forget drugs. Wake up with your body naturally.
I have a better understanding sleep is important. I was tired one work day last week. I devoted more hours sleeping in the evening. The next work day I was a different person. Focused, attentive, and full of energy.
Some people ignore the importance of getting restful sleep. Long working hours. Too many commitments. The National Sleep Foundation reported 42% of Americans sleep less than the recommended hours. The negative consequences include weak social interactions, financial losses, and a dysfunctional human body.
The good night restful sleep long term benefits are common sense. Live longer, look younger, sharper brain, positive attitude, and physically stronger. I'm not a social expert. Everyone must spend less time simulated from smart phones, computers, televisions, and social media. The best therapy to some problems such as stress, depression, and fatigue is sleep. Sleep is a zero cost therapy.
Side note: Sleeping follows a pattern between deep sleep and rapid eye movement or REM. Use a sleep calculator to assist the best times to fall asleep. It's better to get quality sleep than quantity sleep if you can't sleep more than 6.5 hours a night. There are free sleep calculator apps.
I have a better understanding sleep is important. I was tired one work day last week. I devoted more hours sleeping in the evening. The next work day I was a different person. Focused, attentive, and full of energy.
Some people ignore the importance of getting restful sleep. Long working hours. Too many commitments. The National Sleep Foundation reported 42% of Americans sleep less than the recommended hours. The negative consequences include weak social interactions, financial losses, and a dysfunctional human body.
The good night restful sleep long term benefits are common sense. Live longer, look younger, sharper brain, positive attitude, and physically stronger. I'm not a social expert. Everyone must spend less time simulated from smart phones, computers, televisions, and social media. The best therapy to some problems such as stress, depression, and fatigue is sleep. Sleep is a zero cost therapy.
Side note: Sleeping follows a pattern between deep sleep and rapid eye movement or REM. Use a sleep calculator to assist the best times to fall asleep. It's better to get quality sleep than quantity sleep if you can't sleep more than 6.5 hours a night. There are free sleep calculator apps.
Saturday, December 06, 2014
Work Fri Dec 5, 2014
Mon Dec 1: It seemed some commuters were late to work after the Thanksgiving weekend. A car blocked my driver side mirror when I slowly moved forward continuously in the merging late of the expressway. I don't have a free entry path.
I felt tired during my first hours. The reason was my attitude. I wanted the weekend now. I needed more rest. I wanted to sleep. I didn't get the necessary rest during the holiday. The additional rest never happened. Some of the circumstances were beyond my control. Regardless, I must be professional. I started working on an assignment I started on my second week. My engineer told me to complete it.
I wore a single pair of socks with my dress casual shoes. I had been wearing two pairs of socks because my socks were thin. My feet felt more relaxed.
There were lots of cars in the parking lot when I walked back to my car. It seemed many full time employees arrived to work late.
Tue Dec 2: The rain arrived in the morning. It was the second day it rained during my commute. I used my umbrella from my car to my building. I dried my umbrella in my cubicle.
My engineer was sick. He worked from home. I continued the assignment I started yesterday.
I went out to lunch with a component engineer. We ate at a Chinese restaurant. Some of the conversations included our past careers, family, Thanksgiving, and the company.
I picked up a package at the front end. I purchased an item at Amazon a week before Black Friday. I used my company's mailing address to ship my package instead of my home address. I showed my badge to the front end staff. The staffer found my package from the stack. I walked to my car to drop off my package in my trunk.
Wed Dec 3: My engineer was sick again. He worked from home.
I took a 30 minute lunch because I arrived to work at 8:30am. The week had been little productivity. However, the time went by fast. I completed 50% of the assignment I started Mon.
There was a Happy Hour Decorate The Floor Christmas party for the Operations Department. There were snacks, crackers, cookies, and wine. I wanted to mingle with people to get to know everyone better. It never happened. I felt lost. I felt nobody wanted to get to know me. I felt intimidated. Thank goodness there was a making your own Christmas stocking in a meeting room. I made a stocking using paint to draw my name and draw a snowman.
I participated in past Christmas parties in a workplace. I expected my company to be different where everyone socialized. It never happened. The outcome was the same in past parties. Some people participated. Some people partially participated. Some people didn't care. The most active people were the ones near the senior manager and vice president's offices. It was the wine doing all the talking.
The floor was warm. I sweated throughout the afternoon including the party. I took off my long sleeve shirt.
Thur Dec 4: My engineer was sick again.
I checked the thermostat when I arrived at work because of yesterday's warm air. I lowered the thermostat from 72 degrees to 70 degrees.
I asked the component engineer questions on the supply database. He gave me tips reading some of codes. Very useful information.
I went to the company gym after work.
Fri Dec 5: My engineer worked from home continuing his recovery.
I donated $10 to the Second Harvest Food Bank. The company collected donations from all the workers.
I completed my assignment I started Mon. I had free time 45 minutes before the end of my work day. I checked my personal emails.
A company email was sent to the full time workers. The email told them to leave work before 4pm because there was a major sporting event nearby. Security monitored the parking lots. One of the exits was closed. I was informed of the company email from a full time co-worker.
I went to the company gym after work. I small talked with a worker who went to the lab to continue working in the elevator going down. He said working late Fri is better than waiting in line for bread.
I felt tired during my first hours. The reason was my attitude. I wanted the weekend now. I needed more rest. I wanted to sleep. I didn't get the necessary rest during the holiday. The additional rest never happened. Some of the circumstances were beyond my control. Regardless, I must be professional. I started working on an assignment I started on my second week. My engineer told me to complete it.
I wore a single pair of socks with my dress casual shoes. I had been wearing two pairs of socks because my socks were thin. My feet felt more relaxed.
There were lots of cars in the parking lot when I walked back to my car. It seemed many full time employees arrived to work late.
Tue Dec 2: The rain arrived in the morning. It was the second day it rained during my commute. I used my umbrella from my car to my building. I dried my umbrella in my cubicle.
My engineer was sick. He worked from home. I continued the assignment I started yesterday.
I went out to lunch with a component engineer. We ate at a Chinese restaurant. Some of the conversations included our past careers, family, Thanksgiving, and the company.
I picked up a package at the front end. I purchased an item at Amazon a week before Black Friday. I used my company's mailing address to ship my package instead of my home address. I showed my badge to the front end staff. The staffer found my package from the stack. I walked to my car to drop off my package in my trunk.
Wed Dec 3: My engineer was sick again. He worked from home.
I took a 30 minute lunch because I arrived to work at 8:30am. The week had been little productivity. However, the time went by fast. I completed 50% of the assignment I started Mon.
There was a Happy Hour Decorate The Floor Christmas party for the Operations Department. There were snacks, crackers, cookies, and wine. I wanted to mingle with people to get to know everyone better. It never happened. I felt lost. I felt nobody wanted to get to know me. I felt intimidated. Thank goodness there was a making your own Christmas stocking in a meeting room. I made a stocking using paint to draw my name and draw a snowman.
I participated in past Christmas parties in a workplace. I expected my company to be different where everyone socialized. It never happened. The outcome was the same in past parties. Some people participated. Some people partially participated. Some people didn't care. The most active people were the ones near the senior manager and vice president's offices. It was the wine doing all the talking.
The floor was warm. I sweated throughout the afternoon including the party. I took off my long sleeve shirt.
Thur Dec 4: My engineer was sick again.
I checked the thermostat when I arrived at work because of yesterday's warm air. I lowered the thermostat from 72 degrees to 70 degrees.
I asked the component engineer questions on the supply database. He gave me tips reading some of codes. Very useful information.
I went to the company gym after work.
Fri Dec 5: My engineer worked from home continuing his recovery.
I donated $10 to the Second Harvest Food Bank. The company collected donations from all the workers.
I completed my assignment I started Mon. I had free time 45 minutes before the end of my work day. I checked my personal emails.
A company email was sent to the full time workers. The email told them to leave work before 4pm because there was a major sporting event nearby. Security monitored the parking lots. One of the exits was closed. I was informed of the company email from a full time co-worker.
I went to the company gym after work. I small talked with a worker who went to the lab to continue working in the elevator going down. He said working late Fri is better than waiting in line for bread.
Meet People,
Monday, December 01, 2014
Black Friday 2014
My Black Friday was calm. I shopped at three stores after 10:30am. No crowds. The first store was Orchard Supply Hardware. I purchased a three LED flashlight set with the Orchard Supply Hardware label for $9.99. Orchard paid for the sales tax. The second store was CVS. I used the 30% off coupon to purchase bare necessities. They were body wash, after shave lotion, body sponge, and Icy Hot for the home first aid kit. The third store was Target. I purchased The Hunger Games: Catching Fire for $9.00 and Gravity for $4.00 both on Blu-Ray. There was a line at Target which moved fast. The line was not long relatively speaking. I noticed there were directional line markings on the floor. The line wrapped around multiple aisles earlier.
My dad purchased a Chromecast for me at Costco. Almost all stores sold the Chromecast for $25.00. I paid him back.
No online shopping for me. If I didn't buy The Hunger Games: Catching Fire at Target, then I shop for movies at Amazon. I don't plan on shopping on Cyber Monday.
My dad purchased a Chromecast for me at Costco. Almost all stores sold the Chromecast for $25.00. I paid him back.
No online shopping for me. If I didn't buy The Hunger Games: Catching Fire at Target, then I shop for movies at Amazon. I don't plan on shopping on Cyber Monday.
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